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Cornus Midwinter Fire


By Amy

Cornus       Midwinter Fire

Jan 2013 plated in new border near garage

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Are you going to cut it right back, now , Amy? I have this one in the border and this is a good time of year to do it so you get good colour next winter. Hope you didn't mind me mentioning this!

4 Feb, 2013


Thanks for reminding me Rose , I'm always reluctant to cut back a new small shrub I think I'll just give it a little trim for it's first year ....

4 Feb, 2013


Bought this and a couple of other varieties for some winter colour a few weeks ago, really looking forward to seeing them grow this year.

5 Feb, 2013


Me to Angela ,anything is welcome that gives us some cheerful winter colour :o)

5 Feb, 2013


OH decided after reading Alan Ts book we needed more winter colour, so that is what I am doing.

5 Feb, 2013


love these Amy - great shrubs - mine in front

6 Feb, 2013


I have this Cornus AMy but I planted it when it was a very small plant and its now quite tall but totally hidden as its behind a big Choysia, think I may try digging it up and moving it somewhere I can see its lovely red stems.

8 Feb, 2013


Thanks paul , Carole I wonder if you could dig a runner up from it to start a new shrub off ,I've noticed on a big old one of mine that it has new growth shooting up from the ground on the outside of the older stems ,I'm sure I could dig it up and move it elsewhere also the nice new stems are a lovely new fresh red .....

8 Feb, 2013


Gorgeous stems thereAmy, is this for your pink border too?

9 Feb, 2013


Yes it is Janey, the border is filling up I can't wait for them to flower and spread out ,yesterday I bought a Prunus Purple -leaf Sand Cherry the dark purple against the pinks should look nice ..

10 Feb, 2013


Ooh it should, I've googled it and had a look, your border will be beautiful and if you edge it like you said and use a pebble mulch, it'll look so sunny and warm!

10 Feb, 2013


Thanks for the suggestion Amy.I will have a look tomorrow if there are any signs of runners;0)

11 Feb, 2013


Very nice, one of my Hubs favs...

16 Feb, 2013


love Cprnus, the different bark colours, and different intensities of colour. I bought one from a pound shop last year, hoping it's going to show some signs of life. I'd love to have a whole hedge of them, different varieties mixed to give a technicolour background

16 Feb, 2013


Glad you like it Sue / Fran I hope yours grow well for you ,you can get some good bargains at the pound shop !

16 Feb, 2013


Buying bare-rooted has never worked yet for me, or maybe buying cheap plants that have been in the pack who knows how long. It'll have to be grown in a tub, which will limit the size - at least, once I reach the biggest pot size that I have. Fingers crossed I'll need the bigger pots.

17 Feb, 2013


You have to inspect them very carefully when they have been packed as in poundland some of them leave a lot to be desired but I like to think I've rescued a plant if it looks reasonable and have given it a good home :o)

17 Feb, 2013

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This photo is of "Cornus ... Midwinter fire .." in Amy's garden

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