New trellis and arch.
By Janey

7 May, 2010
Behind here will be the new veggie patch. I've moved a few things round to grow up the trellis including a golden vine, a couple of clematis and a summer jasmine....:o)
Comments on this photo
A great trellis and archway! Look forward to seeing more pictures when your plants start to climb the trellis
7 May, 2010
Thanks Yorkshire and Pp....:o)
7 May, 2010
That looks good and the birds are sorted out too :)
7 May, 2010
all looks very nice...
7 May, 2010
Looks lovely.
7 May, 2010
Lots of alterations going on, Janey ...
going to be an amazing transformation :o)
7 May, 2010
It looks really good Janey. :o)
7 May, 2010
really like what you have done with the garden janey ;o))
7 May, 2010
I like it too. I love the idea of separating the veggies from the rest.
7 May, 2010
Thanks everyone.......I wasn't sure at first, but we were trying to cover up the back part which belongs to another pub...behnd the green board is their beer chiller condenser thing which used to make a loud sound down the garden.
7 May, 2010
Ha! I thought that was a hill! I was thinking, Janey must live near the wolds if shes in Lincs cause I sure didn't see many hills when I was living there!
7 May, 2010
Lol Karen...not too many no!! Where abouts were you?
8 May, 2010
Gainsborough, N.Lincs. Grew up there. Couldn't wait to leave!
8 May, 2010
I know Gainsborough very well Karen......was there a couple of months ago, it was having a face-lift right in the centre and by the river-side. Do you remember that long curved redbrick wall with windows that had been some sort of's now a shopping mall called Marshall's yard, it makes a good centre of the town. When we were small my Dad used to take us to Richmond Park, I loved it a lot of places though it's fallen into disrepair, which is a shame as the gardens were beautiful..........
8 May, 2010
Richmond park was lovely. From age 4-7 we lived in Morton. It was a lovely place to live and we walked along the river banks there...lovely. I went to school just down the road from Richmond Park, at Gainsborough High School. I think the new shopping mall you are talking about must be where Marshall the tractor makers factory building was. My mum worked there for a few years and she told me it was being revamped. The river area badly needed an upgrade too, it could be quite something. I learned years ago that Gainsborough was, at one time, the biggest inland port in Britain! Never could get my head around that! My mum is on here...oliveoil...she still lives there, on the outskirts of town and she has a wonderful garden right beside a wood, lucky her!
8 May, 2010
Yes have been through Morton, and know the High school......thats right the tractor makers Karen. It does have a lot of history Gainsborough, where I used to live the boats would come down the Humber then the beginning of the Trent. All the way down to Gainsborough...maybe that's where it narrowed and the large river traffic stopped...............
9 May, 2010
I think that must be right Janey because there was a huge mill that used to be owned by one of the big food companies....but I think the biggest inland port thing is going back to victorian times, possibly even before that. You're right it does have a lot of history; and 'The Mill on The Floss' was about a mill near Morton. It was a Roman town originally if I remember rightly because we did something about that at school. Ah, it's a memories of the place are all spoiled because of hard family break up and difficult school days. I suppose it isn't really that bad a place....quiet, but not horrible. The Old Hall is quite something, although when I was a child I think it was all boarded up. Now of course it is a cracking museum. And the town hall building with the market underneath is interesting as well. Gainsborough Parish Church is a magnificent building...quite beautiful actually.....I should get a job promoting the place come to think of it! lol!! x
9 May, 2010
Its understandable Karen, if you have sad memories a of a Granddaughter Chloe enjoyed her visit to the Old Hall last year....I think they were doing the Tudor and Elizabethan periods at school, and last Monday we visited Doddington Hall between Gainsborough and Lincoln....that is a wonderful Elizabethan House, it was just between the daffs finishing and the Iris garden not in flower yet, so not too much of attraction in the garden.
9 May, 2010
i've never been to Doddington Hall. It looks lovely, seen it on the telly! Shame that the gardens were in between. It's a tricky time that spring-summer gap isn't it. I think thats why I'm so fond of hellebores...they keep flowering right up until the geraniums start flowering!
9 May, 2010
The Hellibores really are beautiful...though they won't grow for me. Yesterday I was at Mum's and hers are still flowering away.....I didn't realize they went on for so long....:o)
10 May, 2010
They like cool shade.
10 May, 2010
I think maybe it was too cold and damp where mine were Karen...they just wouldn't grow at all...:o(
10 May, 2010
Pants! What do you grow there now Janey?
11 May, 2010
This looks good Janey it will be just the job for growing your climbing plants and sensible to for hiding the pub areas .... and just think of the lovely fresh veg . :o)
11 May, 2010
Well I've 2 Hydrangeas which to my surprise seem to like the cool shade, and I planted an Elder...Sutherlands Gold....which seems happy too, climbing up the wall is a Hydrangea petiolaris which has it's first flower buds this year!!...:o)
Yep, it's a good area for a few veggies, Amy, not too many, and Ian is enjoying it. At the back there is a Robinia, which I think we'll take out after summer.
11 May, 2010
Oh no...I love Robinia, why are you taking it out? too much shade? I asked about the shade because I have a wet shady area and I'm not happy with it. I tried the same elder as you but it didn't grow well. I hadn't tried any hydrangeas, that's a good idea...thanks! no wall for petiolaris, they are lovely aren't they on a nice wall.
11 May, 2010
love ur arch as well .wot u growing in the veg area
11 May, 2010
Thanks Cristina.......Ians planted onions, leeks, spinach, salad crops and runner beans, not too many of each, just to keep us going...:o)
The Robinia isn't the Frisia Karen which I bought it as. In a few weeks the leaves will turn dark green and that area will be very shady. It has huge spines too...I left it this year as they are supposed to flower, but there are no buds as yet. If you lived nearer, you could have it...Lol!
12 May, 2010
Love your trellis/arch. Makes a big difference to garden
12 May, 2010
Thanks Grandad.......we've been really busy this each side of it...Lol Ian's been putting up netting to keep the cats of his veggie beds, and I've been digging out Jerusalem Artichokes....they are such thugs! True to their name, they choke everything they come into contact with. Meanwhile the roofer has been filling up the garage with muck and broken tiles, the builder has been bashing and chipping out mortar at the front, and next to us they've just removed an 8ft chimney stack right next to our kitchen all in all, you could say it's been an eventful day!...Lol
12 May, 2010
That's ok Janey, thanks but like you, if it's not frisia.....nah!
12 May, 2010
12 May, 2010
Sounds like the sort of adventures property wise that we go on. The last move was our last big turnabout inclusing the garden experience. Good luck to you both and the garden looks really organised and when the plants grow will give great cover for the wildlife. A veggie patch however small is good.
13 May, 2010
i agree any veg better than none x
13 May, 2010
that looks great!
14 May, 2010
looks great. i've just put up an arch in my garden and was wanting to put trellis either side and climbers so it sections off that half of the garden.
I had been warned against doing it because in windy conditions it may get blown over?
What have you attached your trellis to at each end? and how?
28 Jul, 2010
Hi Joeyvicks....welcome to Goy, the posts of the arch there are concreted in and the trellis panels screwed to them.....the trellis panels are attached to further posts and to one at each end. Our garden can be quite blustery especially in spring, and there has been no problem as yet.........we've planted two climbing roses, though I would like a rambler....and the annual sweet peas have been lovely, Theres a jasmine and a couple of late summer flowering clematis, though only small as yet. For winter colour I'm hoping to train a variegated Euonymus "Emerald Gaeity" up the left side..........
I'll post a pic of how it looks now......
28 Jul, 2010
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looks really nice
7 May, 2010