Our New Celebrity Neighbours...
By petaltracey
Every three or four years, the farmer who owns the huge field opposite our house, plants fodder beet. The leaves have usually grown enough by Christmas time, for the farmer to put sheep in the field.
He sections the field off, and manages to keep the sheep from wandering into the lane using an electric fence. Once they’ve cleared a section of all the greenery, he allows them into the next section. As you can guess it doesn’t take long at all, for them to strip the section…
Last night to our astonishment they were on the TV! The Farmer was being interviewed regarding the local flooding… and he was explaining he couldn’t move them on into pasture fields, due to the flooding. But he’d now been able to make room for them all in his barns :o) They were opposite the house early this morning, but I noticed they had gone a little later, hopefully they had been taken into the Barn before the awful weather we had later this morning. Will miss our Celebrity Sheep baa-ing in the mornings… But they have done their job eaten all the fodder beet and fertilized the ground for the next crop….
11 Feb, 2014
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what a wonderful pictures! especially the sheeps!
12 Feb, 2014
Well done Snoop, they are probably in lamb.......wonder if you will see the lambs Petal?
12 Feb, 2014
Hi Tracey ..
Fascinating ...
Ewe could be famous ;o)
12 Feb, 2014
They are earning their keep as well as feeding then, hoping they are somewhere safe and so hoping the same for you and your family Petal and all your neighbours......
12 Feb, 2014
Hi All! Thankfully, I think the sheep are all safely tucked up in the barn... Haven't seen any sign of them today. Before Christmas OH and I thought there were at least 200 sheep out there, and they were all different breeds. The field, (which my OH reckons to be about 300 acres - so quite big!) is now completely bare! No fodder beet and no sheep! We both thought the sheep were pregnant Ewes, they seemed to have swollen sides... or maybe they just over indulged! LOL! I've a friend who lives in a cottage on the farm, so she may hear the bleats of the lambs... sometime soon:o)
Although I will miss seeing them, I'm glad they've been taken away, as I tend to worry about them and today has been just absolutely awful, as I'm sure it has, where ever you all may live... :o(
12 Feb, 2014
That s great they ve been taken for cover, perhaps it might be their winter coat but I do think they are having babies for the spring poor things in this weather, as quiet a few lambs don't make it in the best of weathers. Yes gales and rain and cold here today I clipped my hat of my coat up leaft the door down the slope the wind blew unclipping my hat and blew my hat off my head good job it was attached to my coat lol.
12 Feb, 2014
Yes the wind and rain has been quite servere here today 3d. Glad your hat didn't get blown away! ;o)
12 Feb, 2014
lol I nearly did though lol.
12 Feb, 2014
I hope they enjoyed their feed, and are now safely in the barn.
I also hope you are not suffering from floods.
15 Feb, 2014
Hywel, I've found out that they are now in the barn at the farm - for lambing :o))) Apparently one Ewe did have her lamb almost outside our house... and I missed it! Glad they are safe in the barn :o) We aren't suffering from the floods actually here at home, apart from a couple of the Lanes being flooded. However, some of the villages and Canterbury its self has got servere flooding in places :( BUT nothing here is as bad as Cornwall or the Somerset levels :(((
16 Feb, 2014
Glad you're all right (and the sheep too)
17 Feb, 2014
Thanks Hywel, and what about you, in Welsh Wales...? :o))) Have you had the gales, that hit the North, last week?
17 Feb, 2014
Those sheep will be glad to be inside to have their young. There are still some in the fields here, huddled on the dry bits of field while the swans enjoy the watery bits!
17 Feb, 2014
Hi Petaltracey. We've had terrible gales in Wales (lol that rhymes !) and lots of devastation especially along the west coast with people evacuated etc.
Around here it's not too bad. A 'thing' blew off the side of my roof (don't know what it's called - sort of flashing) and the chap put it back free of charge :o)
18 Feb, 2014
I'm pleased they are inside now too, Gee. The farmer took away the electric fence at the beginning of this week. I daresay he'll be waiting for better conditions before he'll be out there to plough... I'm wondering when we'll see the sheep and lambs in the fields this year... It'll be something to look forward to!:o)))
20 Feb, 2014
Hywel, isn't it nice to know that there are some good people around, who won't take you for a ride and charge the earth? I'm sure you'll be happy to ask your "chap" to do other work if necessary, and also recommend him to others too :o) Word of mouth is the best recommendation you can get! :o)
20 Feb, 2014
I got him by word of mouth. He gets all his work that way.
20 Feb, 2014
:O))) That's how I get all my floristry work!
21 Feb, 2014
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Wonderful photos looks a lovely place, so glad the sheep got the cover they need from the floods, nice to have celebrity sheep too :o))
11 Feb, 2014