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"hello my names casper pleased to meet you all" "meow"


By Sanbaz

"hello my names casper pleased to meet you all" "meow"

today i decided to go to cats paws santuary and get a new garden companion, meet casper named by me as i wasnt keen on wally and they had only just named him so he wasnt use to it, so casper is now home with us and seems fine, he is about 3/4 years old and very friendly and im sure his playfull side will soon show,

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Ohhhh San :-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

I can't wait to hear how's he's coming along over the next few weeks, he's going to get lots of loving and spoiling, isn't he ??

Errr, does Baz know ? :-/

1 Feb, 2010


glad you like him louise and no baz doesnt know lol, he is settling in well exploring the house :o))

1 Feb, 2010


Doesn't it break your heart when you see all those poor unwanted cats in those places ?
It kills me.

1 Feb, 2010


He's lovely San!!! Aw I'm so pleased you've got a pusscat!! Hello Casper...what a smashing home you have and a wonderful new Mum.........great news...:o)

1 Feb, 2010


yes i just wanted to bring them all home louise, but its a lovely place with lovely people :o)
thanx janey so glad you like him, he already follows me around :o)) cant wait to see baz`s face lol

1 Feb, 2010


Great news San he's gorgeous, looks like he's made himself at home already, picked his chair,lol.
Symba has his favourite chair curled up in it now with his fluffy hot water bottle,lol.

1 Feb, 2010


AAAAAaaawww Casper is Lovely San :) Im so plezd uv got a New Garden Buddy :)X

1 Feb, 2010


What a sweety is Casper!..I assume Baz likes cats?.....have a camera ready when you tell him

1 Feb, 2010


thankyou simbad, thats baz`s side of the sofa lol, he is now in the middle haha, aww a hot water bottle, you do spoil him ;o)) im as bad though
hi jacque glad you like my new buddy, its so funny watching his face as each person comes home, thinking who`s next lol

1 Feb, 2010


hi alice sorry we crossed there, its he cute, baz is ok with cats yes but still will be a surprise haha

1 Feb, 2010


He`s lovely San, I`m so pleased that you have a new companion. He looks as though he`s made himself at home already. I think he looks like a Casper more than a Wally. :o)

Love and Hugs

Sandra x

1 Feb, 2010


hi sandra yes defernatly a casper and not a wally lol, he`s right at home here, keeping him in for about 4 weeks to get use to everything and where he lives, then he can go out which im dreading :o( angelina didnt wander out of the garden so im a bit scared, silly really, guess i will get use to it :o))

1 Feb, 2010


Hello, lovely Casper.. Welcome to GoY :o)

1 Feb, 2010


He looks alert and settled already Sanbaz. My cat is a male and I think thats why we enjoy his antics. You may well find he goes out more than Angelina did but he will come back and tell you all about it as ours has done for 9 years now he is 10 in March. Its nice to think he was waiting for you to come and take him home. I do find him having a chip gives me confidence too.

1 Feb, 2010


meow Terra ;o)) thankyou
thanx Drc, just a bit worried as we dont have a cat flap so hope he will be in before bedtime lol, my brother doesnt have cat flap and seems to manage ok, do you have one

1 Feb, 2010


We dont have a cat flap but he soon learnt what time to come back before lights out and he also climbs on the garage roof and taps on the main bathroom window if the light is on. My neighbour has 5 cats and she has a hanging bell by her back door that they ring.

1 Feb, 2010


thats good, love the idea of a bell lol, im sure i will get use to it all, thanx Drc :o)

1 Feb, 2010


He's lovely San, catch up later.

1 Feb, 2010


thanx stripes glad you aprove ;o)))

1 Feb, 2010


Hi Casper....welcome to GoY ! Great that you went to get him from a sanctuary Sandra...they need all the help they can get......

1 Feb, 2010


meow ray ;o) cheers ray i always get my pets from shelters, think more people should, he`s a loving cat and so at home all ready, leaping about lol

1 Feb, 2010


Hello Casper .. youv'e managed to get yourself a good home there .. I can guarantee you will be well looked after :o))

1 Feb, 2010


i think your right amy, he is well settled in, seems to like baz and joe, with baz now cuddled up to him ;o) not sure where to leave him tonight, they said leave him in one room for a couple of days but ive let him roam round the house, think he knows where his litter tray is but not been yet,, hope i dont get any surprises in the morning, he can start to go out in about 4 weeks when he gets his barrings :o)

1 Feb, 2010


Brilliant news, Sanbaz. Casper looks gorgeous. I love to hear rehoming stories as there is such a need for people like you. I looks like Casper has already settled down so I'm sure you'll have great fun with him :)

1 Feb, 2010


thanx Gee, cats paws is all run on donations and its a lovely place, lovely UPVC pens which are so clean andlots of light and plenty of love and attention, mind you i wanted them all, we are having fun, he leaps from sofa to window, then back again, so differant to angelina, she was older but a lovely little girl, this little chap will keep us on our toes for sure lol

1 Feb, 2010


Just a quick update Sandra on our feral kitten.She is currently fast asleep in the porch (11 30pm)...we have left the door open for her and she has an old sweatshirt and hat to sleep on ! Glares at us if we open door to see how she is coping,but these bitter temps have obviously got to her...going nowhere ! Will be waiting for her breakfast at 7.30 am no doubt ! x

1 Feb, 2010


Hi Casper, ( love the name) I am sure you will love your new home, so no puddles please.....looks to be a real sweetie.

2 Feb, 2010


ray thats wonderfull, she will be gratefull im sure, did she put the hat and sweatshirt on lol, im glad she has you and jane to help her :o))
hi dotty ive been awake most of the night lol, casper kept getting under the duvet and baz ended up on the sofa lol, he was jumping around and meowing all night, im so tired, another 3 weeks of this till he is able to go out, should have his barrings by then and come home when ready, its like having a baby, at least no tray training as he`s about 3/4 years old and had no probs there :o))

2 Feb, 2010


Casper was probably too excited to sleep having finally got his new home :)
How about trying him with a harness so he can go for a walk and burn off a bit of energy?

BB, so glad you've clothed and fed your little lodger. I'm sure she will soon move in permanently :)

2 Feb, 2010


A talking Cat....FANTASTIC!

2 Feb, 2010


He's lovely....and already got the best seat. Murphy came from the Blue Cross, so I know what you mean....wanted to bring them all home! x

2 Feb, 2010


Sandra he is lovely, he reminds me of my Timmy i had years ago, you will have to watch as he will still be in to catching birds, as he's only young, Smokey says meow to you Casper and hopes to be with you on GOY for a while.Fancy them calling him Wolly dont blame you calling him another name.

2 Feb, 2010


Gee i did think about doing that, i have a cat lead but not sure if he would try to get free from it, may give it a go tomoz, thanx ;o))
lol paul he`s very clever you know hahahh :o))
thanx phil, its nice to give the unfortunate ones a home i think, its quite a big donation which i knew about but not good for someone who hasnt got alot of money, its £60 minimun where i got casper and today spent £30 on a few toys and a new snug, shhh dont tell baz lol ;o)
hi carol and glad you like him, i have thought about my birdy friends, as you know angelina didnt bother them at all but this live wire, well thats going to be a differant story i can tell :o(, so i will have to make sure he isnt out first thing when feeding to lower the risk of danger to them, casper says meow back to smokey and wishes him well xxx

2 Feb, 2010


They are about 6-7yrs before they slow down catching birds and mice, so you have a few years yet with him, and you cant really shout at him as its part of nature, my cats by the time they where 9-10 had stopped altogether going for them. xxx

2 Feb, 2010


your right carol, i wouldnt shout at him as it is nature but will do my best to feed my birds while casper is in then hopfully wont be to many casulties, especial in spring when young ones about

2 Feb, 2010


Murphy was £115....but I suppose they think if you're prepared to pay, then you really want the dog/cat or whatever and therefore more likely to look after it properly....of course, all the money is used for keeping the place going...and we were given puppy food, enough for 7 days. (Hill's Science Plan...expensive stuff). By the way....he's still eating Lavatera, Dogwood and Pampas leaves!! x

2 Feb, 2010


lol phil. yes they gave me some dry food to and like you say all charity run so i dont mind paying, he had been snipped and had injections so it all mounts up for them, i also got a free membership for first year then its a fiver after that which i will keep up, also 4 weeks free insurence to so i really dont mind, even if he had been a hundred i would have paid :o)) cant stop giggling at your murphy eating plants lol x

2 Feb, 2010


It is a lot of money like you say but its all worth it as it will go back into helping other animals, do you know i have not payed for any of my cats as had them from kittens from peoples homes who have had a litter of kittens they need to get homes for, but i do think its a good idea as if you have to pay there wont be anyone coming to get them and when knewness wears of they are thrown out to roam the streets.

2 Feb, 2010


A big welcome Casper so pleased to meet you and know you will have a lovely home with Sandra and Baz! He is very handsome Sandra and looking forward to hear more about him.;0)

2 Feb, 2010


yes your right carol, but lucky you getting one`s for free, i saw my sister-in-laws neighbour today and she said she was looking for homes for friends kittens just before i went away but didnt get to ask me lol, oh well im happy to give a rescue cat a good home :o))
thankyou so much carole glad you like him to, he`s full of fun and a big softy to, is a bit more relaxed today asleep on joe`s bed right now, he certainly has taken to joe and spent quite alot of time with him lastnight, will take some more pics of his fun side soon :o))

2 Feb, 2010


I always get the rescue animals, only ever once bought a pedigree pet, more people need to take on abandoned animals.

He clearly likes to be petted, very swet that he wants to be close to you at night.
If he's not had much in the way of love he's naturally going to want to get it from all of you .... especially at night ..... he'll be lonely :-/

2 Feb, 2010


Going back years ago you never had to pay for kittens,but i know when anything happens to Smokey i'm going to be lost as wont have nobody to talk to, so when i've got over lossing him i will get another and i will have to get an adult cat as a kitten could live me out, as they live quite a few years dont they. You will also find with Casper being a boy he will be a lot softer than Angelina, and will be wonting to sit on your knee alot of the time and wont to be with you alot, she cats are quite independant i think. Sorry i'm going on abit are'nt i.xx

2 Feb, 2010


hi louise i think your right he just wants some love and affection, but i didnt get a wink of sleep lol, maybe he will calm down once he is use to us and knows we arent going anywhere, i got him a lovely snub to sleep in which will go in our room so he is still close to us, so once lights out then off the bed and into bed hahah, he will get use to it as thats what my brother did, im a softy so i put up with more than baz ;o))
no probs carol, im sure your right, he already follows me, baz said lastnight "where`s mummy gone" as i went upstairs and as quick as a flash he was up there with me lol

2 Feb, 2010


Bless him, your already is best mate and he trust you.x

2 Feb, 2010


thanx carol xx

2 Feb, 2010


I wonder how he'll be tonight ? !
He'll definately be as happy as a sand boy with his little bed in your room, heck - if he doesn't sleep in there he'll just come up onto yours and snuggle with you
Snore, snore ;-)

2 Feb, 2010


lol louise, i bet thats what will happen, told me at pet shop, let him sit on bed while watching tv but when its time i have to be strong and tell him bed hahah,, yerr right :o))

2 Feb, 2010


I think if you make him a lovely nest in his bed he'll be okay, try what i did and cover him over - so he can't be seen - Maddie absolutely loves that :-)
Now she's got her bed that's a tunnel though (same effect as the covering) she's always in there ..... she only comes onto the bed if she thinks i should hurry up and get out of bed ;-)
Little minx !

2 Feb, 2010


will try that louise, maybe use something with our scent on till use to it, funny how they wake us up when they think its morning, normally about 5am lol

2 Feb, 2010


Brilliant San you've got a FELIX CAT :~))))))))))))))))))))))) and he's absolutely gorgeous! He looks very much like our felix but without the beard (black mark on his chin) You're just going to love him to bits arn't you? I must say, he is a very lucky cat to have landed in your home. I think male felix cats are always upto some kind of mischief but are also very cuddly when it suits them!
We got Felix when he was only a few weeks old, he was found abandoned with his 2 brothers beside a canal, he is now six and spoiled rotten! We have another female now called Milli who we got from cats protection last May. She is a lovely gentle cat and snuggles up at ant oppertunity (she's on my knee as I'm typing with one hand lol) We let her out after 4 days and didn't have any problems, we stayed outside with her so she knew where we were.
i'll be looking forward to see how Casper is doing. :~)))))))

2 Feb, 2010


hi skillen your right about full of mischief, scares me to death, was hanging through the stair rails at the top before, oh my god i grabbed him quick,, no fear at all, its funny cause son said felix but i always liked casper if i got a male cat, didnt like wally at all, i am a bit worried about him going out for first time as he is 3/4 he must have been out before, dont want him scooting off not thinking,so think a bit longer than 4 days with him, they said about 3 weeks, have to watch every step i take to as he is under your feet before you know it lol, will do updates on how he is a some pics soon,i feel so happy with an animal back in the home, felt empty after angelina, still miss her but casper helps to heal the pain :o))

2 Feb, 2010


I agree San it certainly does help to heal the pain, i think i will always have animals. I'm laughing at the thought of Casper hanging through the stair rails! Felix used to go into my neighbours house and used to hang through the top step, she had open plan stairs, she was a nervous wreck! Don't worry he wont fall lol, he's not daft! It's really brilliant having a new pet isn't it. Funnily enough i've got a 9ft snake called Casper! lol :~)).

2 Feb, 2010


He is lovely San. Looks like there's a load of mischief hiding behind those eyes so you will have fun later on watching his antics in the garden :~))

3 Feb, 2010


wow skillen i love snakes but wont be having one, fancy him being called casper, great minds hey! lol
pipsqueak im feeling awfull not letting him out yet but i have to do as they asked to make sure he knows his home and doesnt get lost, even when i do let him out will be nervous lol, he is so funny and i have to keep moving my plants indoors, he keeps chewing them , naughty boy! :o))

3 Feb, 2010


Hello, Casper! You are very handsome. Meow from Umka...:)

3 Feb, 2010


How was he last night San ?

3 Feb, 2010


meow umka :o)) thanx uma glad you like him :o))
louise he was so good, i told him to go to bed took him off our bed and that was it till almost 7am, think he did sneak on at some point as i vaugly remember feeling him at bottom of bed, but thats ok as long as he doesnt want to play all night :o)), ive played alot with him today and baz just had 10 mins while i got dinner going

3 Feb, 2010


Does he use his bed during the day too, or just at night ?
I'm SO glad he was okay last night, i hope he's realising that he's not going to be abandoned again and that your his and he's yours - forever ! :-)))

3 Feb, 2010


Glad to see that Casper allowed a good nights sleep for Baz !!

3 Feb, 2010


louise he goes on his fluffy flat bed in day which he seems to like when doing his neighbourhood watch lol he is so settled with us and seems like he has been here forever :o)) laying on sofa as we speak
yes think baz was glad ray, he works so hard and needs a good nights sleep or he has a bad head next day if not, i was glad of sleep to :o))

3 Feb, 2010


Agree...nothing worse than that feeling which stays with you all day too Sandra !

3 Feb, 2010


yes your right ray, i dare not sit at work when like that or i start to doze off lol

3 Feb, 2010


I know just sort of ruins the whole day !

3 Feb, 2010


im at work tomoz so fingers crossed for a restfull night :o))

3 Feb, 2010


: O )))

3 Feb, 2010


Awww Sandra, sorry I'm late. Casper is lovely. I hope all's OK :-)

3 Feb, 2010


hi dawn and thankyou, i feel whole again lol, he is a sweetie, all ok here, hows the kittens dawn, what are their names? :o)

3 Feb, 2010


Hi Sandra, I feel just like you, having a new cat (or 2) is so uplifting. We never forget our past ones but a new one (or 2) is so refreshing. We've named our Ronnie and Roxy, lol. I'll post a quick pic.

3 Feb, 2010


aww lovely names, i thin k you did say but my mind is going lol, a pic would be great ;o))

3 Feb, 2010


I nearly missed your wonderful news. so happy for you and Casper. Theres nothing like a new furry friend to help mend a broken heart.
Meows from Alf and Dolly xx

3 Feb, 2010


thankyou so much valadel, it sure does help,
meow from casper to alf and dolly to xx

3 Feb, 2010


So glad you have a new cat to love Sandra, home is not the same without one.
I agree with Clarice about male cats being big softie mummy's boys. We had one from the rescue centre, sadly for only 10 months, but he adored me and followed me everywhere. Daisy is a lap cat too though. Casper looks a gorgeous boy and I know he will have the very best of homes with you, what a lucky boy he is!

6 Feb, 2010


hi lily thanx for you lovely comment, he is on my knee now with laptop lol,im strtching to type haahha, he`s settled in really well with us all :o)))

6 Feb, 2010


COngratulations on your new arrival. Caspa looks lovely. and will soon settle. I know when we got Twinkle we had to keep her three weeks.I bought a lead and took her for walks. I remember the first day that we had Twinkle, we lost her and searched all the rooms and tought she had gone through the front door. We honestly thought we'd lost her. Later we found her on one of the chairs under the dining room table.....sigh of relief!!!! She was really traumatised for a day or two and just used to collapse on your lap. SHe's as daft as a brush now. ANyway lots of hugs and love to Casper x

8 Feb, 2010


thankyou so much lindak and poor you going through that and then twinkle being in the house the whole time, im a bit panicy when we are going in and out the door just incase he quickly runs out, i think i have a lead so may give it a go, just hope he doesnt try to pull it off lol

8 Feb, 2010


Try putting the harness on and off without the lead on to start with then gradually let him stand on the lead and try giving him a biscuit as a reward. I'm sure he'll be fine.

9 Feb, 2010


thanx lindak, i will have a look for the lead i have, not sure its a harness, may just be a collar, thats why i was worried as he may pull it off, i will check anyway :o)

9 Feb, 2010


The main thing is to get him used to it before going outside. let us know how he goes on bless him.

9 Feb, 2010


i will but by the time ive got him to wear it he will be ab le to go out lol ;o))

9 Feb, 2010

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