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Never satisfied!


By Gee19

Never satisfied!

Comments on this photo


lol ! :D

1 Feb, 2015


Ha ha Gee.....what a funny garden ornament, what an expression!!

1 Feb, 2015


So funny Gee! what a grumpy ornament you can just imagine that would be her reaction to a visit from the beautiful Nuthatch, well caught too Gee love it :o)

1 Feb, 2015



That statue deserves a name! She has so much character!

1 Feb, 2015


Glad it amused you all. The statue is of a bowls player and I call her Mrs Glum, she had obviously bowled a bad wood :)

2 Feb, 2015



2 Feb, 2015


Brilliant :o)

3 Feb, 2015


Well the bird is a NUThatch..... Mrs. Glum looks as though she could do with a bit of cheering up.

3 Feb, 2015


He's been popping in and out of the garden on a regular basis recently, Linda, but this is the first time I've caught him having a close encounter with Mrs Glum :)

3 Feb, 2015


How lovely to have him around Gee. The different birds visiting us at the moment seem to be very hungry and eat everything we put out for them. I've been having to put some fresh water out though as it's still all frozen and we still have some snow around.

3 Feb, 2015


Love it hehe :0)

3 Feb, 2015


Brilliant Gill ,I love that face it would make me smile every time I looked at it :o))

4 Feb, 2015


Oh that is so funny Gee, and lucky you with a lovely bird like the Nuthatch...

5 Feb, 2015


Lol! that's made my day :) :)

6 Feb, 2015


great pic and lol

6 Feb, 2015


Heavy Nutharch....pushed that hat down over her eyes. It is a thrill to get unusual birds in the garden when the weather goes more severe. So far only a foursome of male blackbirds chasing after one another.

8 Feb, 2015


Thank you all for your lovely comments. Glad the photo amused you. It does make me smile when I see her in the garden, she reminds me of my outdoor bowling days :)

Blackbirds have started chasing one another here too, Dorjac, I suppose they are getting ready for spring :)

8 Feb, 2015

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