Mystery plant ~ solved: Ornithogalum nutans or Star of Bethlehem ~ thanks GoY!
By Stickitoffee

11 Apr, 2012
Found in a garden in Suffolk at the weekend, sorry I dont know anything else about it, does anyone know its name please?
Is it the same as yours Oliveoil?
Comments on this photo
Sorry don't know the name of the plant but it's very pretty.
11 Apr, 2012
i see what you mean cinderella, im not at all sure, there werent many plants in the garden so i dont think they were gardeners??? but i did like this one
11 Apr, 2012
sorry can't help there, but its rather lovely
11 Apr, 2012
never mind,
sorry about the fly!!!
11 Apr, 2012
the fly looks good, would be nice to know the name of this plant
11 Apr, 2012
perhaps i should have put it on the question page but olive oil was asking about one of hers that might be similar
11 Apr, 2012
just looked through my gardening book but no luck,
11 Apr, 2012
Yep it looks the same Sticki, wonder what it is?
11 Apr, 2012
Have posted a question on it now Sticki, hopefully someone will answer the query for us.
11 Apr, 2012
be very nice to know
11 Apr, 2012
Ornithogalum nutans I think..perhaps
11 Apr, 2012
i think you are right, thanks pimms, karen looked it up and got that too
11 Apr, 2012
Pretty thing isn't it ?
11 Apr, 2012
i thought so!! it was in amongst the weeds!!
11 Apr, 2012
We think we have the mystery solved, it does look like 'ornitholagum nutans' it is lovely whatever its name is. lol.
11 Apr, 2012
11 Apr, 2012
It is Lil, beautiful white and green.
11 Apr, 2012
Star of bethlehem
11 Apr, 2012
yes I believe that is its name too thanks Pimpernel. Do you know if there are other colours of the same plant please. Keep asking in case anyone knows, I seem to recall there were other colours on the bankside where I begged this from.
11 Apr, 2012
Hmmm, appropriate. Will def have to try and remember this one next time I'm at the GC.
11 Apr, 2012
Definitely one to have it is lovely Lil.
11 Apr, 2012
Agree Olive!
11 Apr, 2012
I thought Star of Bethlehem 'cos I didn't know it's proper name LOL......
11 Apr, 2012
I thought Star of Bethlehem and Googled it's proper name Amy....;)
11 Apr, 2012
LOL... clever you Pp , ;o))
11 Apr, 2012
very nice Sticki
11 Apr, 2012
Don't know if anyone has said it - but I think it's Ornithogalum nutans. I've got it in my garden :o) It grows from a bulb.
11 Apr, 2012
Very Pretty Sticki :)
11 Apr, 2012
thanks everyone ~ yes hywel thats the one but thanks pimms i shall remember star of bethlehem ~ its easier!
11 Apr, 2012
A real gem! asnd a lovely name too;0)
11 Apr, 2012
it is nice isnt it PP, i shall have to look out for one now!!!
11 Apr, 2012
Lovely :) like the fly too!
12 Apr, 2012
he was an accident!! thanks pixi
12 Apr, 2012
A fly determined to have his 5 minutes of fame :)
Lovely plant and I like its 'common' name - much easier to remember.
12 Apr, 2012
i like the common names, i dont know many latin names
maybe infamous fly?
12 Apr, 2012
Really pretty Sticki, and nice to have a lily at this time of the year.
13 Apr, 2012
thanks linda, unfortunately its not in my garden!!!
13 Apr, 2012
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Looks like a lily of some kind, but a bit early for that./
11 Apr, 2012