By Gee19

5 Feb, 2012
He is becoming more friendly as the weather worsens! His feather has been sticking out for ages :)
Comments on this photo
another great shot Gee :o))
5 Feb, 2012
Thank you, he is becoming tamer but does like the garden to himself :)
5 Feb, 2012
so do i!!!
5 Feb, 2012
Great shot ... I have been watching what I believed to be a pair of Robins coming in for food ... but judging by their aggressiveness to one another today they definitely are NOT a pair ... :o(
5 Feb, 2012
5 Feb, 2012
They DO get very friendly at this time of year don`t they? Its a lovely photo. :o)
5 Feb, 2012
What a smashing photo - should be on a Christmas card!
5 Feb, 2012
Thats a lovely photo ,so bright and clear ... We have a pair in our garden I have noticed that they are almost always the first to start feeding in the morning and the last to finish at night , we have been replenishing their dishes frequently through the day to help keep all the birds going through the cold nights ....
5 Feb, 2012
8 Feb, 2012
A fantastic picture Gee, we also have a couple too.they are very bossy and try to chase all the other birds away including a pair of Blackbirds, but I forgive them they are such delightful little birds;0)
8 Feb, 2012
With a feather disarranged Gee at least you know the robin is 'your robin'.Iv'e often wondered why so many wild animals are carbon copies of one another. When a bird has a distinguishing feature, it makes them seem more personalised somehow. I must say that foxes seem to vary in fur shading quite a lot. Birds are very alike within species. Those where there's no difference between male and female are confusing.
9 Feb, 2012
There were 3 robins in the garden yesterday and quite a scuffle going on between them (while one watched - ?female). I wondered if the askew feather would be lost but he was back this morning complete with feather still sticking out :)
9 Feb, 2012
Aw Gee....he is beautiful! And what a fabulous photo of him, gone on faves!
9 Feb, 2012
Hi Gee. That's a lovely photo !
10 Feb, 2012
Lovely photo of the robin Gee. We had two in the garden yesterday. I've placed a large flat plastic dish out on the lawn and put the birdfood in there. We have a lovely mistle thrush who visits us now. We also have a blackbird who has claimed the garden for himself and tries to dive at any bird who dares to enter his territory.
11 Feb, 2012
A fantastic shot Gee....
15 Feb, 2012
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what a lovely photo, wish i could get one like that.
5 Feb, 2012