Pram and doll pushed at great speed by my veteran Welsh Terrier : ' Bonsai '. He often won Best Trick competitions at charity dog shows with this Welsh Super-Nanny routine.
By Terratoonie

1 Oct, 2008
Despite his age, 'Bonsai' continued to be very enthusiastic about dressing up and doing tricks. His Super-Nanny performance included chucking the doll in the pram, saying his prayers, and towing a little car to 'collect the children on the school run' ! :o)
Bonsai went to doggie heaven on 21st November 2008.
Some of the comments below were made prior to this date.
Rest in peace my clever little chap. xxx
Comments on this photo
Jaccque ~
Yes, thanks for asking.
The trophy was for my Sheltie winning tricks.
The show organiser kindly sent a replacement.
I just have to get it engraved to make it look identical to the stolen one.
Bonsai says thanks for the hugs and kisses. :o)
1 Oct, 2008
Hope ul take some Pics when its all Engraved TT id love2see it as would other GOY members im sure :)X
1 Oct, 2008
lol brilliant tt, are we leak free tonight?
1 Oct, 2008
Oh, Lyd ~
Yesterday evening the leak was back.
Pyjama Man came this morning.
And again this afternoon.
I now have a new career as Plumber's Assistant.
Leaks seems finally cured but...
now not much water flushes each time in the loo if you know what I mean.
Too much information, I think. Lol
1 Oct, 2008
:) So cute measure hat see if I can make or a template.
1 Oct, 2008
awwwww that is so cute
1 Oct, 2008
Scotkat ~ Thanks.
Bonsai is wearing the cloth Mickey Mouse hat.
The one you kindly offered to copy is the crocheted bonnet which my Sheltie wears. I'll get a photo of that one as soon as I can. Thanks again. :o)
1 Oct, 2008
Irish ~
I'm glad you like Bonsai, the Welsh Terrier.
He is quite elderly now, but as soon as he knows it's trick time, he really puts on a burst of energy and enthusiasm.
At the show last week, my main problem was that in the show ring, Bonsai wanted to start his praying immediately, and not wait until it was his turn to do tricks! :o)
1 Oct, 2008
It looks like you have a REAL dog superstar at home with you, Terra!
1 Oct, 2008
Thanks, David ~
Training a Sheltie is totally different from training a Welsh Terrier.
You'll find that with your baby Border Terrier. :o)
1 Oct, 2008
awww well obviously he loves showing off his skills TT
1 Oct, 2008
Yes, Irish.
As Bonsai is getting older, I'm working on the theory:
If you don't use it, you lose it.
So we enjoy a short trick practice together most days. :o)
1 Oct, 2008
He's brilliant! our eldest boxer is on metacam which makes such a difference to his Arthritis.They both get mango and papaya yoghurt on their meals twice a day and love it.
1 Oct, 2008
Such a great photo! You and your doggies put me and my little savages to shame! Your hard work is certainly something to admire...
1 Oct, 2008
be careful for GI bleeds with the metacam, there arlene..scrunchion had to go on it following severe post-spaying complications...she got a bleed in her digestive tract, then ongoing diarrhea...enough said..
1 Oct, 2008
thanks Newfie
He has been on it quite while now and we were advised to give the yoghurt for his tummy-but we keep an eye on him.Got Prokolin as well. Seems okay.
He is a different dog and can't walk that far without it.
1 Oct, 2008
Thanks for sharing, TT. I'll bet it was fun to watch...
1 Oct, 2008
Skippy ~
I'm glad you like 'Bonsai' the Welsh Super-Nanny. :o)
I'll upload more pics of my dogs over coming weeks.
2 Oct, 2008
Arlene / Newfienurse ~
Bonsai occasionally has Vitapet R~A oil which has omega3 and vitamins A,D & E.
This is to maintain pain-free, mobile and supple joints.
I reckon a daily dose of this oil would be good for us gardeners !
2 Oct, 2008
TT are we not all barking mad as it is lol
2 Oct, 2008
Having coped with all my bathroom leaks this week, I definitely need a dose of something Lol
2 Oct, 2008
hope its all sorted out for you now TT.
2 Oct, 2008
Good news ~ no leaks now
(I think)
Bad news ~ not much flush.
Lower water bills though ! Lol
2 Oct, 2008
Not if ya gotta flush more times....
2 Oct, 2008
You are so right.
I'll just have to drink less tea. :o)
2 Oct, 2008
Aww so clever !
2 Oct, 2008
Thanks, Lori.
Bonsai is about to practise his tricks now.
He's using his toy mower indoors today...
Making crop circles on the lounge carpet Lol.
2 Oct, 2008
Good news.
I think the flush has been adjusted.
I'll now be safe in Cow Watering Lane. :o)
2 Oct, 2008
6 Oct, 2008
Still forcing that poor dog to do all the yard work?!
9 Oct, 2008
Bonsai still enjoys his nanny routine.
A bit slower as he gets older. :o)
9 Oct, 2008
have you watched the dog whisperer bye any chance.i dont suffer fools gladly and i dont realy go for most dog training.lots of it dont make sense.i thaught i new lots etc till i watched this man ceaser millan .trust me he is the dogs lol
15 Oct, 2008
must take dedication to do that kind of thing.excuse me for running on but i dont know anyone who trains dogs like you do.your almost in some ways the opposit of that dog whisperer like to pick your brains and maybe you mite learn something lol you never know miricals do happan
15 Oct, 2008
Noseypotter ~
So glad you like 'Bonsai' and 'Conker'.
My dogs and I found that the ordinary style obedience-training was boring.
Wanted to do more interesting things.
My Sheltie can stack 6 plant saucers inside each other !
In the winter I'll upload more pictures of the dogs doing tricks.
I'm always willing to answer dog training questions.
I award you a VERY BIG TROPHY for fitting the MOST DOGS ON ONE SOFA ! :o)
15 Oct, 2008
lol they fitted there selves.ive never understood people getting rid of dogs because theyve moved to a smaller place.
16 Oct, 2008
Bonsai the Welsh Terrier went to doggie heaven on 21st Nov. 2008.
Thanks to my special boy for our wonderful years together.
Rest in peace. xxx
23 Nov, 2008
if you ever want him drawn just let me know.ive never drawn this breed.they got lots of character.
23 Nov, 2008
Thank you Noseypotter.
That sounds a really good idea.
Once things have settled a bit I'll see if I have a suitable photo.
I've just uploaded a picture for GoY taken in my back garden with lots of flowers. I'll send you a private message.
23 Nov, 2008
We're all thinking of you. X
23 Nov, 2008
David ~
Many thanks.
Today I uploaded a picture of Bonsai with my back garden flowers, as a celebration of his life. xxx
23 Nov, 2008
Noseypotter... what a lovey gesture...
TT ... take him up on this offer.. you'll have something to treasure.
23 Nov, 2008
Noseypotter is a very talented artist :o)
Have you seen the recent photo he uploaded of a veteran dog ? - 17 year old Poodle.
It's a brilliant drawing. :o)
23 Nov, 2008
God bless his canine soul. A beautiful boy.
RIP, Bonsai.......
24 Nov, 2008
Thank you NN.
Bonsai the Welsh Terrier was so very special :o)
24 Nov, 2008
Great Idea NP 2 use your Talents again in a Lovely Way 2 make some 1 happy :)
24 Nov, 2008
fab photo, clever dog!
20 Mar, 2009
Hi Shelly ~
Hope you are enjoying GoY.
Glad you like Bonsai the Welsh Terrier.
He is much-missed. Lots of good things come from Wales. Lol.
I have a new puppy now ~ Truffle ~ Smooth Fox Terrier.
Very mischievous. My Sheltie, Conker is very patient with him. :o)
20 Mar, 2009
hows the new pup terra ? good i hope
20 Mar, 2009
Hi NP ~
The new pup is growing fast :o)
Not yet at the stage of pushing toy prams Lol.
But at 11 weeks old he learnt quickly to bring his plastic dish back to me after his meal.
So that's a good start. Thanks for asking.
I hope your dogs are all well. :o)
20 Mar, 2009
there very well terra .id guess thats realy good for him to do with his dish at what 5 months or so.actualy while im talking to you.ive had or bean with dogs all my life 48 years.generaly i bye males or did.ive had a bitch sharpi before and i have my staffy cross my new sharpi bitch sausage is about 9-10 months and happy in herself.the thing is she seams to be developing a little bit of mamary ti9ssue though shes definatly not pregnent.i think its a hormone inbalance because shes growing up.the vets will charge me a few bob for having a look though i wouldnt hesitate if there was a problem.its in the 6 teats at the back.what do you think ? thanx again bye for now.
20 Mar, 2009
Difficult to comment on your bitch without seeing her.
Could be a false pregnancy.
Truffle learning the dish trick at just under eleven weeks old, he was actually about 2 and half months ~ so very young. Lol.
20 Mar, 2009
wow i guess he has great pertential terra 10 weeks is you use food as a way of training at first ? i remember my misses pug did the same thing.i think ill keep my eye on it at the moment thanx terra
20 Mar, 2009
I use food with some training, but not for everything.
With Conker the Sheltie I never use food for teaching tricks, but with a terrier, such as Truffle, or old Bonsai above, you can keep the dog's focus by sometimes (not always) rewarding with treats.
Good luck with your Shar Pei. xxx
20 Mar, 2009
ow im sure sausage will be ok but thanx is relevent to the dogs temprement i guess
21 Mar, 2009
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9 Aug, 2009
How cool is this TT i love it :) Did u get your replacement Trophy Yet? Give Bonsai Big Hug&Kiss from me XXX
1 Oct, 2008