Poppy in the Rain
By Pansypotter

3 Jun, 2012
Its raining but I dont care my Princess Victoria Louise is starting to open;0)
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Well its rained non stop here throughout the night and all day too, wouldnt mind but chilly too and I have some little alpines to plant I bought on our day out with Sandra yesterday, think I will get withdrawal symptoms lol
3 Jun, 2012
Good job we went out yesterday,Carole..I think it's cold too..don't be a wuzz..get your waterproof on,and get them planted ! Lol....I bet you have done that before :o)
3 Jun, 2012
I have Sandra but Harry has painted the Utility door inside so I can't get out! my excuse anyway its too chilly;0)
3 Jun, 2012
So much for the 'flaming June' notion! ... Both our empty water butts have filled up overnight, all the containers we left out are topped up and the pond level is back to where it should be ... now I would like the sun to shine for a few days! .....
3 Jun, 2012
Me too Shirley;0))
3 Jun, 2012
Any excuse,Carole..mind you ,I wouldn't have gone out in it either..tomorrow will be your Alpine day :o)...check that door for runs..but I bet you don't find any ! Lol.
3 Jun, 2012
Just perfection lol
3 Jun, 2012
As always..! wonder if Harry and Russell are related ? Lol.
3 Jun, 2012
Could be Blood Brothers!
3 Jun, 2012
I thought more on the lines of Chuckle brothers,to be honest.! :o)
4 Jun, 2012
4 Jun, 2012
Oh brilliant Carole , I expect it's open by now ! I'm missing things while the family are here ......
7 Jun, 2012
No not opened yet but getting there can just see the colour peeping through and more new buds, hope you are having a great time with your family ;0)
7 Jun, 2012
Lovely to see the poppies out again. I got so fed up with the rain that I went outside and planted some of the bedding plants today. They were getting their leaves ripped about by the wind under the car port so they are now snug in the back garden.
8 Jun, 2012
Good for you Linda just put a stake in one of the Foxgloves I overlooked yesteday;0)
8 Jun, 2012
The wind and rain knocked my wallflowers so I cut them back hopefully they will flower again as they are biannuals.
9 Jun, 2012
Ooh i dont know what this is going to look like, im excited now-could you take another pic when it wakes up please! :o)
9 Jun, 2012
I will Leigh just hope it doesnt drown in all the rain!!
9 Jun, 2012
Is your poppy showing colour yet PP?
10 Jun, 2012
Linda there are now 11 buds showing the largest is just showing a little of the peachy pink petals;0)
10 Jun, 2012
Before we moved here we had several clumps of these wonderful poppies varying pinks and reds. They look beautiful when out and the insects like them.
11 Jun, 2012
Im sure they did Linda didnt you bring any to your new home? mine are just takingtheir time opening but be worth the wait when they do;0)
11 Jun, 2012
Hi PP. Our garden was a small grassed area and a third of it covered in large shrubs and ivy and the front garden basically the same with a small overgrown flowerbed. The fence was rotten when after weeks of getting the ivy off so we had a new one erected. I would have liked to bring a lot of plants from the other garden PP but not possible. I did bring as many pots with plants in as possible. This garden took ages to get straight. We had the help of some gardeners to dig out the shrubs roots and turf and do some of the digging over and other work. Gerry and I cope with the garden now and still change some of the plants around. Nearly got it right PP.
12 Jun, 2012
:o) Sounds great lindak thats what ive been doing this year tho it wasnt bad, just re-dug all the boarders. i was pregnant last year so couldnt do a lot since we moved in. its great tho when the fun stuff like planting can start isnt it! :o)
12 Jun, 2012
Hope all's going well for you Leigh. In a few years time you'll probably have a blossoming young partner in gardening. Yes It's lovely starting from scratch, although like me, you will probably move a few things planted in haste, to other positions in the flowerbeds. It's exciting to see the end result with everything blossoming.
13 Jun, 2012
You have done wonders with your gardeden L.L it is beautiful a job well done and a credit to you and Gerry;0))
13 Jun, 2012
thanks pp. I've just come in with blue fingers from fertilising all the plants with liquid feed before it rains. LOL.
13 Jun, 2012
lol Ive been covering my heuchera cuttings that goy friends have sent me with plastis bottles! a couple have been nibbled ;0(
13 Jun, 2012
yes lindak, my eldest is 2yr and keen on watering-the bare soil lol so ive got double the chance of having a helper!
ooh p.p i was wondering 2day whether i could put a lot of our recycling waste to better use than the bin, so plastic bottles could be used to put over/around new plants? i did that with my sunflowers like a fellow goyer suggested. duno whether 2 take off the slug-munched leaves or not, dont think there'd be anything left of them!? any other ideas for using recycling waste? especially glass bottles, there is a constant supply now the footys on! !phuff! :o)
13 Jun, 2012
I have taken the damaged leaves off mine gives a little more room under the protective covers ;which I usually put on at night! Lemonade etc plastic bottles make great little cloches cut in half, leave the stopper in the top half or the slugs could get inside;0) good luck !
13 Jun, 2012
If you punch small holes in the bottom of small but deep plastic trays mushrooms etc come in they make seed trays and clear plastic ones make tops to put over when starting to grow from seed.
14 Jun, 2012
Yes the clear plastic trays do come in very handy Lincs;0)
14 Jun, 2012
Haha yes Linda! i thort that! ive got a marg tub and the tray what the cherry toms came in so far. ooh i only cut bits of the bottles but now i will just put a full half over them at night thanx p.p
15 Jun, 2012
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Pretty with the raindrops ... we had our first rain in ages last night ... so nice to see everything freshened up this morning ... and I shan't need to wander around with watering cans this evening! ... :o)
3 Jun, 2012