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Liquidamber Tree ........... For Hywel ..........


By Amy

Liquidamber Tree ........... For Hywel .......... (Styraciflua)

Sorry it's not to good a photo Hywel it's raining and dull outside !!

Comments on this photo


Is this in your garden Amy. These are gorgeous trees, fab colour.

21 Nov, 2012


It still looks beautiful even in the rain.

21 Nov, 2012


Lovely tree, such a beauty.

21 Nov, 2012


Yes it's my garden Pam thank you all for you kind compliments , I though the trees in his blog about the car park looked like Liquidamber he will be the judge of that :o)

21 Nov, 2012


Gorgeous tree Amy!

21 Nov, 2012


Wow, fancy having that in your garden....wonderful!

21 Nov, 2012


great colour

21 Nov, 2012


Thanks Janey , Karen I have two Liquidamber trees we have 5 grandchildren these two trees were bought for two of them when they were born we have other trees for the other three , Thanks Skips they are fabulous at the moment I don't think the leaves will last long there are almost as many on the ground ......

21 Nov, 2012


You are so lucky, have the space for your lovely trees..what a wonderful idea to plant them for each of your Grandchildren ..this is a beauty.:o)

21 Nov, 2012


Thanks Sandra , have a brillliant day out tomorrow with Carole and Harry Give them a hug from me :o)) x

21 Nov, 2012


We will,Amy,thank you...and the hug will be passed on :o)) xx

21 Nov, 2012


Brill colour

22 Nov, 2012


Thanks 6p :o)

22 Nov, 2012


I agree with bloomer, but sadly haven't the room for many trees.

22 Nov, 2012


I'm sorry the above comment is mine PamD it has the wrong avatar, dont know how that happened

22 Nov, 2012


Hi Amy .. pretty colours on the tree :o)

Hi Pamd .. most strange .. once before, a couple of years ago ... when this problem occurred and the wrong avatar photo came up on a member's comment ... that time it was also Iciar !

22 Nov, 2012


Your welcome Amy ;o))

22 Nov, 2012


Thanks TT they are brilliant at the moment , how strange Pam especially as TT says it happened before with the same avatar !

22 Nov, 2012


What a lovely specimen, thanks for sharing;0)

22 Nov, 2012


Beautiful tree, there's one planted on a bit of council land at the end of our road,only a baby compared to yours though, love it..............

27 Nov, 2012


Thanks Carole / Kathy I do like these trees very much for their brilliant colour ....

27 Nov, 2012


i havn't see one of those in years Amy, lovely tree :-)

11 Dec, 2012


It is wonderful foliage Slad I'm glad you like it , all gone now I'm afraid :o(

12 Dec, 2012

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This photo is of species Styraciflua.

This photo is of "Liquidamber " in Amy's garden

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