never work with animals........
By Stickitoffee

2 Apr, 2011
I was simply bending down to take a photo of the red anemone when all of a sudden there was a thud and Minty landed on my back! she wouldnt get off so i have tried to take her photo over my back ~ now it looks as tho i have a tail!
Comments on this photo
Tipical, one of my cats is always with me in the garden, mind you we would'nt be without them would we, brill photo.
2 Apr, 2011
sorry TT.
2 Apr, 2011
Laughed aloud when I saw this ... : o ))))))
2 Apr, 2011
Thought she was giving you a spray lol
2 Apr, 2011
GoYpedia Waterfalls ? ;o) Lol...
2 Apr, 2011
no spraying!!!
would love a real waterfall!
2 Apr, 2011
Sorry Sticky ,I laughed out loud when I saw this..Cat 1,Sticki, Nil.! on the plus side,your hair has a lovely shine to it,,are you sure you aren't doing a "Head and Shoulders" advert.? .Lol. :o)))
2 Apr, 2011
no head and shoulders!!! that made me laugh ~ it was a tricky photo ~ had to just put the camera over my shoulder and hope i caught her!!!
2 Apr, 2011
she has jumped up on my back if ever i am bending over ever since she was tiny ~ good job i havent got a st bernard for a pet!!!! might not manage to give one of those a piggy back!!!
2 Apr, 2011
Lol! What a purrrrrfect picture!
3 Apr, 2011
hahaha lol so funny arnt they lol
3 Apr, 2011
thanks red and yes cristina they are funny.
3 Apr, 2011
4 Apr, 2011
never know what cats will do next sticki, great pic
4 Apr, 2011
thought you were an 'extra' in a 'Midsummer' episode, the cat did it !!!!! Nice shot Sticky, quick reaction, & 1st prize for probably the most unusual shot this year LOL ;-))
4 Apr, 2011
thanks bampy!!
am i now the dead body??
4 Apr, 2011
Flip Sticki! I've just seen this! What a hoot! That tail's really disturbing!! Our Chloe does this too when I'm trying to light the gas fire in the sitting room...some day she really will be the cat who went 'wooofff!'
However, your garden looks as gorgeous and shiny as your hair! Oh dear, my stomach's sore laughing, I'll never sleep now!!
5 Apr, 2011
glad you liked it libet ~ thought it was amusing myself! just had to chance the photo ~ had no idea what was in focus!!
5 Apr, 2011
Brilliant! Really does look like you have grown a tail!
5 Apr, 2011
Perfect picture and very funny - you know, some creatures wish to walk on a desert Moon, some walk on bended backs surrounded by flowers.LOL.
6 Apr, 2011
the tale of the disappearing moggie.
Stickitoffee thought,
'today I'll have a photo shoot
I'll take a picture of my plants,'
but it turned out a hoot
Minty moggie leapt on Sticki's back,
then turned hers too,
and with her tail straight up in air
it was a rear end view.
The camera doesn't lie you know
and did the moggie spray
Were Sticki's shiny locks of hair
natural or CAT AU LAIT............
Sorry Sticki..........LOL
6 Apr, 2011
lol! great poem!
6 Apr, 2011
thanks linda!!! very clever
i can assure you there was no spraying!!
6 Apr, 2011
This made me laugh!
18 Aug, 2011
you never know what will happen next in a garden!!!
18 Aug, 2011
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Some of today's photos are posing quite a challenge as to which GoYpedia category would be most appropriate ! ;o)
2 Apr, 2011