Gentle collared dove ... ... ... in silver birch tree
By Terratoonie

19 Mar, 2013
I love these beautiful birds ...
Comments on this photo
Hi Paul... thanks :o)
19 Mar, 2013
19 Mar, 2013
They always seem very gentle birds, lovely photo.
19 Mar, 2013
Thanks Louisa ..
I very much like to see the doves visiting my garden.
19 Mar, 2013
I love them to .. I have a permanent pair in my garden they always make me smile ,they sit side by side kissing, canoodling and preening they are lovely to watch ,I dread the Sparrow Hawk catching one of them :o(
19 Mar, 2013
A beautiful photo TT and such a blue sky, I have two doves who visit my garden they are always a joy to watch just as Amy says :o)
19 Mar, 2013
Love to see them, such pretty birds, you have sunshine and blue sky?
19 Mar, 2013
I have lots of these visiting my garden too TT. They are as you say very gentle.
20 Mar, 2013
Nice Dove, nice blue sky too......don't see that too often at the moment!!!!!!!
20 Mar, 2013
I like the blue sky :o)) It's raining here this morning.
20 Mar, 2013
Just about to here, by the look of things Hywel.Black cloud all around! I was just about to go to work but maybe not!!
20 Mar, 2013
Thank you for lovely comments ...
I'm lucky the doves choose to visit my garden :o)
The weather has been changeable ...
sun, then rain, then sun, then rain !
20 Mar, 2013
It's been changeable here too....light rain, then heavy rain, then drizzle, the damp dark and back to drizzle..Not one job done and the grass now soaking wet for tomorrow too!!!!
20 Mar, 2013
Our rain soon cleared away, and we had a mostly sunny day :o)
20 Mar, 2013
Still raining here, I'm afraid Hywel.I just don't know what to do now! Was going to go out to work this am and it started raining .rained on and off all day so now the grounds soaked.And on top of that we have frost forecast for tonight.So, still no gardening tomorrow.Rain Friday thru to at least Monday.And ,then when the sun eventually(if ever) dries the ground....all my customers will expect me at the same time.Sounds like a sob story but after last summer, I really needed a good year but complete waste of time, even trying!
20 Mar, 2013
We've had a row of wet summers these past few years Paul. We must get a good one soon. This year hopefully :o)
The last warm summer I remember was 2006 - the first summer for me here. It was very warm.
20 Mar, 2013
2011 was ideal for me Hywel sunshine but a few showers which keeps the gardens growing.But last year was a disaster after a great March and early April....and this year has started awfully!! I'll be down at the soup kitchens at this rate!!!!!!
20 Mar, 2013
lol ... I hope not !
21 Mar, 2013
lovely combination of bird, tree and sky, TT. cheered me up!
21 Mar, 2013
Hi Fran .. Thanks ..
welcome back ...
I hope your computer problems are sorted now. :o)))
21 Mar, 2013
Lovely picture Terra and a lovely Blue sky,;0)
21 Mar, 2013
Thank you Carole ..
We need more blue skies ;o)
21 Mar, 2013
thanks, TT, mostly back up, still needs some tweaking (with a ten pound hammer!)
22 Mar, 2013
TT I spoke to soon about my lovely pair ,the Sparrowhawk did grab one today it's been so sad watching it's mate returning to the same spot waiting for it to come back it makes you want to cry ;o(
22 Mar, 2013
Hi Amy ... that's very sad news about your dove ...
Hi Fran ...
I hope the hammer won't be needed !
23 Mar, 2013
aw, sorry tol hear that, Amy - it's a bit hard to realise at times that that's they cycle of life, predators need to live as well. Do collared doves mate for life?
23 Mar, 2013
It,s sad after seeing them together for such along time , I'm afraid the one left will pine away :o( I thought they did mate for life Fran but am not very sure about that , we looked it up but there wasn't any mention of that fact !
23 Mar, 2013
having the same prob myself now you mention it, Amy1 I put "do collared doves mate for life" in Google and got lost of collared dove info sites but none of htem so far have answered the question - even the RSPB doesn't seem able to answer it! shee.
thought these sites might be of interenst all the same:
there's links on the right side of the page that lead to the rspb site above and to some others.
24 Mar, 2013
Thanks Fran I'll have a look , I have some good bird books but still nothing to add ,the poor remaining dove was sitting on the arbour today looking sad and lonely, I went out to talk to it, it seemed to know and cocked it's head from side to side as though it was listening :o(
24 Mar, 2013
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yes they're very nice Terra - nice picture
19 Mar, 2013