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Imprint of a Dove left on the window


By Amy

Imprint of a Dove left on the window

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blimey i bet that hurt it.... i had a yellowhammer fly into ours a few years ago..

11 Jan, 2012


This happens quite often SL even though we have put a lot of those stickers on the windows to deter them , it happens more at this time of the year I'm not sure why I wonder if it's something do with the light , there wasn't any sign of it so luckily it must have lived to tell the tale .......

11 Jan, 2012


Amy, I have bright butterfly stickers on my kitchen door and those have stopped the birds from flying into glass. I think the coloured butterflies are more visible than the black silhouette stickers.

11 Jan, 2012


Oh that's a good idea TT , I suppose it is more helpful for the stickers to be seen in a brighter colour , thanks I will try that , I don't like to think the birds might be hurting themselves ...........

11 Jan, 2012


I've had the butterfly stickers up for about 10 years.
I put them up immediately after a young blackbird had crashed into the glass and broken its neck. I was so upset over that young bird. I buried it in the garden. No casualties since then. I hope the idea helps you. I think Kleeneze used to sell the butterfly stickers.

11 Jan, 2012


Kleeneze TT , gosh I haven't seen them for donkeys years do they still go round from door to door ?

11 Jan, 2012


Amy I now think it is the other company ... Betterware ..

... says they cost only £2.99. :o)))

11 Jan, 2012


I've had a look TT , that's a bargain I will be getting some of them Thanks :o))

11 Jan, 2012


Ooh poor thing Amy, it looks really ghostly......CHARLIE!....:))

11 Jan, 2012


I've ordered a couple of packets TT thanks for the info x

I thought it looked ghostly Janey , there was no sign of the bird I'm hoping it will survive .........

11 Jan, 2012


Glad it's alright. What an amazing imprint, never seen that before. Its rather beautiful.

12 Jan, 2012


Hi Amy..
Please let me know if you're pleased with the butterfly stickers.. I hope they are the same as the ones I ordered.and that they prevent any further avian accidents !

12 Jan, 2012


I will give them a try too. Last year we had a goldfinch tragedy and the year before a woodpecker and also a sparrow hawk.

12 Jan, 2012


I hope they work for you, too, Lulu ...

12 Jan, 2012


I will let you know TT , I'm hoping there will be no more casualties, I'm sure the birds will be more aware with so many bright colours on the Butterfly stickers they look very pretty .... :o)

12 Jan, 2012



12 Jan, 2012


looks spooky Amy, hope the bird was ok, not seen this happen on mine, maybe because i dont get the sun at the back. great pic though

12 Jan, 2012


I had one identical to this Amy unfortunately I found the corpse on the floor, it was a couple of years ago so thank goodness it wasnt Lovey and Dovey, pleasedyours was unharmed;0)

12 Jan, 2012


I thought at first it was a night photo of an owl! Poor thing must have hit the window with a real thump but glad it was OK.

12 Jan, 2012


Oh Poor thing!

12 Jan, 2012


The sun shines brilliantly on this window San it's probably why the birds are dazzled , i'm so glad it wasn't Lovely or Dovey, Carole I have a pair just like yours it would be terrible if something happened to one of them ! I read an article about the residue they leave Gill I can't quite remember what it said apparently it is something like a dust that protects their feathers it will recover from the loss and replace it ...which is good's a shame Gat hopefully it wasn't as bad as it looks ! ......

12 Jan, 2012


That's sad...awww

14 Jan, 2012


TT the stickers arrived this morning , that was quick service from Betterware ... they are pretty and so many of them I shall be able to put them up everywhere even on shed windows etc.... :o)

We hope there won't be anymore 'hits' after I put up the new butterfly stickers Sue !

14 Jan, 2012


Oh dear bet it had a bad head ......

16 Jan, 2012


i thought it was a little least it was OK

18 Jan, 2012


Good luck Amy with the stickers ...
... no more injured birds ... x

18 Jan, 2012


I bet it did Angela poor little thing , it does look like an Owl print Pp. I hope not TT the stickers are in place :o))

18 Jan, 2012


We have large patio windows also, we often get this happen to us. I think I will start leaving the glass dirty so they can see it.

24 Jan, 2012


Hi Treetop... or try the butterfly stickers ?

24 Jan, 2012


We haven't had any more mishaps so far with the stickers Treetop ! fingers crossed TT .........

24 Jan, 2012


Butterflies rule okay ;o)

24 Jan, 2012


Oh Yeeeesss :o))

24 Jan, 2012



24 Jan, 2012

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