Ladybird ladybird fly away home......
By Janey
- 16 Mar, 2010
This Ladybird was busy in the garden today, happy with the milder weather and's head is at the very front...the larger black area with white each sides is a camouflage I think, to deter any likely predators.
Comments on this photo
Thanks Jac...:o)
16 Mar, 2010
Great close-up Janey :o)
16 Mar, 2010
like jacque said fantastic shot janey :o)
16 Mar, 2010
Agree with all..lovely to see...
16 Mar, 2010
Great pic. Janey ... we have had several in our garden today , it's nice to see them warming themselves in the sunshine .. :o))
Guess what Tony brought home from his trip last week , .... a tourist leaflet called ... Normanby Hall country park !! it made me smile , I've heard so much about it and now I have a leaflet LOL.. there's a calender of events inside .. don't forget there's a free family open day on the 29th March , ( i'm not sure if that is just for the park ) I'm going to go and have a sit down and read .. : o)) x
16 Mar, 2010
Wow great picture Jane, such detail, I really want your camera :-((
16 Mar, 2010
Wonderful closeup Janey......
17 Mar, 2010
Thanks everyone...:o) It's so good to see everything on the move now isn't it?
Amy...It's a smashing place to visit...somewhere I've a leaflet and I'm sure the free family day gets you into the hall too....there's also a farm museum and I bet the steam train will be running.....:o)
17 Mar, 2010
Its not the dreaded Harlequin is it Janey!! Its hard to tell, i am sorry
but every time i see a Ladybird now, a shiver goes down my spine.
I hate to think that, these lovely ladybirds, are going to be terrorised
by these Harlequins.....
17 Mar, 2010
No Fp....I'm sure it isn't......a wee tiny one this, there's lots on the garden and all looking like the native ones thank goodness. If I spot any that may be the "others"....squashed they will be....:o(
17 Mar, 2010
Its quite mild today, but is it a bit to early for ladybirds to be out of
Hibernation Janey? I know we get the odd Bumble bee or Wasp, but the
Ladybirds are coming out in little groups.....
17 Mar, 2010
Beautiful close up. My dormitory of ladybirds has dispersed round the garden today - seems strange not to see them all clustered around the top of the camellia :)
17 Mar, 2010
wow fantastic pic janey....
17 Mar, 2010
Great Closeup Janey!
17 Mar, 2010
What a great photo Janey! ;o))
19 Mar, 2010
Fabby pic Janey! I saw my first one yesterday too! Didn't have the camera to hand but you managed to get a real close up! great!
22 Mar, 2010
Lovely picture Janey. It looks like it has a little heart on it's back.
26 Mar, 2010
Hadn't noticed that Faerieflora, it really does doesn't it?! How wonderful!
26 Mar, 2010
So it does!!....smashing detail on such a tiny creature...:o)
26 Mar, 2010
Lovely shot. I put a ladybird in the greenhouse yesterday because we have greenfly in there and it's eating away at them. Yippee!!!!
27 Mar, 2010
Great Linda........nice and warm and plenty of food.....:o)))
27 Mar, 2010
god u get sum fab close ups well dun x
8 Jun, 2010
Thanks Cristina....its the camera, you can zoom right in...:o))
8 Jun, 2010
very nice.
30 Dec, 2013
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Fantastic Pic Janey :)
16 Mar, 2010