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Backlit Morning Glories

Backlit Morning Glories

Unusual shot for me since they are usually closed by this time of day.

Comments on this photo


Cool pic..orshould that be hot? lol

7 Sep, 2011


Either, I think, Pixi! Now I have to think of another word!....fab shot, Lil! :)))

7 Sep, 2011



7 Sep, 2011



7 Sep, 2011


nice shot : )

7 Sep, 2011


lovely pic Lil

7 Sep, 2011



7 Sep, 2011


Thanks all!

7 Sep, 2011


I thought I'd add, 'unearthly'...just for the hell of it! :))

7 Sep, 2011


Lol, just logged on, like your new avatar. Of course you would be drinking :):):)

7 Sep, 2011


So we got.groovy, nice, lovelu, heavenly and earthly...............what more can I say!! Jolly nice!

7 Sep, 2011


You have to look behind the bottle, Lil... :))

7 Sep, 2011


Can't see behind it but could that possibly be a .......MooseHead bottle?!?!!!???

7 Sep, 2011


Nah, lunch beer in Africa...with elephants behind!!!...just getting with the flow! :)

7 Sep, 2011


Very recent pic then? Bc of the hat and all :)

7 Sep, 2011


Just reminding myself that I have to pack the 'Bush Hat'! :)

7 Sep, 2011


? he? what?

7 Sep, 2011


Ethereal...I used that word to trump Karen. :) But had to use spell checker to post it.

8 Sep, 2011


Boy! That's a good one, Pimpernel! LOL!! :))))

8 Sep, 2011


I think it is a winner Karen, less we have an XFile Groupie on.

8 Sep, 2011


Lol! Pimpernel! That wouldn't be that snail you posted recently, by any chance?? Lol! :))

8 Sep, 2011


Lol..Just a snail

8 Sep, 2011


I'll be back..... :)

8 Sep, 2011



8 Sep, 2011


And transendental?

9 Sep, 2011


Heehee! That's a good one too, Lulu!
Now where's my thesaurus....? lol!! :))

9 Sep, 2011


LoL, thats cheating!!!!!!!!!!

9 Sep, 2011


Only kidding! Haven't actually got one........! Lol!!
Oh, no that means I going to have to think!!!! :))

9 Sep, 2011


Blooming marvellous!!

9 Sep, 2011


Cosmic man!

9 Sep, 2011


That really is a gorgeous photo! :)

10 Sep, 2011

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