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Almost a pot of gold!

Almost a pot of gold!

This pot of Crocus were in the shade yesterday, moved them to a sunny border today, result.

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Who needs money??

26 Feb, 2021


Beautiful Shirley ..

26 Feb, 2021


Yes indeed!

26 Feb, 2021


Bright and cheerful.

27 Feb, 2021


Thanks ladies ... hopefully the sun shining again today will open them up for a while.

27 Feb, 2021


beautiful and just with a drop of sunshine too.

27 Feb, 2021


Look lovely potted up , Shirley! They just bring the sunshine in don’t they!

28 Feb, 2021


Thanks both . . . not as sunny today but OH gave the lawn (moss covered grass!) the first cut of the year . . . looks better now.

28 Feb, 2021


Crocuses are so lovely at this time of the year! When the flowers open in a little sunshine they really lift your mood! Then they also have a lavender or blue colour that no other plant can rival during February & March! The contrast between the golden yellow pollen on the stamens & the bright blue of the petals really zings!

Yellow ones like these really bring the sun down to earth, don't they? Gorgeous! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

2 Mar, 2021


Balcony, good to read that you love the Crocus as much as I do!

5 Mar, 2021


Yes, I do, Shirley! I used to grow them every year on our balcony but the last few years they have become too expensive to buy every year! I can't keep spring bulbs during the summer as I have to take them out of the pots & troughs to make way for the summer bedding.

I used to try & keep them in plastic bags over the summer months but they always shrivelled up or perhaps went mouldy. Lots of spring bulbs I tried to save weren't worth putting back in the soil come October! 😞

Some years ago, so as not to throw them away, I started planting them in the church gardens & now they are a riot of colour every spring! πŸ‘πŸ˜ƒ

5 Mar, 2021


Balcony, that's topical as I saw many Crocus, Snowdrops and Violets in bloom in our local churchyard when I visited my Mums plot last week. It gave me the idea to plant a selection around her plot in the Autumn as the grass isn't mown until the flowers are finished blooming.

7 Mar, 2021


There are no graves around our church. It is a modern building just over 50 years old. The "gardens" are only a meter wide border round the building (which is mostly round anyway!) They have not been properly looked after in the last 20 years at least! 😞

A gardening firm has been employed to look after the gardens but they do very little more than cut the grass & a couple of times a year they tidy up the beds. But they do no pruning of the old overgrown shrubs or remove weeds from the flower beds nor deadhead any flowers. They certainly have never taken out any dead plants or planted anything to brighten up the gardens. 😞

9 Mar, 2021


Hmm, seems a change of gardeners is in order!

10 Mar, 2021


πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

12 Mar, 2021

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