reindeer moss?
By Stickitoffee

13 Feb, 2012
I think this is reindeer moss but Im not sure, there are lichens on the branch too, the light was going so I couldnt get a very good picture, I shall go back on a better day!
Comments on this photo
That's great.
13 Feb, 2012
thanks GM and Severn, it would have been better on a brighter day but it isnt far from here, next time i hope to get a picture of more of the other moss too.
13 Feb, 2012
Would flash work or just turn it into a cartoon?
If I was taking pictures of moss and lichen often I'd look into some form of additional lighting.
13 Feb, 2012
I adore mosses, so minute, it is like we are Gulliver!
13 Feb, 2012
thats why i like them GM, they feed the imagination!!
flash doesnt seem to work well on macro Severn ~ it leaves an area of shadow. must work out something to sort that out!!
13 Feb, 2012
13 Feb, 2012
It's amazing how attractive mosses are when you get close-up to them ,another good photo Sticki :o)
13 Feb, 2012
pity its a bit dull but i do like them, thanks nana and amy.
13 Feb, 2012
It does look like Reindeer moss Sticki. I would have taken a pic of that's amazing stuff isn't it. Every time I see it I think of the falls of bruar at Blair Atholl on the A9....oh, I wish I was there now! I wonder if I can pursuade OH to take a trip there soon! :))))
13 Feb, 2012
Possibly a lamp you could hold while the camera is on a tripod. Would add cumber to a walk but the pics could be pretty extraordinary against a darker background a la Pimp. It's somthing I'm going to explore.
Lol sorry if it sounds like I'm trying to micro manage your creative life :/
13 Feb, 2012
Terrific! . . what a smashing shot.
13 Feb, 2012
It is a good pic Sticki..Glad you put it on. I think it is an Evernia Lichen...
13 Feb, 2012
looks good
13 Feb, 2012
Nice shot! :)
13 Feb, 2012
thank you and thank you for all the technical info ~ im still learning and im grateful for all help, didnt think about the tripod severn but i have a small one, it would have helped.
i must try to remember the name, thanks pimpernel
13 Feb, 2012
Sticki Re 7's comment about taking a does not have to be cumbersome.. One of the small white light bicycle lamps work...I will put up a two pic blog..That will show how I cobble a pic.No laughing though..a la pimp ;)
13 Feb, 2012
thanks pimms, i was thinking i had a little lamp that you can wear on your wrist while out walking ~ but i cant find it!!
13 Feb, 2012
Blog done Sticki
13 Feb, 2012
oh great! off to look at it now, thank you
13 Feb, 2012
Very nice Sticki, it's as Pimp says Evernia Prunastri, lichen i think common name is oak moss or similar.. amazing things lichen..
13 Feb, 2012
arent they just, thanks SL
wish i could remember the names properly, i will manage the oak moss, since i assume it often grows on oak? its the longer name i might have trouble with!!!
13 Feb, 2012
Lol Sticki, it can grow on others but mostly found on oaks :-)
13 Feb, 2012
well that will help!!! the best example of this was in a beautiful but largely untended garden in Arisaig scotland, masses of this oak moss, such amazing stuff, just intriguing.
13 Feb, 2012
it's lovely when it has misty dew all over it, we had a tree in my garden in Windsor park that had it all on it,. that sparkled in the morning light when it was dewy...
13 Feb, 2012
how beautiful, i have tried so many times to get pictures of the dew on the moss, might have to borrow OH camera.
you lived in windsor park??? how amazing!
13 Feb, 2012
thanks, i was born there too, in the house on smiths lawn.. many moons ago :-))
13 Feb, 2012
how amazing!!! were there deer in the garden?
13 Feb, 2012
a few but then they put the deer park in and rounded them up into that, a few did escape..
14 Feb, 2012
I used to live near the grounds of Woburn Abbey, we used to play in those woods all day in the holidays, wish times were still like that!!!
they had the Pere David deer, we used to drive down the road that went through the estate, rhodedendrons all the way along!
14 Feb, 2012
wow i bet that was lovely Sticki, we only had the roe deer did you see many of the pere deer i bet that was great... has it changed much? i know windsor park has changed loads since i was young..
14 Feb, 2012
well i havent been back much and you could only really see the deer from a distance but they are nice memories and although i only lived there for 6 years i still think of it as home. we lived 2 miles from Woburn Abbey but the estate was large and the woods that were at the back of our house also belonged to the Duke of Bedford, part of it is now a golf course; i think they built the wild animal kingdom while we were there and we went once, a lioness tried to attack our car! it was put down later as it did the same or worse to others.
14 Feb, 2012
wow i bet that was a bit scary, the only scary time we had was wander through the deer park at rutting time.. that was an accident never to be repeated :-))
14 Feb, 2012
oh dear, that doesnt sound good i think we were safer in the car!!
i dont remember feeling scared but i think my mum was, dad flashed the lights at the lioness and it backed off, he was quite calm!!!!
14 Feb, 2012
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