Floristry Piccies...
By petaltracey
I’m feeling very glum this afternoon – I think it’s the weather today. It’s such a cold and wet Sunday afternoon in the garden of England… I’m well behind posting any of my pictures taken at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show last month, so I thought I’d cheer myself up and relive a small part of the day! ;o)
As you probably are all aware I’m into the floristry side of the show… Thought you’d like to see a few of my piccies that I took of the exhibits.
Anyone for Tea? Just love the china Tea Pot and Cup…;o)
Who would like a Jammy Dodger or two…???! ;o)
Or what about a Cupcake…? :o)
Thanks for taking the time to have a look at these pic’s –
After seeing all those Jammy Dodgers I think I’ll stop here, and make myself a decent mug of filter coffee and have a choccie biscuit or two or three or four…! ;o)
14 Jun, 2015
Previous post: Somewhere Over The Rainbow...
Possibly Arbuthnot...!;o) However, I hate tea - I'm more of a coffee lady!!! :D
14 Jun, 2015
Great pictures
14 Jun, 2015
You really piqued my interest with the jammy dodgers. I must explore.
14 Jun, 2015
Those cup cakes are wonderful!
In fact the whole exhibit is gorgeous and so cleverly done.
I hope tomorrow is a nicer day where you are, good enough to lift your spirits! :-)
14 Jun, 2015
Thank you everyone. This was a wonderful exhibit - I'm not sure if it received coverage on the TV programme, but I really enjoyed it... ;o)
The sun has had his hat off here, this afternoon and I'm feeling much brighter...! lol :o)
Paul - The original Jammy Dodgers are a circular biscuit with red jam spread over the base, then sandwiched together with a biscuit top that has a small hole for you to see the jam! The type illustrated has a vanilla cream filling with a blob of thick strawberry or raspberry jam in the middle, before being sandwiched with the biscuit top... This type was always one of my favourites as a child... :o) Although I think the floral version is brilliant, on the whole I think the edible version are far more preferable! ;o)
15 Jun, 2015
Well Tracey.....I think tea is in order after looking at your great photos........and perhaps a choccie biscuit.
15 Jun, 2015
Thank you Linda! Enjoy your cuppa - choccie biccies are my favourites too! :o)
15 Jun, 2015
Interesting photos :)
I hope you enjoyed your coffee and biscuits ...
15 Jun, 2015
15 Jun, 2015
Lovely pictures of the clever floral displays, I didn't see those on TV so thank you for sharing, and glad the weather has picked up for you :o)
15 Jun, 2015
Sounds delightful Tracey
16 Jun, 2015
Glad you enjoyed these pictures - I took so many of the gardens but just didn't know where to start... The TV programme can go on a bit... but it does tend to miss some really interesting exhibits! I like watching the programme to see what I've missed - But unfortunately, it doesn't work like that does it?!
16 Jun, 2015
Thanks Julia...;o) I didn't see this exhibit on the TV either! Hope you had an enjoyable holiday...:o)
22 Jun, 2015
Oh dear me! I've had plenty of cottage holidays like that! ;o)
24 Jun, 2015
I mean, really? It is amazing what some people can think of and then actually do. What fun!
18 Dec, 2016
Recent posts by petaltracey
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- Floral Designs
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- Tree Peony - Charming Garden
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I assume the tea pot is filled with green tea?
14 Jun, 2015