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"Ruby Slipper" with Sempervivum


By David

"Ruby Slipper" with Sempervivum

Take one brick, an old shoe and some paint. Add a single sempervivum (folklore says that these plants were a protection from wicked witches).

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that is just brilliant, looks great. Ive seen people plant up old wellies but i wouldn't have thought of planting in a shoe. great idea, and it looks so good.

20 Apr, 2008


Its Brilliant David, I love it..

20 Apr, 2008


Nice photo David ,nice to know I am protected from wicked witches lol

20 Apr, 2008


What a clever idea! I love it!

20 Apr, 2008


lol sooooo brill, my daughter would have a fit lol

20 Apr, 2008


Perfect !

20 Apr, 2008


Really cute David how about adding some glitter to the shoes as you do know those ruby slippers should really sparkle.....but then again you don't need me to tell you that after all you are THE WIZARD of OZ or at least of Fife! Lol.Hel.xx.

20 Apr, 2008


Fantastic! How creative~

20 Apr, 2008


Hi David, Absolutely Lovely

20 Apr, 2008


Many thanx for all the comments on this one. My 5-yr-old daughter provided the idea, and some hands-on, with this one, Littledove (I don't know of a kid who wouldn't love to paint). Hel, I did actually try red glitter spray-paint first - but it didn't survive outdoors. Irish, you're not far off the mark with your "wellies" remark either. I have 10 kids' wellies in the shed, in various rainbow colours, which I got cheap in a sale (£10 for 5 pairs). They are destined to become planters, too! Remember,anyone who does this, to drill small drainage holes in the soles first (as if I need to state the obvious). Anyways, my daughter keeps saying that our planter looks like a "wedding" shoe,but i just think that its brightness pays homage to the Tecnicolor innovations produced in the 1939 movie. By the way, despite old shoes and wellies in my shed, I hereby wish to make it clear that I do NOT have a shoe/foot fetish, lol!

20 Apr, 2008


Very clever, and colorful too, perfect for your "Oz garden".!

21 Apr, 2008


Clever design, like the Echeveria, brilliant choice.

23 Apr, 2008


Hahaha you daughter is very clever and certainly enjoys her gardening.

28 Apr, 2008


Brilliant idea!!! and the green gravel, works with it so well too - so how about a 'Wizard of Oz', or 'Wicked' themed garden for Chelsea!

18 May, 2008


it's amazing what you can do with stuff! i've tried wellies,old leather boots, all the usual stuff. but i realy enjoy playing in the garden!

18 May, 2008


i love your daughters idea,great fun planter................

19 May, 2008


This is Fantastic Planter David i love the Idea well done 2 your Daughter 4 having it :)

19 May, 2008


What great colours!

19 May, 2008


Thanx, folks, for all the nice comments on this one. Chelsea, Robertr? Not for me, I don't think that any of my body's systems could take the stress! Yes Sandra, I agree, gardens are definitely for playing around in/with - whatever your age (although having kids is a great excuse for being more adventurous).

23 May, 2008


My sister is MAD about shoes cant wait to show her this she might enjoy gardening then lol.

6 Jun, 2008


Welcome to GOY, Ilovelillies. Your sister could put her old shoes, or any that she will never wear, to good use, then (if she can't unload them to a charity shop first, though). Idea! Start with one of those tiered plants stands, and have a display of planted up shoes. Could be a real (garden) fashion statement, lol.

8 Jun, 2008


Thats a great idea David, very original..

12 Jun, 2008


Ha! Ha! I love it. x

23 Jun, 2008


Now that's what I'm talking about!! I like it.

30 Jul, 2008


Ruby slipper has just been filed on my 'footwear favourites' photos.

7 Sep, 2008


I just had a look at your "collection", Terra - made me smile:-)

7 Sep, 2008


Yes, an amusing mix of GoY footwear !
If you see any more boots etc, which you think I've missed,
please let me know, and I'll immediately include them. LOL

8 Sep, 2008


i love wear your minds going with that.nice one .i was talking to another member about her garden and the oz idea.looks realy cool i like your thinking.that shoe would look awsome huge with a small shrubbery and a water feacture running heal to toe if ya like.just leave the sole and heal with holes for drainage and some good reinforcing.i think just the same colour with even a bright yellow base.nice one you got me thinking mate take care bye for now

1 Feb, 2009


Haha! I find "thinking" quite a dangerous pastime sometmes, Np - never know what you might come up with. It would be great to see something you could conjure up on a larger scale!

3 Feb, 2009


ow thinking can be very dangerous it causes wars.i think i thank to much lol im gonna do a giant dog cockin his leg into a pond in the nearish will also double as a dog drinking pond as its going in me dog run.

4 Feb, 2009


Glad I didn't see this before getting started on ideas for my garden, David, I'm a total shoeaholic!! :~))

4 Aug, 2009


Beautiful David, lovely idea.

3 Oct, 2009


Imagine finding this, Pam - it's a "step" back in time!! Glad you like it. :-)

3 Oct, 2009


Hi David I know what to do with my spare shoes now.

Happy new year David wishing you and your family good health and happiness and fantastic gardening in 2010

31 Dec, 2009


Hi, Kath! Happy New Year to you and yours, too!

Something like this might be suitable as a fun project for your children's gardening club? How many spare shoes/boots do you have, lol? :-))

1 Jan, 2010


I hope that's not a Louboutin????

4 Jan, 2010


Ne certainment pas, ma cherie!!! C'est un produit unique de Maison de Mareschal, bien siur!!! Oo La La!!!!! We do not display en Le York de Neauvau, Pairis, ou Milano -dans les pages de "GrowsonYou", seulement!!!X Merci beaucoup, Grazie, Gracias, Oy Vey, Thank You!!!!!! LOL!! - Moi, Moi, Moi!!!! XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

4 Jan, 2010


LOL Maple.
Heaven forbid !
'Victoria' would have a fit ;-)

5 Jan, 2010


awesommee!!! I was totally thinking of trying this with my old boots :D

11 Jul, 2011


excellent! how's it doing now?

21 Nov, 2012


lol that good, hmmm?

30 Mar, 2014

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This photo is of "C. Our "Wizard of Oz" Garden 2008" in David's garden

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