For TT
By Clarice

31 Jan, 2010
TT when i put my watering cans on for you i forgot about this magnet watering can.
Comments on this photo
One of my friends got it from bulgeria.
31 Jan, 2010
:o)) nice one
31 Jan, 2010
Thats lovey Carole a really pretty watering can :o)
31 Jan, 2010
That's one of the nicest fridge magnets I've ever seen, great fun.
31 Jan, 2010
I didn't realise it was a magnet and wondered how it was balanced there! Best fridge magnet I've seen :)
31 Jan, 2010
lovely carol, nice painting on it to ;o))
31 Jan, 2010
Ceers everyone..
1 Feb, 2010
Thats lovely Gee....I couldn't see where you'd got it..Lol! Very pretty!
2 Feb, 2010
Janey everytime i try and put it on the front of fridge it keeps sliding and where it is now is the only place it will stay and thats high up on the side of the fridge, and then had to put another magnet right under it just in case it decides to go walk abouts. Wondering if it moves because it is quite heavy.
2 Feb, 2010
Yes Carol I didnt know it was a magnet and was wondering what it was balanced on lol
2 Feb, 2010
2 Feb, 2010
I sold lots of fridge magnets in my shop ..this is one I would have loved to have had to sell in my shop it looks a lot like here! a watering can on top of would have sold like crazy.
3 Feb, 2010
Cat it is quite heavy to say its a for a fridge as it keeps sliding all over so got it on side of fridge with another magnet to keep it still, i've never seen them over here either and living in a seaside town you do get quite a few querkie things in shops, but like a say a friend got it me from Bulgeria.
4 Feb, 2010
This is a beauty, what art work love it
22 Feb, 2010
Cheers 6d its a art of work trying to make it stay on fridge :o))
23 Feb, 2010
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That's lovely, Clarice !
Really cute, and I like the blue colours and the painting :o)
31 Jan, 2010