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Could you please identify this bird ?

Spotted in my garden today during the RSPB Bird Watch.

He seems at home on cobbles, pebbles and rocks, and he waves his wings a lot. ...... Birdie sign language ?

Another possible clue ... the hat label ...
'Exclusive knitwear designs by Pamg'

The winner who suggests the best bird species will receive an unopened packet of 'Alan Titchmarsh' seeds.. 12 years old .. given away free with Shredded Wheat at the turn of the century.

Please state your choice of seed ... Basil or Wallflower.

2nd prize ... 2 packets of seed.
3rd prize ... 2 packets of seed and feather assortment.

Comments on this photo



Blue Jay

29 Jan, 2012


LOL. That suggestion must be worth at least several feathers ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


As long as they are blue feather. ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


My budgie has mostly green and grey feathers, but he maybe able to moult a few blue feathers ... especially for you ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


I thought it was pingu?

29 Jan, 2012


Blue Penguin hehe

29 Jan, 2012


Puget Penguin!

29 Jan, 2012


Ooh... so many amusing ideas ..
... who will win the rare Alan Titchmarsh seeds ???

29 Jan, 2012


the lesser spotted blue flapper !!
his feet worry me a bit TT, think he has frostbite lol :-))

29 Jan, 2012


Lol. Helen.... good one ...
.. maybe he'll get some bedsocks from
'Pamg exclusive knitwear ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


I think its a "young waving cookwoo", I read about these, very rare bird indeed, when it reaches adulthood it lives in rocks to protect any young it might have, the eggs it lays are also blue and covered in little feathers, it has been known that not many of these birds survive due to egg hunters,its just remarkable to think this has arrived in Terra's garden,

29 Jan, 2012


Oh Yorks... that's BRILLIANT ...

I'll keep a look-out amongst the cobbles for baby waving cookwoos.... ;o)))

29 Jan, 2012


I am sure you will see some Terra, just make sure you have plenty of rocks in the garden,have you contacted the RSPB yet,

29 Jan, 2012


Alas, I sent in my Garden Birdwatch count to the RSPB just before I spotted this rare bird ...

29 Jan, 2012



29 Jan, 2012


Everyone above is wrong TT - I've just checked in my bird book and can tell you that this is the red-footed blue billed OhOh bird. That white 'pebble' nearest it foot is in fact an egg, probably a double yolker. The egg shell is incredibly hard so not many boobee birds ever hatch. Send a follow on to the RSPB bird count - they will be amazed :)

29 Jan, 2012


Hi Gee ..

That's fascinating. The RSPB will be gob-smacked !

I've LOTS of double-yolker white "pebbles" out there ... just like that one ...
When they all hatch, I'll have a whole flock ...
I hope Pamg will be able to knit enough hats !

29 Jan, 2012


Poor bird will be unable to sit on so many eggs, TT, get Conker and Truffle to sit on a few :)

29 Jan, 2012


Gee ...
my RSPB Garden Bird Count includes Collared Doves and Wood Pigeons... I volunteer those for multiple egg-sitting :o)

29 Jan, 2012


I think he's a blue beaked loofah bird. Don't you think his body looks like one lol
Be warned, they don't like loud noises, and will kill and eat any other birds that make louder noises than them !

29 Jan, 2012


Lol... Hywel ...
in that case I hope these loofah birds lay lots of eggs and have hundreds of babies ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


You could try to breed them TT ;o))

29 Jan, 2012


... but would Pamg be able to supply enough knitted hats ? ;o)

29 Jan, 2012


Maybe they could borrow some hats from Truffle and Conker :o) They might like to try some of the ones in your 'Hats for Hywel' blog :o)

29 Jan, 2012


Very generous of you, Hywel, to offer some of 'your' hats. Lol.

29 Jan, 2012


lol :o))
If it is really a loofah bird, it might like to wear a shower hat ...

29 Jan, 2012


LOL. !

29 Jan, 2012



29 Jan, 2012


I think it's a blue beaked yellow hat!! lol

29 Jan, 2012


Hi Sheila ... You could be right.
Those blue-beaked yellow-hats are VERY rare !!! Lol.

29 Jan, 2012


LOL TT so many brilliant suggestions but surely she is a rockhopping yellowhat in search of a beautiful place to lay her eggs, the wing flapping occurs when she finds "the" place so be sure and add her to your bird watch report........what a find TT congratulations :o)

29 Jan, 2012


Lol very good Terra :-))

30 Jan, 2012


Thanks Surreylad.

Hi Neena ...

Rockhopping Yellow Hat, or Rockhopping Yello What ? Lol..

No wonder she can't find a place to lay her eggs. ;o)

30 Jan, 2012


Once upon a time
or so that I have heard
living in her garden
was a very pretty bird
Terra was quite worried
as the bird was very blue
so I knitted him a hat
and he waved to say Thank You.....

30 Jan, 2012


surely you know this bird Terra its the blue beeked rock wobbler, they are well known for wearing yellow woolen hats during winter. rarely seen in urban areas unless short of their native food which is bluebells and berbaris, maybe you have these in your garden :o)))) great shot

30 Jan, 2012


Pam's headwear creation
The talk of the nation ...

Her miniature knitting
Is cute and so fitting ! :o)))

30 Jan, 2012


Hi Sandra ... Thanks.
You've done some great detective work there !

Yes, lots of berberis around, and bluebells due to flower later on ...

... so the Rock Wobbler is a strong contender ;o) !!

30 Jan, 2012



30 Jan, 2012


i try to keep up with what friends have in gardens and hope i remember correctly haha :o)))) xx
great hat Pam to :o))) x

30 Jan, 2012


Well, I believe that this is the rare BLUE BEAKED PUFFIN. Only ever seen for half an hour whilst mating, when the moon is in its third quarter and mars is in conjunction with venus!

30 Jan, 2012


coo no wonder the're rare....

31 Jan, 2012


Hi Summerfly ...
Blue Beaked Puffin ?
I think you could be on the right track there ...
I did notice a Mars Bar wrapper near to my back garden ..

31 Jan, 2012


Hello Pam..
is that the noise the birds make ? Coo ?

31 Jan, 2012


the collared doves do!!... I think the Great Tits say SU..SI...SU..SI

31 Jan, 2012


I'm impressed by your amazing avicular knowledge ...
... watch out Bill Oddie .. ;o)

31 Jan, 2012


I'll be picking the winners for the bird name this weekend.

I really do have those packets of old seed to send out..

I wonder if they'll produce any plants ? ;o)

2 Feb, 2012


Lol.....Terra, you're such a funny lady....:>)

2 Feb, 2012


Hi Moti...
Not encouraged to have a try at the name, by the temptation of turn-of-the-century seeds ?... Lol. :o) x

2 Feb, 2012


It looks like a Greater Blue Beaked Stuffin to me, a distant relation of the common Puffin but stuffed x

3 Feb, 2012


Lol. Annella... Good one... :o)))

You might just be receiving some ancient seeds for your next property ;o)

3 Feb, 2012


What? I can grow a property from seeds?????!!!!!! Send them now pleeeeeeze x

3 Feb, 2012


Please state your preference..
Bungalow seeds, Converted Barn seeds, Mansion seeds ;o)

3 Feb, 2012


Converted barn please ;o))x

3 Feb, 2012


Okay .. Forgot to mention ..
... with each pack of property seeds ..
.. you receive a free Alan Titchmarsh. ;o) x

3 Feb, 2012


Cor, Alan Titchmarsh,

3 Feb, 2012


the hat gives it an Aztec feel to me - Aztec Fire Bird whose pilot lgiht has gone out? that's why it's blue, with cold.

bungalow seeds - and the room to grow 'em!

3 Feb, 2012


Hi Fran... Great ideas ..

Blue with cold ... sounds just about right.. ;o)
and bungalow sounds good too :o)

3 Feb, 2012


Fran can forget it, I'll take the shed seeds if they come with Alan T (better than Mr Darcy any day!!!) I thought the 'Greater Bluebeakist Stuffinist' was a better answer TT.........Shall I keep creeping?

3 Feb, 2012


lol I'm after a gravel garden, not a grovel one!!!

4 Feb, 2012


You are all wrong - it is definitely a Lesser Spotted Villa Partick Thistle circa 1958 Fan tailed thingy :o)))))) - The seeds will be sufficient thank you Terra :o))))))))

4 Feb, 2012


to quote someone on Family Fortunes who was asked to name a bird with a long neck - "Naomi Campbell"

4 Feb, 2012


Nope! It obvious to an expert like me - it's a penguinius hattius!

4 Feb, 2012


I thought it might be Truffle in fancy dress.

4 Feb, 2012


it's not a negative image of Mr Flibble from Red Dwarf, is it?

4 Feb, 2012


Well lots of good ideas here, but Annella is definitely doing the most creeping and seems the most in love with Alan T... Lol.

Final decision on the three winners tomorrow ..

Who will come 3rd and win feathers too...?

4 Feb, 2012


Its a hard choice between Colin Firth(think coming out of the lake....) and Alan T in his wooly jumper...

4 Feb, 2012


On this cold day I'm thinking indoors with Colin Firth in a woolly jumper .. while Alan T does some of my garden tasks. Lol. ;o)

4 Feb, 2012


why not think of him *not* in a wolly jumper??? think that mental image would keep me warmer ...

4 Feb, 2012


It has to be the Uppity downy blue billed lesser known Ducky. of course lol

4 Feb, 2012


Ah, Dotty ...
why didn't anyone else think of that ?
Excellent suggestion. Lol. ;o)

4 Feb, 2012


So glad you like it.......

4 Feb, 2012


true... if Colin came out of my pond like that he'd be as blue as Hatty up there.......

5 Feb, 2012


Lol... Pam..

Last chance today, folks, to name the bird, and maybe win some ancient Alan Titchmarsh seed packets !!!

Crocus is busy moulting feathers for the 3rd prize extras :o)))

5 Feb, 2012


whatever it is, it's clearly a showbiz bird - doing that "ta-daaaaaa!" pose perfectly

5 Feb, 2012


Lol. Fran..
Results will be announced tomorrow :o)))

5 Feb, 2012


"and the results, in reverse order, are ...."

5 Feb, 2012


You want me to start with who wins seeds AND the feathers ? ;o)

5 Feb, 2012


lol you're paying the piper, TT, so the choice of tune is entirely up to you!

5 Feb, 2012


Hello lovely TT, how are you today? I like to keep in touch with my mostest favourite members, I should have said member. Alan T with his jumper off........I've gone all wobbly again!!

5 Feb, 2012


Hi Annella..
aka VSCFSP ...
= very strong contender for seeds prize ;o)

5 Feb, 2012


lol the old saying is true ... "lay it on with a trowel"!!!!

5 Feb, 2012


What do you mean Fran???!!!! Lol

5 Feb, 2012


*polishes halo with innocent expression*

5 Feb, 2012


Sing along now girls....''They'll be Blue Beaked Stuffins over the White Cliffs of Dover''

5 Feb, 2012


####### AND THE WINNER IS #######

The winner who suggests the best bird species will receive an unopened packet of 'Alan Titchmarsh' seeds.. 12 years old .. given away free with Shredded Wheat at the turn of the century.


Greater Blue Beaked Stuffin ...
distant relation of the common puffin ~ stuffed ;o)

Annella .. Please state your choice of seed ...



2nd prize ... 2 packets of seed.

### HYWEL ###

Blue Beaked Loofah Bird ..
they kill and eat any birds which make louder noises than they do ;o)


3rd prize ... 2 packets of seed and feather assortment.

### Franl155 ###

Aztec Fire Bird ..
whose pilot light has gone out ..
that's why it is blue with cold ;o)


CONGRATULATIONS to the winners, and many thanks to everyone who took part. :o)))

Winners please send me by message your home addresses, to allow for speedy despatch of seeds etc.


6 Feb, 2012


coo, I won something! as I said in my English oral exam, "I ain't never won nuffing before!"

6 Feb, 2012


Hi Fran... Well done !

...and you receive the feather assortment too.
Honestly !!!
Address received, thank you. :o)

6 Feb, 2012


wow! I had to read the announcement twice, was sure I'd misread it the first time - feathers too? I'm tickled pink *s*

6 Feb, 2012



6 Feb, 2012


I don't know what to say infact I am speachless but I would like to thank my parents Pauline and John, without them this would not be possible, my OH for putting up with me, my boss (for putting up with me), auntie Leslie, the milkman, my favourite teacher Mr Kendall, all the checkout girls at my local Sainsburys, my postman, Sharon my neighbour.....Oh and of course TT!!
Wall flower seeds would be lovely ;O)))

7 Feb, 2012


LOL...!!! Wallflowers seeds will be sent !
Do I have your address ?

It will be a miracle if any of them sprout into plants ... in which case, you'll probably receive another award !

Auntie Leslie and the milkman will be soooo pleased ;o)

7 Feb, 2012


Annella, you forgot to add, "And I lurve you all"!

7 Feb, 2012


Dear me lol I've won a prize :D Thank you TT :o) x
Well I hope the Blue Beaked Loofah bird enjoyed her chicken dinner, or chicken sandwiches, or chicken curry, or chicken and chips lol
Congratulations to the other winners aswell :o)

7 Feb, 2012


I'm so proud to have known you all before you were famous........

7 Feb, 2012


Well done Hywel ..
The Blue Beaked Loofah Bird won't go short of noisy fowl dinners around here ;o)

Hi Gattina ... Alan T would be proud of this winning trio wouldn't he. But can they cope with the fame I wonder ?

7 Feb, 2012


lol Gattina and TT, success won't change me - you can check that with my fan club president, he'll confirm it

7 Feb, 2012


Lol. Fran ...
I tried to get access to your fan club website, but apparently it has crashed from overload ;o)

7 Feb, 2012


awk! must have a word with my publicist about that.

7 Feb, 2012


Annella you are so funny, gave me such a good laugh, CONGRATULATIONS to all three winners, well done,

7 Feb, 2012


Thank you, thank you, thank you all!!......But I am starting to think this may have been a scam, no sight of Alan T yet and the 'Barn conversion' has turned out to be single 'Wall' flowers. Do I have to build my own? Worse than that the 'Greater blue beaked Stuffin' was eaten by the 'Blue beaked Loofah bird' after celebrating too noisily at the winners party.

7 Feb, 2012


Well, you're getting the "walls", you just need to supply the roof!

7 Feb, 2012


thanks, TT - my "oscar" has just arrived! *s* wondered what it was in the envelope at first, wastn' expecting it so quickly (to be honest, wasn't thinking about it, so wasn't expecting anyitng at all!)

9 Feb, 2012


Hi Fran..
That was speedy !
I took a VERY long walk in the freezing cold and snow yesterday, to mail that to you, so it's great to know it has arrived so quickly :o)

9 Feb, 2012


awww, you needn't have done that on my account! it would have kept - *s* as the seeds are 12 years old, another week or six wouldn't have hurt!

9 Feb, 2012


When seeds are that old, every second counts! ;o)

9 Feb, 2012


sigh, as it's probably going to be more than a few days for me to get my worktabe reassembled, and then be able to start work ....

9 Feb, 2012


Will you try planting the genuine Aztec Fire Bird feathers ?
They might grow and become an aviary ;o)

9 Feb, 2012


lol, when I get "down" to it, I'll work out how best to display them to show their full glory ...

9 Feb, 2012


Oooh... something artistic methinks ;o)

9 Feb, 2012


well, so many talented artists on here, I've got to raise my game ...

9 Feb, 2012


Still no sign of Alan T..............

10 Feb, 2012


he def wasn't delivered here! mind, you, i might not object to a model T ...

10 Feb, 2012


Postal deliveries to Northants and Wales seem to take a lot longer than to London !

10 Feb, 2012


No rhyme or reason to the post is there TT, carrier pigeon might be quicker!

10 Feb, 2012


... or carrier stuffin ;o)

10 Feb, 2012


Lol! Or you could have given Alan the bus fare..

10 Feb, 2012


For Ground Force, Alan used to have his own private taxi service ...

10 Feb, 2012


Oh no....he is starting to sound like high maintenance!

10 Feb, 2012


Don't worry... he'll bring Charlie Dimmock along to do the heavy work ;o)

10 Feb, 2012


Not that bra-less trollop!

10 Feb, 2012


I've discovered a reason for the delays. The seeds germinated en route, having got damp in the snow, and they've sprouted into walls. [ not the ice-cream ;o) ]

... the truck delivering your walls has got stuck in a snowdrift... watch this space for further weather reports ..

10 Feb, 2012


I have visions of a mobile home arriving now!

10 Feb, 2012


Thinking about charlie dimmock,we don,t see so much of her these days....

10 Feb, 2012


That's because she bought some higher neck T-shirts ;o)

10 Feb, 2012



10 Feb, 2012


lol TT. hmmm Titchmarsh and Dimmock - a pair of Charlies????

10 Feb, 2012


Award has arrived and I will display shortly TT x

10 Feb, 2012


That's good to know, Annella ...
I guess it takes a while for supplies to reach distant outposts such as Northants ;o)

Hywel has also received his prize.
Let's hope those Basil seeds aren't "fawlty" ;o)

11 Feb, 2012


aw, TT *wince* or "brushy" - showing me age there

11 Feb, 2012


Thank you for the seeds TT :o) Very nice ... I'll show them when they grow ...

12 Feb, 2012


Glad the seeds arrived safely, Hywel.
Your bird name, and its eating habits well-deserved their prize ;o)

12 Feb, 2012


I hope it ate all that it could lol. Maybe it will come back for a second helping... and bring it's friends too ;o))

12 Feb, 2012


Maybe the Loofah birds will breed and have lots of baby Loofahs ...
... safety in numbers ;o)

12 Feb, 2012


lol I've seen "aloof", never seen "aloofer"!

12 Feb, 2012


Fran.. you are a loofer a minute :o)

12 Feb, 2012


lol TT! by the way, where did you get the bird? and did it come with hat, or was that a later addition?

12 Feb, 2012


The bird was a gift from a friend.
Pamg very kindly knitted the hat. :o)

12 Feb, 2012


aw, sweet!

12 Feb, 2012


How I've missed all the fun here. Reading this has given me such a lift. How I've missed you all. Your all mad wonderful people.

4 May, 2012


Thanks Sue ..
Glad this made you smile ... xxx

I still haven't heard if any of the prize seeds have turned into amazing plants ... but the mystery bird is now perched permanently above Crocus's cage .. keeping watch :o)))

4 May, 2012


The Ark is growing nicely TT, I had hoped for a 3 bed semi but this will do for now.....Alan T says hi and not to worry as he understands that I will let him go when the project is complete.....Why does that Sue lady think we are mad????xxxxxx

4 May, 2012


Hi Annella ..
Glad you have Alan and the Ark under control ;o)

I think Sue is encouraged to find that, despite her being away for a while, GoY is still full of friendship and good humour. xxxxxxx

Sue .. we missed you too...

4 May, 2012

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