Updated Zen
By Stickitoffee
- 9 Jan, 2012
On careful inspection of my mini garden, I discovered some plants were very dry, some were pot bound and one was waterlogged, I decided to take them out of their pots and give them a bit more room, it allows space now for more rocks, drift wood, shells etc.
Comments on this photo
thanks sheilar
9 Jan, 2012
This challenges Bampys zen garden, we need a zen monk to come in and judge
9 Jan, 2012
have to be a mini monk!!!
i 'stitched' the picture together!! quite pleased i learned something else!!
9 Jan, 2012
very impressive your are becoming a Zenlike IT expert
9 Jan, 2012
does that go together? do zens do IT??
9 Jan, 2012
very nice Sticki..
9 Jan, 2012
thanks SL it doesnt really show on the photo, a bigger photo is much better, i have to say im pleased, it was stevieTT saying zen on the other photo that gave me the idea.
now have the clay out to make a bamboo water feature???
9 Jan, 2012
I am not a Zen expert, but call myself houseplant expert - repotting is always necessary when buying new plants, lol... And would say be carefull with Syngonium - it can go wild very quickly, lol
P.S. well done with your photo:) like it - would give you few likes if it would be possible, lol.
One have to be enough, lol
9 Jan, 2012
oh thanks kasy thats really kind.
which one is syngonium? none of them had a label!!!
9 Jan, 2012
oh, no that's terrible! ok. the one in the middle, talles one is dizygotheca. My favourite:) to the right is Syngonium - very vigourous climber - always 'hungry', lol
In front of the dizygotheca you probably have Ficus pumila - little ground cover with rounded leaves (just guessing - cannot see that clear - just judging by the form of the plant. And the plant on the left - sorry forgot the name - will come back in a moment - need to refresh my memory:-(
9 Jan, 2012
Ok. got it - it's called fittonia. the one with the red veins. And looking at the other picture looks like you got two ferns...
9 Jan, 2012
yes one fern doing better than the other. the red has increased in size certainly; none of them are expensive so its no real disaster if they get too big.
9 Jan, 2012
Very pretty Sticki.
9 Jan, 2012
thanks lulu, looks a bit like there should be fish swimming above it!!!
9 Jan, 2012
It is a very slick pic Stick!!! :o)))))
9 Jan, 2012
it looks funny like this doesnt it linda, when it came up on the screen at first it looked great, now it looks too small, its 4 pictures put together.
9 Jan, 2012
Looks fab! :)
9 Jan, 2012
Very pleasing, Sticki. You are clearly enjoying this.
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks pixi
You are right oji, I do like it!
10 Jan, 2012
its a medative path in miniature Sticki, magic !
10 Jan, 2012
thanks bampy! i find it very calming!! cant rake the stones tho ~ i should have used sand for that. was going to make a rake out of old pencils??!!
10 Jan, 2012
Beatuifully arranged to complement one another well done Sticki. :O))
10 Jan, 2012
thanks sixpence, i quite like the space inbetween too?
10 Jan, 2012
Yes hence beautifully arranged hehe.
10 Jan, 2012
10 Jan, 2012
Beautiful Sticki....
10 Jan, 2012
If you need shells sticky give me a shout,not short of them here,nice pic.
10 Jan, 2012
thanks motinot, i have enjoyed doing it, not often i am pleased with something i do!!
thats a very kind thought kev, thank you! i have a couple of small ones in but any suggestions for improvement welcome.
10 Jan, 2012
Very pretty Sticki :0)
10 Jan, 2012
Thanks sue
10 Jan, 2012
Wow, Kasy, we know where to come for houseplant advice! Brilliant photo Sticki, very pretty!
10 Jan, 2012
thanks karen, yes kasy is very knowledgeable and helpful.
10 Jan, 2012
I wondered how you did that , ~~ clever ~~ I haven't managed to work ' Stitching ' out yet
10 Jan, 2012
It really annoys me that houseplants in GC never ever have names on them. Always 'foliage mixed' or the like. Honestly, would it be too much to ask for the name? The labelling on garden plants is also getting worse. I wish we could lobby the nurseries....actually we 'could' coudln't we...we should start up a Goy petition somehow and get them to get their act together!
10 Jan, 2012
Amy ~ I bought a little book all about my camera from amazon, really pleased cos i have found out how to do the self timer too! sometimes i use google/youtube and they are helpful too.
i expect i could have asked them karen but i didnt have the time.
10 Jan, 2012
Is it me or does every label now play so safe. They always seem to be around the same
'Likes full sun but shade in wet but well drained dry rich to neutral soil-keep in locked safe overwinter or take with you on holiday if taking a cruise in the med)'
10 Jan, 2012
I have instructions for my camera Sticki but they are loaded on the computer , I wonder if I can get a book for my camera like you it would be much better ,having it on the computer is silly you can't carry that around with you ..
LOL... Stevie , you've hit the nail on the head ~~~
10 Jan, 2012
about right stevie and some even have just a useless diagram, no words.
can now imagine queues of people on the gangplank carrying very large plants.
have a look on amazon amy they may have a guide for yours, mine is a magic lantern guide.
10 Jan, 2012
do you give it a rub and the genie comes out and gives advice?
10 Jan, 2012
Havent tried that.
10 Jan, 2012
really nice - elegant
11 Jan, 2012
thanks paul
11 Jan, 2012
11 Jan, 2012
Perhaps you will find some pottery fish to place in there Sticki. Lovely.
15 Jan, 2012
thats an idea, thanks linda
15 Jan, 2012
I bought a couple of colourful tiles with Koi fish on at a garden centre a few years ago and they were raised up on the surface of the tile. Gave them to a friend as a present. You'd probably have to take something like that in out of the frost.
16 Jan, 2012
this little garden is on my window sill linda, so hopefully there shouldnt be a frost problem.
16 Jan, 2012
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That looks so pretty
9 Jan, 2012