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Introducing Mr. CLAPTRAP ~~~~~~~ abbreviation for ~ Clever Liquorice Allsorts Person ~ Terratoonie's Royal Appointment Paparazzi

Introducing Mr. CLAPTRAP  ~~~~~~~  abbreviation for  ~ Clever Liquorice Allsorts Person ~ Terratoonie's Royal Appointment Paparazzi

Bertie Bassett lookalike ~ my friend Mr.CLAPTRAP, has been sending me paparazzi photos to keep me cheerful during recent stressful times. Please watch out on GoY for more pictures by Mr. CLAPTRAP. He is in training for the GoY Wellie Olympics with his Paddington gardening boots. Suggestions for his specialist sports would be very welcome. He's totally bewildered about which wellie events he should enter, so thanks for your help.:o) This photo was taken at GRENVILLE NURSERIES, the secret Training HQ of GoY Wellie Olympics team in Cow Watering Lane.

What seedling plant has Mr Claptrap grown in the pot?
Members have now cleverly worked out the answer PASSION FLOWER and the prize was won by CATFINCH. Runner up prize was a box of liquorice allsorts to be shared between ARLENE, MADMUM, GILLI and GEE19 :o)

Comments on this photo


I think he would do well in the 'skip to the loo' race, especially if his training involves consuming packets of Allsorts!!

25 Nov, 2008


Gee 19 ~
That's a fab. idea.
If he's not up to speed, his pink shovel could come in very useful :o)
Mr. CLAPTRAP is hoping for at least a decathlon of events, so more ideas from members very welcome please.
His training must start soon.

25 Nov, 2008


lol He looks as if he's dressed for skiing. I don't know how well he'd do in those wellies.

25 Nov, 2008


What do you reckon Hywel ?
The downhill slalom ?
Mr. Claptrap had better not crash into that little pot with the healthy seedling :o)

25 Nov, 2008


I think his Wellies could be the Skies Hywel lol :) Mmmmmmmmmm be careful Claptraped Bertie u dont get Eatten by the Penguins/Polar Bears being your so sweet if u do enter the Skying Comp lol :)

25 Nov, 2008


Jacque ~
Penguins - those are tasty chocolate...
..could get eaten by Mr. Claptrap...........

25 Nov, 2008


He looks as if he's got great balance... I say the balance beam for sure ;~)

25 Nov, 2008


Yes Tasteyg ~
Mr. Claptrap does have the look of a gymnast about him.
Good thinking :o)

25 Nov, 2008


Is he holding a rake to smooth the sand in the long jump pit? As his wellies look too big for him, he might do better in the triple jump - flip, flop and flump

25 Nov, 2008


This is hilarious!!

26 Nov, 2008


He is holding that flower pot just as if he was going to throw it. How about the shotput event? :o)

26 Nov, 2008


Hey TT, My little nephew has a similar toy rake to the green one he's holding and I've just discovered that it makes a very good back scratcher, how about you put him in the back stroke competition....wink...wink.. :-)

26 Nov, 2008


Andrewr ~
Flip, flop, flump sounds great ! Noseypotter is in the hop, skip and fall over a tree trunk event. Maybe Noseypotter and Mr. Claptrap could compete as a team :o)

P.S. I've found several more interesting pubs which need your attention in your official role as Team Historian. I'll mention them later today. Please have the Sportster polished and ready. :o)

26 Nov, 2008


Newfienurse ~
You can't have Mr. Claptrap.
He's mine..
Oh, okay, you can borrow him now and then, but Scrunchion mustn't chew him up. :o)

26 Nov, 2008


Gilli ~
Well-noticed. So glad you recently joined GoY.
We need your quick skills of observation. :o)
Shotput with a flower pot would be good....
..... have we at last found a definite way to quell those Flower Pot People ???
Have they arrived in Canada yet ?
Has Gilli checked lately behind her house plants ?
Has Newfienurse noticed whether Chummy is hiding a Flower Pot Person in the kitchen ? Watch this space.

26 Nov, 2008


Panther ~
I knew you would find this.
Being over in Fiji doesn't slow you down at all. :o)
Back stroke - yes the rake would help with that ~
and when Mr Claptrap's pot of seedlings produces flowers, we'll also hopefully bring in the butterfly. :o)

26 Nov, 2008


If I've got to visit all those hostelries and sample the beer, I'll be doing the crawl!

26 Nov, 2008


Andrewr ~
Have you seen the list of inns for the GoY Wellie Olympics Christmas pub crawl, under my Grenville Nurseries photo?
Some of those hostelries are overseas.
Definitely, front crawl and back crawl required. :o)

26 Nov, 2008


Terra - Do I see a shadow of a little gardening friend on the pink shovel. It looks like a squirrel with a flower pot on his head. You have not been infiltrated by you know who have you? There are a lot of empty flower pots there as well which have got me even more worried - but they could be for the hurdles or obstacle race I suppose. Am I getting warm yet?. Nice display of flowers in the basket - what are they? I think the spade, rake and flowers are there because we are on our gardening site. I know you would not leave flower pots around to encourage unwelcome visitors. So the event must be to do with the pots unless you have gone potty yet again. lol. Carrying a pot on his shoulder does not fit in with my hurdles or obstacle race suggestion. So the pots must be previous throws. So I think I will go for the pot putt. I hate to admit it but Gilli the new fully accredited witch on the block got there first. If she gets a prize you had better give it her quick as I have nearly caught her on my site where she is in all sorts of trouble and will soon be gobbled up.

26 Nov, 2008


Gilli..he is over here...for crying out loud what are you doing out in the world need to stay put..out causing trouble in all the land...Gilli...I found him...!

26 Nov, 2008


Ah ha. Try and keep him cornered and I'll call the men in the white coats. Watch out Cat. Don't let him sneak by you.

27 Nov, 2008


Mr Claptrap is still busy taking paparazzi photos to be uploaded in the not too distant future. The flower basket was lent by Conker the Sheltie, being part of his gardening tricks routine. So Conker is keeping a close watch. :o)

Mr. Claptrap is in tiptop condition at our Training HQ, so the more sports suggested the better. If ten sports make a decathlon, what are the words for more sports than that ? Twenty sports ? Fifty sports ? Any suggestions ? Lol.

P.S. The little seedling in the central pot really deserves its own blog. :o)

27 Nov, 2008


If ten sports is a decathlon .. Twenty sports should be a doubledeca ...
don,t you think ... lol

With a name like Mr. Claptrap I ,think he should be our official reporter , we will need one.. there will be so much to tell ..

But I agree with Andrewr he could easily fit in the Flip,Flop ,Flump it sounds perfect for him , ..His little pink rake will be so handy to rake the sand afterwards .., the sand is a likely place for flower pot people to be hiding ,ready to trip up our competiters so I suggest he takes his spade along as well ,he can wack them on the head as he is bounding along lol

27 Nov, 2008


Oh Amy ~
You've really made me laugh.
What wonderful ideas. :o)
doubledeca - that's such a brilliant word.
In future, when I watch athletics, I'll always think of that.:o)

Hadn't imagined the pink rake as a weapon, but good thinking Amy.
Have you seen Gee19's Flower Pot Snowman ?
Don't tell me they are turning into sand sculptures as well. Noooooo :o)

27 Nov, 2008


I love him! He does look like he could have a dangerous side to him though, especially wielding that rake. Looks like his event could be shot 'pot', he seems to have rather a lot there.
Having read through all the comments I see that is already a suggestion - sorry!

27 Nov, 2008


Hi Gillian ~
We had Gilli's suggestion of shot put,
so you've just taken it one step further :o)
What a clever lot you are over in Canada. Lol.
Well done. Shot pot sounds very effective.
Would really slow down those Flower Pot People :o)

27 Nov, 2008


Now that we have
GF back in his corner of the world..I can concentrate on Mr. Claptrap..I love his colorful self..he should indeed be part of the color guard...and march ahead of our team pronouncing our great worth and power as the Team of GOY...! FLOWER POT PEOPLE BEWARE "WE" are the team of GOY!!!!!! he should use a megaphone for that pronouncement because you know how those pots on the flower pot people's heads make them so deaf. ^..^ ~cat"

27 Nov, 2008


Fantastic TT love BB best thread going could read this for hours maybe you should write a book.

27 Nov, 2008


Hello Scotkat ~
I'm glad you like this :o)
Do you like eating liquorice allsorts ?

Cat ~
In Britain we have "Town Criers" an old tradition of people shouting out announcements much like you suggest for Mr. Claptrap. Do you have those in USA ?

27 Nov, 2008


We still have Berti Basset in the loft and yes I do enjoy mind you not had for a wee while and eat them slow.mmmmmmmmmmm

Still have sting puppet pinocio oops wrong spelling.

27 Nov, 2008


Scotkat ~
Look after those puppets ~ could be worth a fortune !

What about the seedling in the middle of the picture ?
Shall I write a blog about it ? Lol. :o)

27 Nov, 2008


No ..but it sure would be fun...I've been told that there are teams who shout such things over there ....LOL....Have heard there are fantastic battle cries....!!!

I love allsorts by the black licorice of just about any sort...I carry black licorice ice cream here at Mud Cat..I am here with Dallas today..waiting for Thanksgivng travelers...have had a few through....the ferry system has slowed down our normal traffic for this day but it is still better than it has been lately...will be closing shop around noon when my son arrives with his family on the ferry and then will all go to my daughters home for our holiday dinner....

27 Nov, 2008


Glad to know you have more customers today, Cat.
Need another shopping list yet ?
Need any more sales ideas ? Lol.
Maybe put liquorice in the flower pots ?
That could be a top seller . Lol.

27 Nov, 2008


I will have to give the licorice in the pots a try...maybe I should scatter allsorts along the streets to lead people to my shop...LOL...

Thank you for your Happy Thanksgiving wishes...xxoo...~Cat

27 Nov, 2008


I think that Andrew would enjoy the "liquor race" travelling round all those hostelries, while bertie looks like he could do well in any "ring" event, such as boxing. My father-in-law loves boxed allsorts!

Now, I'm wondering.....Did he get his name due to the Royal Appointment status, or did he get the RA because of his name?

PS "Happy Thanksgiving!" to anyone tuning in from the other side o' the pond!

27 Nov, 2008


Liquor - race. David ~ only you could come up with that one.
Not sure if there'll be any allsorts left. Scotkat has been eating them. Lol.
Bertie gave up going in the boxing ring. Worried about getting a black eye to match his black nose. :o)
Andrewr has gone mysteriously quiet, but I did give him a very long list of hostelries, both home and overseas.
My favourite was the "Goat in Boots" in Chelsea. :o)

28 Nov, 2008


I've put a fun question at the top.
Any guesses ?
If you would like details of next week's Gardeners' World Top Tips afternoon shows, please see my blog with photo of Mr. Claptrap. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Any chance of a larger picture of the seedling? Even with my glasses on I'm not seeing a lot! Unless it's something related like a licorice plant?

29 Nov, 2008


Plant is not liquorice-related.

If no answers, in a week or so I can obtain another photo with a dozen pots, so you can be twelve times as confused. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Wild guess goes...Nasturtiums.....!?

29 Nov, 2008


No, but that is what I would have guessed.
So well done Cat. We would both be wrong, but good guess. Lol.

29 Nov, 2008


~well it's not venus flytrap!and I luurve licquorice allsorts! especially the ones with all the little balls stuck on!

29 Nov, 2008


Arlene ~
Venus ~ Right sort of theme. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


I would have guessed Anise Hyssop TT, then you had to go and say it wasn't liquorice related ! ...Lol. Don't have a clue now ....!

29 Nov, 2008


Flcrazy ~
That's such a great-sounding plant, I wish I could say you were right. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Wild guess TT: Runner bean - being trained to take part in the athletic section of the GoY Olympics?!!

29 Nov, 2008


I feel I must protest .Noticed that this little fella being referred to as BB .

I really cannot accept this as Bertie Bassett part of the Cadbury group in Birmingham - refuse to have BB associated with a Birmingham accent and feel this an infringement of my human rights.He was originally from Sheffield so long as he has kept his Yorkshire accent then permit the BB tag.

Thats a shame TT as felt there would be a Liquorice link also.
Could be anything errm ..Nasturtium ?

29 Nov, 2008


Hmmm. Venus, you say, is the right sort of theme. That means it is a plant related to a planet or a plant related to a Greek God/Goddess. Hmmmm. Thinking......thinking..............
Moon plant?
Jupiter's Beard?
Green Goddess Plant?

29 Nov, 2008


~my brain is scrambled tonight TT~need my batteries recharged!

29 Nov, 2008


Lucy in the sky Begonia...LOL...

29 Nov, 2008


Cerinthe? No idea what connection that might have with venus but never mind!

Oh!!!!! Maybe the clue was a bit more musical? Like a song title?

29 Nov, 2008


Romantic. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Who sang Venus in Blue Jeans..? LOL...oh booy now we are gonna go crazy...I keep thinkin Bobby Vinton...?!

29 Nov, 2008


Adonis something? Or completely the wrong end of the stick?

29 Nov, 2008


~bananarama?I'm your venus i'm your fire....

29 Nov, 2008


I was thinking banana(rama) too arlene, but that seedling doesn't look much like a banana plant.

29 Nov, 2008


The plant has a romatic name? TT? annnsswweeerrrr me....! :) xx

29 Nov, 2008


Madmum ~ Adonis ~ getting there.
Arlene ~ Bananarama ~ getting there also, surprisingly. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Cat ~ yes. Very romantic. xxx

29 Nov, 2008



29 Nov, 2008



29 Nov, 2008


If you get really desperate, I can offer you an anagram. :o)

29 Nov, 2008


~go for it!

29 Nov, 2008



29 Nov, 2008


~it looks so familiar!

29 Nov, 2008


not a clue! lol

29 Nov, 2008


BB ~ good guess, but Catfinch tried that earlier on the thread :o)

Gee19 ~ getting there :o)

29 Nov, 2008


BB ~
thought you'd like being associated with Bertie Bassett ~
so much in common ~
wide-eyed boyish grin and athletic physique ?

29 Nov, 2008


PASSION flower!

29 Nov, 2008


sweet peas?

29 Nov, 2008



*******CATFINCH******* :o)

29 Nov, 2008


Virginia Creeper...LOL as In "Whose afraid of Virginia Wolf "

29 Nov, 2008


Madmum ~
you get the consolation prize along with Arlene, Gilli & Gee19 of the
but Arlene will want all the ones with little balls. (see earlier in this thread) :o)

29 Nov, 2008


OH!!!!! I had thought it was wrong...!!! Oh MY!!! I WIN...I WIN!!!! La la la la

I WIN!!!

just what I needed.....thank you TT for the game...hugs & xxxx's ~Cat

29 Nov, 2008


Arlene is welcome to the little balls, I'll have the round coconut ones! :oD

Congrats catfinch, I would never have got it!

TT, you need to see what's happened to Mr Claptrap,see my latest photo :-O

29 Nov, 2008


Catfinch ~
You didn't ask what you win as star prize ~

29 Nov, 2008


Well this must be an all exspense paid trip to your country then! YAY!!!! I will go pack now...when does my flight leave!...YAY!!!! ^..^ I am all earerrrrsss!!!... :) ~Cat!

30 Nov, 2008


~holdfire until we have a whipround Cat~ we might have to send you UPS!rather than BA!

30 Nov, 2008


More excitement on Gee19's Flower Pot Snowman photo, and on Skyline's
rocks blog. :o)

30 Nov, 2008


Having seen Madmum's latest photo, looks like Catfinch will be having a date on a plate. :o(

30 Nov, 2008


I won't pack so much will but dress warm then.... :) hope Bertie will not mind me in my Long Johns..... :| ~Cat ^..^ >"<

30 Nov, 2008


Whaaaat?? What did I miss? I missed the whole game??? Oh bother!!! Oh, never mind I won a consolation prize. Mmmmm. Licorice Allsorts. What's this???? We have to share ONE BOX. WE DON'T GET A BOX APIECE???? Well, I think we should mutiny. Madmum, Arlene, Gee19.....what do you think? don't get a flight over there. BB will come for you in his licorice boat.

30 Nov, 2008


~seeing as it is now 12:38 ladies I intend to crawl to bed!See you all!

30 Nov, 2008


Goodnight Arlene. Sleep tight. It's only 4:38 pm here.

30 Nov, 2008


Gilli the boat will sink because you have been eating it...what have I told you about eating licorice my trip is off..and it is because of you eating anything and everything in Sight ...ONCE again.! Sorry's all over...the winning of the prize was for not...thanks a LOT Gilli..

She'll eat anything
licorice boats?...what will it be next ?..

30 Nov, 2008


Mmmm.....Ymmmm......Sorry...mmmmymmm...Cat....I couldn' :o/

30 Nov, 2008


Now I have gone off to the Tigers den Gilli..if you don't find me there soon he will be eating me in one gulp instead of you...wouldn't that be a turn about....humph...

30 Nov, 2008


Despite being in great personal danger, Mr Claptrap has provided a tantalizing top secret paparazzi photo for GoY.

Abduction ! Mystery !
It's those Flower Pot People up to their tricks again :o)

30 Nov, 2008



1 Dec, 2008


Cory ~
Glad you enjoyed this.
You might also like latest photo of Toto :o)

1 Dec, 2008


Hi Arlene ~
This is the passionflower seedling we were discussing yesterday.
Have you found it ? LOL

7 Jan, 2009


~ of course!looking healthy!

7 Jan, 2009


Yes, the plants are a bit bigger now. I have quite a lot of these in pots, taking over my kitchen.
Growth has slowed down a bit because my house gets cold at nights.
Thinking I might move them all to Hywel's front room till this cold spell is over. LOL LOL LOL

7 Jan, 2009


lol. Yes there's enough room for your seedlings TT !
Did you buy the seeds or collect them from the plants ?

8 Jan, 2009


Hello Hywel ~
Thanks for the invitation !
There lots of little flower pots. LOL
All across my kitchen worktops. :o)
How I started them is quite story and I think will soon become a blog.LOL

8 Jan, 2009


Look forward to that then :o)

8 Jan, 2009


Yes, probably in a week or so, as jobs stacking up here. LOL

8 Jan, 2009


Hello Mr. Claptrap
you look busy as a bee
wearing trendy wellies
are you starring on T.V?
I see you have a brother
Bertie Bassett is his name
a tasty little fellow
a sweetie known in fame.
YOu must have an assortment
of liquorice plants at hand
to keep you going sweetie pie
or you would taste real bland!!!!

9 Nov, 2010

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