I'm only taking a little :)
By Gee19

26 Jan, 2014
Dear little wood mouse has been visiting the bird table each evening over the last week or so and looks very plump on the pickings :)
Comments on this photo
what a cutie! He's just a little woodmouse living the highlife thanks to you Gee!
26 Jan, 2014
Lovely Gee bless his little whiskers :o)
26 Jan, 2014
Just like the little one who has been visiting my bird feeding station. I wonder if they are related lol?
27 Jan, 2014
Probably distant cousins, Waddy :)
Thanks, Homebird, Marybells, Lori and Neellan - I love watching him pick and choose his tea :)
27 Jan, 2014
27 Jan, 2014
He is so cute Gee I would love to watch him to , our little ones have found their way into the sack of sunflower seeds in the garage we don't begrudge the small amounts they take , now if it was rats that would be a different story, we have had them in the past ...
28 Jan, 2014
I know what you mean about rats, Amy, I have had problems here too in the past but fortunately haven't seen any evidence of them in the past year :)
28 Jan, 2014
That's a lovely photo Gee .....
28 Jan, 2014
Thanks, Shirley, hope you're keeping well and that the storms haven't battered you too much.
28 Jan, 2014
Gee ... feeling quite well so long as I keep taking the tablets! The outside light by the back door was replaced yesterday as the 'mini-tornado' on Saturday whipped it off the wall! Apart from that, everything remains vertical here ... albeit very soggy underfoot ... :o(
28 Jan, 2014
That is so strange, Shirley. My grandson and son in law had to replace my back door light as it stopped working after the storm! Now I can see where Millie is when she goes out, very reluctantly, after dark. Sometimes she just hides round the corner pretending she's done her business :)
28 Jan, 2014
Ooh, spooky! £90 poorer now but I would hate to be without a light there ... too much struggling to locate the door lock when it's dark ... poor Millie ... she must hate this weather as much as we humans do ... :o(
28 Jan, 2014
What a little sweetie Gee......outside, now if inside that would be a different matter....lol!
29 Jan, 2014
O Gee he is so cute can you make him a pet ? :0)
30 Jan, 2014
Cute, but I agree with Janey... Inside is different! It has been such a long and brutal winter that a good number of similar mice (Deer mice over here) have moved indoors and the cat would rather play with them rather than catch them! She (the cat) will let me know where one is and be quite entertained by me catching it. I toss them far away outside, as I have a tough time dealing with such cute critters... If they get caught by one of my traps, I can handle that.
12 Feb, 2014
I agree Mice (outdoors) are sweet creatures! LOL...Rufus only hunts at night (if he deigns to hunt at all) Makes a racket...wakes us up...but won't do the deed..He just plays with them! Wiley, the mouse, knows traps...(been around so long we've named him)I'm still trying to find a mouse trap that won't take off my fingers when I set it. I find evidence that Wiley checked out the trap and left his calling card but would not stay to play! Can't really blame them for coming in out of the cold, though?
15 Feb, 2014
oh, nice! I like mice, so long as they're not running around in my kitchen!! lol even in my new home I still turn the kitchen light on from the doorway and stop to check for movement before I go in. Outdoors, they're sweet.
19 Feb, 2014
We have a resident woodmouse that steals a few seeds. So cute. Housemice are different and not pleasant to have indoors.
25 Feb, 2014
given that i'm visually impared and only have peripheral vision, if tte silly twits kept still i'd very lieky not even see them - but they leg it and it's the movement that i see. they were just using my flat as a way between their nest and outside, but they'd forage while they were about it. ugh!
25 Feb, 2014
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very sweet :-)
26 Jan, 2014