Icicles for Sandra2
By Bonkersbon

28 Dec, 2009
Comments on this photo
Blimey Ray, I thought it was bad here but look at that ice. Lovely blackbird :-)
28 Dec, 2009
My fault Arlene / Dawn no sooner told Spritz that salt air from coast reduces freezing than temps dropped to -13 .. that ll teach me lol
28 Dec, 2009
Crikey Ray, that's mighty cold. We dont expect this until Jan/Feb.
28 Dec, 2009
Aye Dawn ..we ll be shopping tomorrow as forecast for week end not good.
28 Dec, 2009
~ never had temperatures that low here Ray~ I hope you are both well wrapped up and warm!
28 Dec, 2009
Yes I m fine thanks Arlene and I make sure Jane is well wrapped up .. before I send her out for fire wood .
28 Dec, 2009
great pic ray, see blackbird had to get in on the act :o)) thanx for showing me x
28 Dec, 2009
Frozen there Sandra been stuck like that for 2 weeks but we feed him well ..
28 Dec, 2009
lol ray,, hahha
28 Dec, 2009
Amazing arent they when we break the ice on the pond they still love to bathe in it ..brrr
28 Dec, 2009
i know it makes me feel cold to watch them do that,,, must be all the food we give em to keep them warm, my blackbirds are looking a bit chubby lol
28 Dec, 2009
We stored our windfalls from the apple trees and they work their way through many pounds of them over the winter.Love their fruit havent had a mince pie or a bit of christmas cake yet as Jane out feeding them all ..
28 Dec, 2009
not having an apple tree i buy them each week, just the cheap apples to keep them going, but its worth it, raisens and currants to, infact i have to make some more fat cakes tomoz, well im off to bed im so tired, must be the mental stress of xmas lol nite ray sleep well ;o) x
28 Dec, 2009
Night Sandra glad we dont have to buy them as cost a fortune for this lot lol
We had a real stressful Christmas last year so promised Jane not to repeat this year .. we went out for our christmas dinner make that your New Years resolution ? Christmas for you and Baz next year well they wont starve will they lol
28 Dec, 2009
how to do you feed the apples Ray~ cut in half?~I am glad you have a had a less stressful Christmas~here's hoping for a less stressful 2010 for you and Jane!
28 Dec, 2009
Yes cut in half Arlene,and just scattered on the frozen lawn.They love them ! All good wishes to you too ! Jane munching on cheese and biscuits ! x
28 Dec, 2009
Nice pic Bonkers. I too buy the cheap apples for the blackbirds but I don't cut them, I leave them whole but they still munch their way through them. Do you think that it would be better if I did cut them in half?
I'm getting a bit worried about you. Are you going soft, what's all this about making sure Jane is wrapped up before going for the firewood? She could have bought you a Guiness from the fridge in the time she wasted putting her coat on. Your just too good to that woman!
29 Dec, 2009
Aw Toto Lol we have to slice them as so many they d end up in more fights.
Garden covered in rings of apple peel as they peck every bit out.
Aye would you believe Jane even got me to fit a security light as complained she couldnt find the logs in the dark ! So of course you re quite right - she should be much quicker lol
29 Dec, 2009
That is what i call cold , thank goodness all snow gone here, lovely photo of Mr Blackbird, as for Jane i've just put mince pies out for them today.
29 Dec, 2009
Lol Clarice Mice pies ? Thats one recipe we can do without thanks ..x Would that be like Rat a toue ?
29 Dec, 2009
And thats after a cup of tea.
29 Dec, 2009
Aw Clarice you changed it ..lol thanks for that now my sentence makes even less sense than usual could have had great fun teasing you about was going in those recipes ..perhaps you were hoping you d get owls ? Mice pies ..vole au vents ..
29 Dec, 2009
Love that pic Bonkers........
29 Dec, 2009
goodness BB looks if you had it pretty bad up your end..we where lucky.little snow but 7 days hard frost..full time job to feed the birds.I see couple of wrens every day but not once have they been to the feeding station or bird table.wonder how they survive
29 Dec, 2009
-13 Ray, WOW that's cold.
The forecast says there is more on the way. It's raining here at the moment, with bits of snow in it.....
29 Dec, 2009
Hi Milky yes nice to see if sat warm somewhere ..sadly seems to have decimated the garden with slow thaw and freeze.
Think the freeze worse than the snow Deida some very low night temps ..apparently in severe weather wrens will huddle together in one nest so lets hope thet get through ok.
Slowly thawing PG yes forecast is for more this week end over quite a wide area. Areas of Scotland reached - 16 bet Greenthumb in Alaska still thinks that tropical though ..
29 Dec, 2009
sorry i didnt reply after your last comment ray i had gone,, your right though best let them all do there own thing and me and baz have a lovely quiet xmas next year,,, lol bet it doesnt happen though :o)))
29 Dec, 2009
Incredible icicles Bb......Mr Blackbird will need his skates on! Iwas watching a weeny wren yesterday...in and out of the tubs....every time I focused on her....she flitted off, now I have lots of pics of frost!
29 Dec, 2009
Oh San...probably no but you can always dream ! Lol
Janey..happens to us all the time! Funnily enough saw a little wren today flitting around the frozen pond.Ended up with lots of icy pond pics but no wren ! You win some..x
29 Dec, 2009
Great Pic guys ! Certainly looks like Winter has arrived in your neck of the woods. Those icicles remind me of my childhood. We used to break them off the house and lick them like a popcicle. Too bad they only came in one flavor,( water )...lol
30 Dec, 2009
Hi Flc....Jane here.I did just that the first morning they appeared ! Lol..just a big kid really !!
30 Dec, 2009
aww jane that would have been a lovely pic with the wren,, we had our little dunnock come up to patio but i didnt have my camera handy so missed that one to ;o( never mind still lovely to see them jane ;o)
30 Dec, 2009
Hi San..the times ive been outside without the camera and seen something suddenly out of the corner of my eye ! Or dashed in for the camera,switched it in and realised batteries were on charge ! Lol
30 Dec, 2009
lol been there to, grrrr haha so frustrating jane
30 Dec, 2009
Gosh BB.....You have been having Kamloops weather....Isn't it great???? Not!
Lovely photo....I'm always amazed that the birds feet don't drop off in the cold.
1 Jan, 2010
Amazing Gilli and some love to bathe in it too ! Just as thawing we re getting more today ..Happy New Year to you and family x
1 Jan, 2010
Lol...,Sounds delightful Jane ! I don't know about you, but I hope I never have to grow up, friend.
2 Jan, 2010
Goodness me that looks cold, try and keep it up there please, I only wanted a little snow for Christmas Day, so it need not bother now, it is too late.
3 Jan, 2010
Magnificent icicles Bonkersbon. The snow queen has certainly blazed a trail your way.
3 Jan, 2010
Dd...plenty to spare but will try to respect your wishes Lol
Faerieflora...they did look beautiful..especially when the sun rays caught them.
3 Jan, 2010
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my goodness~ that does look very cold!~ those east coast winds fromSiberia!
28 Dec, 2009