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Pond for Sanbaz

Pond for Sanbaz

Hope this gives an over all impression Sandra .

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Its one large pond divided in two so water cascades from one pool to the other and pumped back to top cascade.

22 Nov, 2009


That is so gorgeous looks so natural Sandra will love it I 'm sure.

22 Nov, 2009


Lovely shot, I cam imagine sitting on the grass.

22 Nov, 2009


Never get tired of seeing your pond Bonkers it's great and I'm sure it is just one of the features which helps to attract all that wonderful wildlife to your garden.

22 Nov, 2009


Thanks Morgana and Tog ..sorry poor Sandra asked a question on a pond photo I submitted last year as I was building then spent ages trying to trawl through old photos as we were chatting about it on several old pics and I was getting lost .. doesnt take much to confuse me these days ..oops sorry Toto submitted at same time as your comment .

Hope explanation makes some sense.

22 Nov, 2009


Ray - the pond looks absolutely fantastic and soooo natural, no wonder the wildlife flocks to it.

22 Nov, 2009


You have just stated in your own words and confessed to having a craft moment as Marie and Sue are right then about men having a craft moment he he ha ha.

22 Nov, 2009


I remember the pics of the ducks that you posted, BB.... I was impressed at your dedication to making your pond as "natural" as possible... from personal trial and error with pond projects, I appreciate the time and effort it takes. Looks like all that work paid off in spades! lol.

22 Nov, 2009


Thanks Dawn see you ve been busy in your garden too ..ah yes Morgana but dont tell Jane will you I like being crafty bet I get found out though ...I never intended a pond this big someone had demolished an outhouse and buried it all the edging stones were dug up !

Thanks Lori praise indeed when looking at the lovely pond you created.The bullrushes went crazy and someone gave us spearwort - water buttercup what a monster ..

22 Nov, 2009


hi ray im here, friend been on phone ages exchanging pain symptoms lol
the pond is wonderfull, i love the rock formation and how it all blends in so naturally in your garden, must have took a while to plan it all and make :o))

22 Nov, 2009


Oooh that sounds painful Sandra ..obviously rule one is Baz must do the digging though have to say so impressed with digging Sandra in Midlands did .
Id have supplied a few Stellas for her if she d dug this lot out ..

The site and what I found underneath dictated size and shape so long as you use pegs and a spirit level possible to adjust as you go so long as shape not too complicated .

22 Nov, 2009


i was amazed at the digging sandra did , think i would have been lade out in that trench lol
i like the water fall you have created which must help to keep the water clear to ray, is that hard to set that up,
im hoping baz will dig or my son joe for extra pocket money of course ,
lots of rocks on yours to, did you have to buy all those or was you lucky enough to have them already

22 Nov, 2009


Lucky enough to have them Sandra cant imagine how much all these would cost as they go down to pond bottom in order to construct wall sides .

Had to fill pond first then lay stones on liner as water needed to stretch liner into place first.Mind it is possible to use plants to soften effect.

Sid used a water cistern then softened all the edges with clever planting ..a new take on a bog garden .

22 Nov, 2009


Really beautiful BB :~)

22 Nov, 2009


yes i saw sids bog garden, great idea im thinking of pebbles ray to go round the edge and some going down into water as an escape slope for wildlife, a few shrubs at the back fence and smaller plants close to the pond, i have a picture in my head so hope i can put it into real life, i wasnt going to have a pump but now im not sure, ive read its not needed unless you have fish which i wont be having, so plant life should keep it from going stagnent, thats what worries me, dont want a smelly pong lol

22 Nov, 2009


Thanks Sue ..well depends what you want Sandra we dont have fish either but just wanted some movement the sound of flowing water.

If you prefer a still pond then youre right oxygenating plants will keep it clear.

22 Nov, 2009


thanx ray, i do like movement so will maybe have a small pump and fountain if i can get round baz lol

23 Nov, 2009


Just Love your pond Ray it is so natural looking looks like its been there for ever and wow can just imagine all that wildlife.

23 Nov, 2009


The pond is wonderful! And looks so natural!

23 Nov, 2009


I like it BB ,looks so natural..not surprised that you are getting so many birds and insects in your garden..

23 Nov, 2009


Thank you for kind comments ..yes sometimes think I ve just made a giant birdbath . Even woodpeckers and pheasants come to drink from it which of course we love as only a few yards from house.

Considered a fountain Sandra but wanted water lilies as you probably know the flowers close up when it rains and fountains mimic this effect on them.

23 Nov, 2009


oh right glad you told me as i didnt know that ray,, doh have to rethink now lol

23 Nov, 2009


Wow Bonkers...., it looks as if it's always been there. Very impressive !

24 Nov, 2009


Just lovely BB..........

24 Nov, 2009


Hi Flower now if I d known you were going on a keep fit regime you could have dug this out for me ..probably wouldnt have charged you subscription fee either.Hope you not been embarrassing Brandon too much ..though know it might appeal to you ..

Thanks PG .

24 Nov, 2009


Love your pond BB, i dont have water lillies in my as i was told lillies dont like moving water and i have a fountain in mine....

25 Nov, 2009


Looks great BB...really the birds love this!....:o)

25 Nov, 2009


Thanks Clarice ..yes youre right fountains spray water on the flowers and make them close as they would do in rain.There are tiny waterlilies available that need little depth of water and can grow in a bucket ..perhaps a small reed and a water forget me not ..a water patio feature.

Thanks Janey they do ..

25 Nov, 2009


Very natural pond, I expect all your wildlife love it.

25 Nov, 2009


Do you know i have a ready made plastic waterfall in my shed, and the fountain i have in pond will do waterfalls, so i suppose i could have waterlillies if i put the waterfall in.

26 Nov, 2009


lovely photo bb. good planting too.

26 Nov, 2009


Wonderful. Looks so natural. Well done.

26 Nov, 2009


Good idea Clarice....thanks Sbg and Claire.

26 Nov, 2009


LOL..., You know me too well Bonkers ! I hate to admit it, (not really), but I do love to embarrass him every chance I get. What can I say, I have to get even any way I can, right ?
I'm always a day late and a dollar short as the saying goes Bonkers, but I would have loved to help dig out your pond ! There's no telling what kind of a mess I could have made for you, and for free ! Well maybe not free, you would have to put up with my, you may not think it 's worth the free muscle labor about a week into the

28 Nov, 2009


This is a pretty design...
I've put the pic on GoYpedia Rockery Ideas...
Did you build it all this year... or a bit at a time ?

29 Nov, 2009


Thanks TT ..completed last year in time for Janes birthday . About a week of digging its on a slope the top end being 5 feet deep .. it was awful to wrap .

Lol Flower really wouldnt have minded .. got a lot of advice and instructions without any labour assistance . Sure Jane would have appreciated the sympathy and I would have been glad of the help so sure we d both been happy to see you .

30 Nov, 2009


Thanks for that info. BB.... allows me to add this pic. also to GoYpedia Sloping Garden ideas..:o)
You've created a very natural look to the whole area. Well done...

30 Nov, 2009


I have nymphaea in my pond and I have a pump to circulate the water, hooked it up to a hose which I run thro the wall spills into the main reservoir where the water lilies are.... they don't seem to mind! So don't give up on water lilies or on a waterfall... and as long as your fountain isn't too powerful you could have both! I just love working with water....the sound of it in the garden is so soothing...and as has been attracts all kinds of wildlife. I especially like the way you've done yours BB... and thought the pics of the ducks totally charming! Also underscores the difficulty of achieving "natural" results. The work and time spent are sooo worth it!

2 Dec, 2009


Thanks TT x
Lori...agree...the gentle sound of falling water is lovely.Enjoy seeing the birds sitting beneath it and bathing ! Their very own power shower ! Our slopes are graduated so that the flow is gentle,and the waterlilies have flourished this year !

2 Dec, 2009


Well this what I was planning. If mine is half as good as yours Ill be well pleased.

10 Jan, 2010


Oh thank you very much for the compliment.Look forward to seeing it when completed.This was hard work,but worth it.

10 Jan, 2010


This has got to be one of the most natural garden ponds I`ve seen. And I trawled through what seems like hundreds of pictures when we made ours.

11 Mar, 2010


Thank you very much Stroller.we wanted it to blend in with the surrounding old stone wall linking us to the churchyard.We used the same stones taken from a part of the wall that had long since collapsed at the very top of the garden.Hard work lifting them but worth it in the end !

12 Mar, 2010

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