ill be back
By noseypotter
astaller vista baby . well since being in the nut house about a year ago ive been doing nothing till now but getting better with a great shrink who told me it would take about ten months and it basicly did . in my moment of madness or physcotic moment or break down what ever youd like to call it I destroyed my pond nearly ruined my fish tank and kicked my lovley dogs out . all of which didn’t help a house that needed redecorating anyway . also my quarter circle concrete garden seet got undermind bye moles and is ruined . everything got on top of me and I didn’t care for ages . im now back with a vengeance . yippee . I realy appreciate all the people who were obviously very concerned and missed me . thank you so much I realy am sorry but I didn’t mean it honestly . my mum and sisters etc got the same treatmend and my friends . I didn’t think id smile again and I was just egsisting not living . just wating to die if you will . again sorry and I mean that most sincerely (excuse my spelling lol ) some things never change and sometimes they shouldn’t . i havnt done any sculpture up until now or touched pencil to paper up until now or done anything to my garden which i have started . unfortunately ive written answers to all i think of the people who messaged me but the answers may well be out of context after all this time . sorry about that and i hope you are all well and understand . what ive done now is dump the old pond liner that i never liked realy anyway because of the wrinkles . ive painted my white planter black and all the masonary in the garden to make it uniform . ive renderd the breeze blocks flat inside the pond . didn’t need to as the fibre glass would of gone strate over the blocks as they are . i thaught thow while im doing it right then ill get it properly right . im going to have the base cemented and reinforced too match nice and flat . i have some black wood stane for any wood which im going to do today maybe if not soon anyway . also ive got to finish some more masonary and build another concret wall with glass in it near the house wear the wall to my lean to room was. now to become a lean too shelter open too the elements with a sugar skull mosaic on the floor made of old tiles cut into little squares . ive had all the ivy that’s been a bug bear for years pulled of the front of the house and tidied the front garden up . the ivy was going into the tiles on the roof . there is some ivy that couldn’t be got out very easily and behind it . ive poured 6 kilos of salt either side of this ivy and on the roof behind it . when mother nature kicks in and it rains the salt will dissolve slowly and kill whats left if it isn’t dead already . i hav e taken some pictures including the hguge pile of ivy that was pulled off and all the painting etc ive done up until now . ive broken down the quarter circle seat and im going to replace it either with a natural raised pond with plants and know fish or maybe the odd goldfish . if not the shape offers itself well to a giant sculpture of a snail . ive found somewear hopefully that i can do pottery and sculpture with a sand pit etc for moulding on a lovley farm . the best bit of news is i wonderd what to do with some of my tiger prints i have . i thaught the other day tiger sanctuary perhaps . i expected to be sending them to india or Russia perhaps . ow know theres a big cat rescue in kent about a 120 miles away with over 50 big cats .i rang up not very hopefull but the lady on the other end said send her some pictures of my art etc which i did . ive written to variopus dog rescues and others and they didn’t even have the decansy to write back . i also went to Colchester zoo a few years ago and fell in love with the orang-utan male . got home rang up and said id like to draw him for charity .the lady on the other end of the phone was very ecsited about the idea and proceeded to tell me the orangs are getting a new better inclosier and how they could do an auction or raffle for the big opening day . sounded good to me . anyway i kept sending her updates of the picture as it progressed and she loved it from start to finish . when id payed to frame it and taken ages to draw it and in plenty of time for the big opening it was time to deliver it to her . well when one of the staff sent me too her office and she set eyes on me her whole demeaner changed and she fobbed me of with my tail between my legs .i kept trying to get hold of this lady up until and way past the grand opening . in the end i just went and picked it up coverd in dust and cobwebs . i can only summies she didn’t like the look of me or my tattoos which i wouldn’t of thaught was relevant . anyway the letter i sent to the wildlife heritage foundation included this story and pictures of me and my tattoos on my head and body just incase . i also sent my web site and utube name ie noseypotter .i also put in a jaguar picture i drew from start to finish and gave to my good friend skillen . i thought i don’t want to waste time again . the lady loved my work and couldn’t care less about my tattoos as she said its the animals that matter . she cant wate too see me and chat over endless ideas i can sculpt and or draw for her including over 50 big cats . she has sent me a few pictures of her own big cats so she can see how much it looks like her actual big cats as aposed to a drawing of a big cat she doesn’t know . she wanted to meet me on the 9th of june but i said with the framing and time to draw it i didn’t want to rush my work . not to mention i poured about £800 worth of water soluble pencils in the pond while i wasn’t quit right . ive been and baught £277 pounds worth of pencils,pastels and a few other bits and am going to draw one of her cats for july the 7th instead .her name is lainey and the place is at headcorn rd smarsden ashford kent . im about to start it nowish and cant weight to go . you can even go in with the leopard there . id like to earn a living if possible but that’s not my mane aim . i get to draw animals i love and help tigers ,lions and other big cats and just maybe get a name for myself and enjoy life . im a realy happy bunny and wish you all the best and its great to be back . it will take a while to find my feet but ill be back baby lol . i will update the photos when i get it sussed i prommis . i would put the name of the web site of the sanctuary but its not allowed on here . take care everybody . ps its a damn shame that a shallow snob of a woman at Colchester zoo stood between actualy helping her animals that shes apparently trying to save and the art that could or would of helped her and i would of drawn all there animals after that as im going to now all on the strength of what i look like . just because she is a snob too . just goes to prove you should never judge a book bye its cover . anyway take care bye for now . im sure your ALL glad im back lol xxxx .
18 May, 2014
Previous post: mentle break down
Next post: more pictures to go with my other blog
I'm so glad you're back Noseypotter, and that you're feeling so much better. Your art is WONDERFUL, and it's great that you've found someone who wants it to help the animals. Keep on with the good work, and good luck with restoring your garden to how you want it . . . love the sound of the mosaic :)
18 May, 2014
What a lovely blog, Leigh - so full of new plans and exciting things. Your pictures are fabulous - I'm sure everyone is delighted with them. I am very happy to hear you are better and pleased to be back. You will be welcomed by so many people here :-))
I am glad you have solved your ivy problem - I have often thought about it. I have recently got rid of a lot of ivy from my back garden walls, but they are only 4 foot high, and I could pull it off quite easily. I did think about you, though!
18 May, 2014
Good to see you back NP and that your feeling so much better. Your art is amazing, it's really touching and so great of you to want to use it to help animals. I won't post what I think of that woman who gave you the cold shoulder - it's not very polite. Hope everything goes well with the big cats place.
I hope you enjoy yourself restoring (and perhaps redesigning?) your lovely garden, I'm looking forward to seeing it.
18 May, 2014
You sound so well and happy , Nosey !
Pleased that you feel so much better , good to hear .
You are going to be busy with your art ; you really have a gift !
Best Wishes and stay well . :o))))))
18 May, 2014
Yes, agree with all of the above! Your orangutan paintings in particular are just pure beautiful! :)) Love that you are back! Stay well if you possibly can, and enjoy the summer in your (newly refurbed) garden! :)) Welcome back NP!
18 May, 2014
Its wonderful to hear you sounding so positive after all you've been through. The woman in Colchester seems to be just plain ignorant and its her loss. Your animal pictures are amazing and it would be great if you are able to turn a hobby into a good wage earner, you certainly deserve it. I never knew giraffes have blue tongues!
Like Melchi I've sometimes wondered about your ivy - let's hope you've really done for it this time.
You'll have realised by now how glad we all are to have you back again.
18 May, 2014
im sorted and stronger than ever . I have know vices any more at all . of course ill keep you up to date with my garden and my art or I wouldn't be me lol . its nice to feel wanted for whatever reasen and I am so happy you have been so welcoming . lucky my spelling has picked up NOT lol . ive been painting all day . black maisonary, hammerite and black wood stain . the green plants stand out beautifully against it . I don't realy want for anything so helping big cats while drawing is to me like winning the lottery . if I do earn a good living out of it then that's the cherry on the cake . it will just help me to do even more art as I can afford more cement,sand and a laberer like I payed to take down the ivy completely . luckily there were know eggs or baby birds in it like there usualy is . it had to go as it was going under the roof tiles . ill be starting the leopard tomorrow as ive run out of paint and got to save up money for the cement base, more paint and ofcourse the £300 or so for the fibre glass ow and the fish lol . again I feel quit touched bye your caring for me and have missed being me especialy for so long but when your right at the bottom the only way is up baby lol . take care everyone and watch this space xx .
18 May, 2014
Hi Leigh,lovely to see you back among friends again..and what plans you have for your garden etc..but even better that you are looking forward to revamping it..and you sound as though you have been very busy already !
so glad you are feeling much better now,but sad you lost your lovely dogs ..
Thanks for showing your beautiful paintings again,I would never tire of looking at have a wonderful talent..pity the Colchester snob couldn't see past your personal art ! Lol..keep well and happy .x
18 May, 2014
over the moon to get your pm NP and it made sense.
so glad you are feeling on the up. My eldest girl was showing your picture to her boyfriend a few months ago and he likes your tattoos. Like you he is also tattooed and he is a tattooist. He often gets the odd look too.
Your art work inspired my eldest when she was getting ready for uni.
will look forward to seeing how your garden grows. :o)
18 May, 2014
don't worry bloomer I got all my dog family back . I would of been devastated to lose them for good . Colchester zoos loss is the big cat sanctuaries gain . just a pitty the lovley orang-utan has to miss out . that woman doesn't deserve that job but you reep what you sew . perhaps ill get realy famous for big cats and she will kick herself and eat a large portion of the old humble pie lol . glad I have inspired your daughter seaburn and its nice to be back with friends and feel the most positive that I have felt in a hell of a long time . thank you so much my friends x .
18 May, 2014
We crossed there,Leigh,and I'm happy you got all your other dogs back..I didn't realise that,till I read your comment ,after I posted you say,life is good again for you,and well deserved..keep smiling :o) x
18 May, 2014
You have had a bad time of it. You have been missed on GOY Leigh. You sound so positive and I have enjoyed reading all your plans - it will be good for you to have something to work on.
Good luck with all your plans - it's onwards and upwards from here me thinks xx
18 May, 2014
Its great to hear from you again. Must have been a tough time for you. Good luck and so glad your dogs are home again.
19 May, 2014
So pleased to have you back with us Leigh, I've missed you, your art and your dogs.......
19 May, 2014
Do you know NP, I think your spelling has improved. Don't overdo it or we won't know who you are.
19 May, 2014
Glad you're back and feeling so much bnetter now, NP. Sounds like you have lots of plans to keep you busy. Your pictures are fantastic, you catch the expressions beautifully. Looking forward to your updates, whether its garden, pond, ivy or paintings :)
19 May, 2014
So pleased you have your dogs back with you, I didn't like to ask but was hoping.....
19 May, 2014
Can't keep a good man down. Great you're back. Look forward to seeing more of your fabulous art NP. Remind me not to visit Colchester zoo, the woman doesn't know what she's missed.
19 May, 2014
Really glad you are back and a happy bunny again, love your art you are bound to make a name for yourself with those fabulous animal pictures good on you Leigh all the very best to you in your venture X
19 May, 2014
thank you so much everyone . id still go to Colchester as its not the animals fault and luckily the woman is head ofg department so you don't have to see her lol thow a cage sounds like a good place for her all things considerd lol . youl never forget me sterogram lol x x .
20 May, 2014
It's good to see you back Leigh and to see my Elly pic in your photos it looks better on my wall ..LOL ... I'm glad you are making plans as to what you are going to do next I don't think you realize just how talented you are . Xx
20 May, 2014
behave amy lol it would look much better on my wall lol xx .
20 May, 2014
Hi Leigh. So glad you got your dogs back - I was worried about them. Your artwork is inspirational, just wonderful. I really hope you stay well. Two of my children have suffered psychotic episodes and been in psychiatric care during the last 7 months so I can empathise with what you've been through. My daughter is doing well now, but my son is still struggling somewhat. Bless you for being honest about your experiences. Nobody knows when mental illness may strike - until it does, but please don't talk about the Nut House; that breaks my heart.
20 May, 2014
I don't mean any disrespect bye saying nut house honest as I was a nut at the time . I just cant come close to writing the proper name of it because im dyslexic . honesty will set you free . don't worry its hard but be positive Tuesday x .
20 May, 2014
:0)) X
21 May, 2014
21 May, 2014
Your very talented :-)
21 May, 2014
WELCOME BACK NOSEY, we all missed you whilst you were away, I am so glad that you are back with positive thoughts and your garden will be amazing, cannot wait to see updates and photos. Love your paintings (silly Colchester zoo lady) as you say her loss is another ones gain. Keep up the good work, it's so nice to have you back again. xxx
21 May, 2014
thank you so much xx .
21 May, 2014
Thanks for being honest about your health - it's something that happens to a lot of people, and nothing to be ashamed of - sorry it was you as well. :-((
Welcome back from me, too - and who cares about your spelling, as long as we understand what you're saying! x
23 May, 2014
thank you spritz nice to be back .
23 May, 2014
Glad that you are on the mend there, look forward to seeing more of your garden
24 May, 2014
cool watch this space lol xx .
24 May, 2014
I'm so glad you're on the mend now Nosey and full of plans. It's looking forward to something that can help through the not so good days. Sorry about your pug, so young. Once a breed becomes popular, people breed them just for money and don't care about congenital defects. Love your paintings, especially the orangutan and of course yours and your dog photos:-)
24 May, 2014
thank you so much bornagain its about time people started caring x .
24 May, 2014
Recent posts by noseypotter
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I have given you a like for the great pics also its so good to hear from you and know you are on the upwards track Np, so very sorry to hear the sad news about your boys, its hard to lose our beloved pets at any time so I can fully understand how it must have added to your feelings, it seems you are well busy at the moment and will be interesting to follow your blogs and watch it all coming together. As to the person you have mentioned, I can only say its her loss , it takes all sorts Np and some simply cannot see beyond the cover.
Welcome back Nosey and you take care, xx.
18 May, 2014