Sparrow on top of my snowy Hydrangea petiolaris
By Terratoonie

23 Jan, 2013
I'm pleased with this climbing hydrangea in my back garden. It's good for a shady north wall or fence.
Slow to get going, but well worth the wait for the beautiful white lacecap-style flowers.
Given the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
The sparrow likes it too !
Comments on this photo
A lovely photo TT :o))
23 Jan, 2013
Great Terra
23 Jan, 2013
Thanks Klahanie, Amy and Paul :o)))
23 Jan, 2013
Now this is very difficult - do I give it a 'like' ? I hate snow, and I've got a phobia of birds .
I suppose I will, because I like Hydrangeas :o)
23 Jan, 2013
Hello Hywel ..
sorry to present you with such a dilemma ...
but you solved it very cleverly ;o)
23 Jan, 2013
23 Jan, 2013
He's lovely ,altho' it does look as if you have tied his feet onto the branch lol :-)
23 Jan, 2013
It is reassuring to hear that yours was slow to get going because we have one growing against one of the garden walls and after two years it has grown only a little and I haven't seen a flower yet.
I love the sparrow!
23 Jan, 2013
Thanks Nancy ...
I wasn't sure how the sparrow managed to balance on the thin branch !
Thank you, Chris ...
The petiolaris is very slow to mature... it will eventually grow, and you'll love the flowers !
The little sparrow posed very prettily for me :o)
23 Jan, 2013
Aw lovely photo TT the sparrow has a good vantage point there it is a lovely plant too even looks good in the winter :o)
23 Jan, 2013
Thanks Neena...
the old flower heads do look dainty with the snow on top :o)
23 Jan, 2013
They certainly do TT lovely picture :o)
23 Jan, 2013
Lovely photo Tt.
23 Jan, 2013
I agree lovely picture Terra, have seen lots of sparrows these last couple of weeks, they seem to like my birdbath wihch I have been replacing clean water in each morning;0)
23 Jan, 2013
Picture perfect Terra.....It took my climber about 5 years to flower...:>)
24 Jan, 2013
Perfect photo :) It looks like my ornament in the garden :)
24 Jan, 2013
Thanks everyone ..
Hi Carole .. yes ... lots of sparrows, blackbirds and starlings in the gardens lately.
Thank you Moti ... I'm pleased your H. petiolaris finally decided to flower ;o)
24 Jan, 2013
Yes,don't despair wild rose. I've grown this before, and after a couple of years it does eventually get going. Once it does take off, there's no stopping it! Mine is being ignored, it's been in two years now, so hopefully this year it will move above a foot tall! Terra,your sparrow is lovely...he/ she looks like a little statue!
24 Jan, 2013
Thanks Karen ...
On those thin, high branches, the sparrow had an amazing grip and incredible balance ... yes.. like a little statue :o)
24 Jan, 2013
Thats a lovely pic TT... O)
24 Jan, 2013
Hi Holly... thank you :o)))
24 Jan, 2013
Bloomin cold again today TT..... O(
24 Jan, 2013
Yes ... still lots of snow around ...
24 Jan, 2013
lets hope it goes by weekend as they say in forcast...
24 Jan, 2013
Its a very good photo Terra, the snow looks so soft against the spiky flower heads, good of the sparrow to pose so artistically!
24 Jan, 2013
Thanks Pam ...
This winter, the little birds in my gardens have been very obliging, posing for photos ;o)
24 Jan, 2013
Mine flutter and squabble at the bird hangers for who gets the best places, with blackbird and robin underneath catching the fallout. :0)
25 Jan, 2013
Yes.. the blackbirds and robins are never far away :o)
29 Jan, 2013
Pretty pic TT :o)
29 Jan, 2013
Thanks Annie :o)
29 Jan, 2013
Yet another pic I missed..lovely to see ,Terra ..I haven't seen any Sparrows here for ages..they must have gone over the border to Carole's ! :o)
29 Jan, 2013
Thanks Sandra .. no problems ..
I'm always playing 'catch up' with looking at pics !
Lots of sparrows here ...
I'll direct some towards your garden ;o)
29 Jan, 2013
Lol..I do miss the Sparrows..and to be honest,not many of any species this past few days ! much choice of food as well,and fresh water daily ..what more do they want ? :o)
29 Jan, 2013
For a while, after the RSPB bird count, people who don't usually remember to feed garden birds are putting out bird food they bought especially for the 'Count' weekend...
... so there are lots of gardens with bird food...
... but things will soon return to 'normal'.
... a bit like lots of people going to the gym in January... normality will soon return ;o)
29 Jan, 2013
I never thought of that,Terra..but mine get fed all year round..even the food for the Blackbirds and other ground feeders has been slow to go..still some on the low walls from 2 days ago..I have to keep sweeping it up,and disposing of it over the fence..they seem to very choosy lately...never known it before..and I haven't seen the 'Black Panther' for a while either..he is usually lurking around,first thing in the morning,and slinks off when I open the blinds :o).
29 Jan, 2013
I'm sure the birds will return in February ..
along with the Black Panther, who is no doubt currently bird-watching in other gardens ;o)
29 Jan, 2013
:o)) x
29 Jan, 2013
3 Feb, 2013
Thank you :o)
3 Feb, 2013
3 Feb, 2013
missed this , lovely photo Terra :o)) x
12 Feb, 2013
this is a lovely picture. My petiolaris was also to get going, it now romps away.
12 Feb, 2013
Thanks Sandra :o))) x
Hi Seaburn ... glad you like this ...
Yes, petiolaris is wonderful, once it gets started !
12 Feb, 2013
Wow! wonderful shot Terra!
12 Feb, 2013
Hello Junna ...
Thank you ... the sparrow was very obliging ..
sat there in the snow while I clicked the camera !
13 Feb, 2013
Great pic. I always intended getting a H Petiolaris, but thought it would take too long to 'get going' If I had bought one when I first thought of it, it would be covering my fences now:-)
13 Feb, 2013
It is very much a slow-starter ..
13 Feb, 2013
Hello Homebird ...
Thank you.
The hydrangea will be slow to get going ...
I hope you can plant it soon ...
13 Feb, 2013
Love that photo of the sparrow, it's so special,what a blessing to have captured that shot.
4 May, 2013
Thanks Franny ...
It was a very cold day, but the sparrow seemed happy :o)
4 May, 2013
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Lovely seasonal picture Terra.
23 Jan, 2013