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By Gee19


not the most colourful of my garden visitors but one of my favourites.

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One of mine too Gee, lovely little busy birds;0)

18 Feb, 2014


Ditto ... I see one hopping around the back fence most days ... :o)

18 Feb, 2014


Lovely little bird !

19 Feb, 2014


great pic. how close were you? I've heard lots of new birdsong here - not seen any birds other than blurs as they whizz over the trees (thought I saw a white bird at the top of a tree, but when I got my binoculars on it, it turned out to be a pastic bag!)

19 Feb, 2014


The bird table is just a few feet from the kitchen door, Fran. The dunnocks usually feed on the ground but recently they have started sneaking up on the table. Had to laugh about your white bird! I have done the same sort of thing myself :)

19 Feb, 2014


Yes these are so sweet and shy....lovely peeping call too, same shape as the Robin too....

20 Feb, 2014


Lovely photo gee.... we have a pair who visit every day...

22 Feb, 2014


I had to move my bird feeder station because it got wind-blown: it's now a yard or so from the kitchen door. There are three hanging feeders, with suet and two different seed mixes, a water dish and a mesh dish. Don't seem to get any visitors, unless I scare them off when I come into the kitchen. Or I just m ight not be offering what they want to eat. What kinds of food do you put out?

22 Feb, 2014


I tend to put out a seed mix, the 'no mess' one if I can get it cheap enough. I also put suet balls out and just kitchen crumbs, dried fruit etc. Give them time, Fran, I'm sure they will soon discover where the goodies are :)

22 Feb, 2014


thanks dear! :-)

23 Feb, 2014


Lovely pic of the Dunnock. We have a pair that visit our little garden and the male keeps flitting about after the female, he never seems to stop being on the go.

25 Feb, 2014


This is one of a pair too. Like you say, Linda, they flit about so quickly and I haven't yet managed a photo of them both together :)

25 Feb, 2014


One of our favourite small birds, love the red legs...

25 Feb, 2014

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