First Class Accommodation
By Deida51

4 Oct, 2009
Bah,bah.....this is own room with a seaview
Comments on this photo
He he I agree and funny too so cute though
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks TT and Morgana....could'nt resist taking this photo.quite it
my latest desktop pic
4 Oct, 2009
At least you will alway s feel you have company with that as your desk top picture.
4 Oct, 2009
lol isnt he cute, great pic deida
4 Oct, 2009
Oh bless, is he eating his way out?
4 Oct, 2009
true Morgana watching me ,watching bah bah white sheep
thanks Sandra
4 Oct, 2009
No Gee ..this is an old barn full of nooks and crannies
4 Oct, 2009
Great photo Deida, love it....
4 Oct, 2009
Well done Dieda....... Did EWE take the photo yourself????
4 Oct, 2009
Fabulous pic Deida.
4 Oct, 2009
watch it Paul.........
4 Oct, 2009
Thanks Janette and Toto
4 Oct, 2009
Brilliant photo Deida.....
4 Oct, 2009
I've just added to my favourites.
4 Oct, 2009
No Paul I was trying to pull the wool over your eyes
4 Oct, 2009
aw...thanks Toto
4 Oct, 2009
Just because your trying to ram home your respective points of view. The rest of us don't want to hear your bleating.
4 Oct, 2009
Toto. I just came across your comment out of context in 'browse members latest comments' and was so shocked!!! I thought a row was breaking out on our normally so polite GoY!! LOL What a relief :o))
Great pic and captions.
4 Oct, 2009
Definitely no rows Lily. I love both the pic and the banter. One of the things I love about GOY is the ability of the members to have a good laugh without taking offence or getting nasty. If that changed I would no longer be involved.
5 Oct, 2009
I couldn't agree more Toto, from what I hear a lot of sites can be very 'nasty'. That's why I couldn't believe my eyes! LOL
5 Oct, 2009
lol I like that - a great pic :o)
5 Oct, 2009
Lol Lily and Toto Deida just wanted a bigger ram for her pc, did nt you Deida lol
5 Oct, 2009
You were trying to pull the wool over my eyes Deida?I suppose it could have been worse, you could have called me a Knit!!!!
5 Oct, 2009
Now you see what I mean don't you. It doesn't get any better. Just goes from bad to worse!
5 Oct, 2009
It was only by "Shear" luck that I got this photo ..Boom--Boom
5 Oct, 2009
Oh no! and I really did think that it couldn't get any worse.
5 Oct, 2009
Thanks for all your nice and witty comments
5 Oct, 2009
What a contented expression she has Deida............very therapeutic!! I can just see her in there...needles clacking....woolly jumper growing..Lol!
5 Oct, 2009
lol , Thanks Janey
5 Oct, 2009
Terrific photo Deida!
6 Oct, 2009
Standing on a straw type floor
A sheep did creep and peep
Out from a hole gnawed in a door
It's bright eye then did weep.
It wanted fresh green fields to wander
fields of green to leap
and jump and skip and lie and ponder
curl and dream in sleep.
6 Oct, 2009
Thanks Tracey
Oh Lindak what a lovely surprise.. brilliant poem.....thank you so much
6 Oct, 2009
Smashing verse Linda!!
6 Oct, 2009
Wonderful picture Deida, hope some one let him out to play! Also enjoyed some of the witty comments and some I found rather WOOLY.
Loved your poem too Linda!
6 Oct, 2009
It's nice to share a bit of poetry now and again. Thanks anyway.
6 Oct, 2009
don't worry PP it is her choice to stay in the pen..not the best of weather when I took this
6 Oct, 2009
My goats used to have a little pen to go into when the weather was bad.
7 Oct, 2009
Yes I know Linda ,seen your pic with the two kids.lovely
7 Oct, 2009
Baaaaavellous photograph, Deida!
10 Oct, 2009
Thanks Bscott
10 Oct, 2009
How did I miss this brilliant shot ? Gone onto favourites !
27 Oct, 2009
Thank you BB..
28 Oct, 2009
LOL...lips and nose to die shot Deida
3 Dec, 2009
this is my fav.pic
3 Dec, 2009
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Wonderful pic.and caption, Deida :o)
4 Oct, 2009