A light in the gloom?
By Stickitoffee

20 Jan, 2012
Trying to catch the raindrops... this fuchsia has been out all through the winter ~ so far!
Comments on this photo
That’s lovely. And it doesn't even look like one of the hardy ones, but maybe it is?
20 Jan, 2012
Top notch, love it against the background.
20 Jan, 2012
Wonderful moody shot Sticki!
20 Jan, 2012
Great bit o' photography there Sticki...:>)
20 Jan, 2012
Sticki that is a brilliant photo, quite haunting. Definitely one for favourites :o)
20 Jan, 2012
It is 3 dimentional..and the raindrops that you were capturing are fantastic, it looks awsome on a 200% magnification.
20 Jan, 2012
that's a real beauty Sticky..
20 Jan, 2012
Lovely shot Sticki! :)
20 Jan, 2012
superb shot Sticki ! when a snap becomes art !
20 Jan, 2012
20 Jan, 2012
Great pic. Sticki
20 Jan, 2012
Nice one Sticki..........
20 Jan, 2012
That's your Cannon for you ; just a great picture . ( You'd think that I knew about cameras )
20 Jan, 2012
Don't say that Driad....I have just given the Canon away !! Couldn't get the hang of it.
20 Jan, 2012
Don't worry Pp , I'm clueless , its just that Sticki was saying that she had one ; I haven' t figured out my little digital one yet .
20 Jan, 2012
Love the way you have captured to water droplets ,lovely :)
20 Jan, 2012
thank you everyone you are really kind!
yes i do have a canon but its one of the smaller ones ~ nice cos it has the options to do automatic and to try to learn the complicated bits.
i was outside for ages trying to get a raindrop picture, got quite wet, so did the camera and i was nearly late for an appointment!!!
200% pimpernel? i have to reduce the pixel numbers to put it on here, didnt know you would still get detail if you blew it up.
Oji i dont think it is a hardy one.
20 Jan, 2012
It's a great photo Sticki. I just clicked my magnifier and upped it one to 200% and it is stunning.
I have to reduce mine to post them as well. If it won't post I take it to Piknik and frame it...It then says " That's huge, do you want to resize.?" I click yes.
20 Jan, 2012
thanks pimpernel;
i right click on the picture and the computer has an option to edit, i then 'resize' simply by changing one of the pixel numbers. quite easy, thankfully.
20 Jan, 2012
lovely shot...fuchsia in January..amazing! :)
20 Jan, 2012
A great pic. Sticki I thought it was a Snowdrop at first :o)
20 Jan, 2012
thanks karen and amy, i tried the snowdrops but they are in a shadier place which made the photo more difficult.
20 Jan, 2012
Shine torch on them >:)
20 Jan, 2012
havent got enough hands pixi and flash didnt work either!!
20 Jan, 2012
A fantastic shot Sticki It does indeed look haunting, A very artistic and magical picture;0))
20 Jan, 2012
Brilliant shot,wow
21 Jan, 2012
Thank you meadowland, pansy and suey. I was only after the rain drops but I think it's maybe the White against the grey that made it work?
21 Jan, 2012
lol well couldnt you lay the torch against something to shine up on it? or down.lol ;)
21 Jan, 2012
I will have a go pixi, if I could only find a torch!
21 Jan, 2012
Oh dear lol..why isnt the flash working?
21 Jan, 2012
Flash is too bright.
21 Jan, 2012
Try reflecting light with a mirror or white card Sticki
21 Jan, 2012
Yes, next challenge I think pimpernel!
21 Jan, 2012
White card will work best...it is keeping it out of the shot. And you have to get low down for Snowdrops and at the moment that could be very wet!
21 Jan, 2012
It will be in my garden!
21 Jan, 2012
What a great photo Stickie, catching the drops like that looks really professional.
21 Jan, 2012
thanks rose and HB, i was out with the misting spray to get this!!
it isnt perfect but everytime you get a drop in just the right place at the right size it falls off!!!
23 Jan, 2012
Beautiful sticki, great composition.
24 Jan, 2012
oh, thanks treetop, just one of those coincidences i think? sky happened to work!!
24 Jan, 2012
what a fantastic photo, i love the raindrops on it..
25 Jan, 2012
I've only just learnt how to switch the flash off - it's very annoying and flattens out atmospheric shots whether you want it to or not. Did you use a tripod? Amazing shot, Sticki - do you give lessons?
25 Jan, 2012
thanks justdawn, i like the raindrops too.
no tripod gattina, i just take lots of pictures and hope one comes out.
25 Jan, 2012
Could be the alcohol that makes the camera shake so much in my hands, then.
25 Jan, 2012
wouldnt know gattina!!! surely not.
my camera isnt very big. i dont like OH camera cos that is too heavy to hold.
25 Jan, 2012
The good news is Gattina..that the lovely little Lumix coming your way is very forgiving with camera shake..I managed to persuade my Mum that she didn't want the lumix...and sent her packing with the Canon and the Bloomin great lenses.
25 Jan, 2012
Oh Poor Mum! You bully! I checked yesterday, and my Lumix has arrived at Sister-in-laws. I should have it by the second week in March. Hurrah! Can't wait. I used to have a dear little collapsible tripod, but have no idea where it's gone - it probably got put "somewhere safe" in the move out here 6 years ago, and hasn't, along with lots of other things, seen the light of day since. It'll turn up on Armageddon day. V. Pleased to hear about camera shake not being a terminal condition.
25 Jan, 2012
i got a collapsible tripod out of a cracker!!!
25 Jan, 2012
Wow, that is stunning Sticki! Beautiful light and atmosphere...gone to faves!
25 Jan, 2012
oh thanks janey, it was all luck really. just concentrating on the raindrops.
25 Jan, 2012
I have just bought a flexible Tripod...That you can wrap on a branch or post..
25 Jan, 2012
One of those gorilla sort?
25 Jan, 2012
Got like flexi hair roller legs...Lol
25 Jan, 2012
I wouldn't know!
25 Jan, 2012
I got it to try the Starry night setting on the camera..15 sec exposure...
25 Jan, 2012
dont think i have that one. :-(
25 Jan, 2012
Where did you find you haircurler tripod, then, Pim?
27 Jan, 2012
Great picture...my fuchsia have been hit by a bit of frost unfortunately. They were flowering away quite happily before. Never mind...another excuse to go shopping for more plants lol!
27 Jan, 2012
thank you red, most of mine are still going and some are making buds!!!!
27 Jan, 2012
It was being reduced at Asda Gatina. I think they are getting rid of a lot of Photography stuff at the minute.
27 Jan, 2012
asda have photography stuff??
27 Jan, 2012
I had a look on Amazon earlier, and there's the Gorilla make, which Sticki mentioned and then there's a very similar cheaper variety - less than half the price. Which do you have? Could it be as breakable as some of the reviews are suggesting? On the whole, it seems like a jolly good idea.
27 Jan, 2012
Sorry I'm not on the ball tonight..pulled lower back muscle, giving me some bother..It 's a hama Gatina and for thee pounds it will do. I think in a garden it would be great...Wrap round a spade, the washing pole or fence post.
Not a lot of it Sticki..My Asda is Massive the largest in Europe. I think it sometimes has stock the others don't carry.
27 Jan, 2012
must be! dont think they have it here
27 Jan, 2012
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A Lantern..Love the subtle colour.
Added to fav's
20 Jan, 2012