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bizzy lizzies around acer


By Sanbaz

bizzy lizzies around acer

Comments on this photo


looks nice:)

1 Jul, 2010


Oh my....Sandra...that looks stunning.....absolutely :)))

1 Jul, 2010


thankyou Okasia ;o)
cheers michaella, glad you like it ;o))

1 Jul, 2010


lovely planting Sandra

1 Jul, 2010


thankyou eileen ;o))

1 Jul, 2010


That looks fantastic. Great photo

1 Jul, 2010


cheers cinders ;o)

1 Jul, 2010


Looks lovely Sandra....

1 Jul, 2010


cheers janette ;o)

1 Jul, 2010


beautiful little acer..

1 Jul, 2010


Looking very bright and cheerful

2 Jul, 2010


pretty corner...

2 Jul, 2010


thanx elsiemay, mushy and holly ;o))

2 Jul, 2010


Very nice Sandra, is this your new Acer.

2 Jul, 2010


thanx dawn, no this one i have had a good few years in a pot but now in ground this year, my new one is orange dream but its got wind burn so may have to move that one to,

2 Jul, 2010


They are susceptible to wind burn, arent they. This one is lovely. looks perfect.

2 Jul, 2010


this one has been great every year dawn, i love the dark rich leaves when the sun hits it, im sure my other will be much better in border, more sheltered ;o))

2 Jul, 2010


Im sure it will Sandra. Looks like the red one is a bit hardier. Do you know the variety of this one.

2 Jul, 2010


i dont dawn, when i got it about 6 years ago it just said acer on tag, cant even remember where i got it , there are so many different ones arent there dawn,

2 Jul, 2010


It looks lovely, very pretty ...

3 Jul, 2010


cheers carol ;o))

3 Jul, 2010


Beautiful San. I just love Acers. My red one has suffered a bit this year, due to the weather. Having said that, it has always been exposed to the elements, earlier this year hubby moved it to be more sheltered, and it's got windburn on some of its leaves. It did better where it was... :o)

3 Jul, 2010


thanx linda, its disheartning when they get burned isnt it, my orange dream is more burnt dream now with all the wind here, not sure where i can put it though ;o((

4 Jul, 2010


Love the set-up.Its brilliant.

5 Jul, 2010


We suffer from bad winds here when they start, because we're on a bit of a hill and we have a valley running both sides of us. My red acer has always been out in the open, but as the weather was getting so bad, hubby put it against the wall under my large green one. You can just about see it on my 'Avatar?' pic, under the green one. I've looked at it again today, and I think I'm going to have to snip and trim here and there to get it looking nice again. Although I don't mind an irregular shape really cos I love Bonsais'. :o)

5 Jul, 2010


shame though when you cant find a sheltered space for something delicate and so special ;o)
thanx shapla ;o))

5 Jul, 2010


True, true Sand. When you said about your lily petals, made me think of my Magnolia. It bursts into flower, I have maybe a week to admire, then comes the wind. Within a day the petals are gracing my lawn. :o(

5 Jul, 2010


;o(( not good

5 Jul, 2010


looks very pretty

5 Jul, 2010


cheers deida ;o))

5 Jul, 2010


Your Acer looks stunning, what a beautiful colour....

6 Jul, 2010


thanx dotty had it about 6 years and never dissapoints me ;o))

7 Jul, 2010


This is a pretty corner Sandra :o)

8 Jul, 2010


thanx Terra ;o))

8 Jul, 2010


I love that it looks really really nice and neat !

10 Jul, 2010


thanx Kpjo ;o)) hope i got your name right, cant make letters out properly ;o))

10 Jul, 2010


Liking it, liking it a lot.......Actually, I love it!!
Also spot some Petunia's & Geraniums aswell as the Busy lizzies!! lol

16 Jul, 2010


thanx steve its completely covered now with bizzy lizzies and a few geraniums, no petunias here only in baskets and pots ;o)) lol

16 Jul, 2010


What are the ones with the 2 tone colours? Are they the busy lizzies then? Not seen them like that down this way!!

16 Jul, 2010


yup stripe ones, not sure if i like them though lol, im not keen on stripes

16 Jul, 2010


I've got stripped Petunias and I love 'em!! Thought that was them at 1st glance but now i've looked again, there different stripes to petunias. lol

16 Jul, 2010


lol steve,,

16 Jul, 2010


fab picture of your acer and surrounding planting,have a potted palmatum,about to transplant to bigger pot,about ten years old now.our favorite plant.

25 Jul, 2010


thanx keith and good luck repotting your maple,, iv repotted this twice and now in ground, seems happy enough ;o))

25 Jul, 2010


repotted today,ericacious soil recommended.bought largest pot available!!have also moved to a shaded corner away from the wind and direct sunlight.

26 Jul, 2010


thats great keith hope its ok now, have you given it a feed and plenty of water till it settles ;o)

27 Jul, 2010


very nice this acer and very good job and the stones too.ciao david

18 Sep, 2011


thanx david, i love the acer, had it at least8 years now, like the italian ending lol

19 Sep, 2011

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