It's mine....All mine....,HA HA ha aha ha...!
By Flcrazy

23 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
Now Cyril is really jealous.I WANT SOME ! Brilliant photo.Gone on favourites....
23 Jan, 2009
Now that is one greedy Cyril.........Brilliant photo Fl....
23 Jan, 2009
This one has eyes that are bigger than his stomach, and he says, better luck next time
23 Jan, 2009
Better watch out Flc...if he chooses to bury this lot like Cyril does..going to have some huge holes in that lovely garden of yours lol
23 Jan, 2009
I have two hickory nut trees in the yard so I've learned the hard way about holes I should go out and take a photo of some of their handy work in my flowerbeds, you'd be quite Now If I could just get them to dig daffodil bulb holes for me on demand I'd be rich.
23 Jan, 2009
He is beautiful Jerrie.....never mind the garden LOL......
23 Jan, 2009
So put them where they already dug the holes lol
23 Jan, 2009
How did you get to be so smart Great idea ! Problem now is, I have way more holes than I have bulbs to fill them...will have to rectify that little problem soon....he he he !
23 Jan, 2009
There is a flaw in my cunning plan...he will probabvly remember where he dug the holes and dig your bulbs back up again lol
23 Jan, 2009
Yea, I believe they can smell the delectable little bulb morsels from a mile away...That's why I plan on training them to dig daffodil bulbs, one of the few they won't touch...(giggles) Genius idea, (patting myself on the back as we ) I promise to remember you when all the money starts rolling
23 Jan, 2009
The number of people that have told us that.Then they got rich...never heard of them since...LOL
23 Jan, 2009
What you are saying is, "if I had a dime for everytime I heard that, I 'd be rich ! " . Just had to throw that ole saying in there Bonkers, it's one of my
23 Jan, 2009
Suppose what it really means is no ones gonna walk through your door and hand you a fortune so guess we ll just have to carry on working, Unless of course your squirrel strikes oil with all that digging ! Always great to hear from you - getting late here now so time to say goodnight x Best wishes to you and Roger.
23 Jan, 2009
Yes that's the sad truth of it Bonkers, still have my fingers crossed for the lottery Thoughts of one day having the easy life , is what gets me out of bed Goodnight xx
23 Jan, 2009
Has he got a little flapjack? I know they say don't feed wildlife...but this is so so cute! Great photography!
24 Jan, 2009
Tastegy, it's the bottom half of a hamburger bun , that has peanutbutter spread on the other side. Instead of throwing my old bread out with the trash, I give it to them with a treat on it .
24 Jan, 2009
What a great photo Flc. What a greedy little fella he
24 Jan, 2009
He knows a good billet when he sees one! Got you well trained.
24 Jan, 2009
Thanks Gilli, I've become the fast food drive thru around here.
Aye, Aye Magnoliatree, I'm eager for squirrel mess hall
24 Jan, 2009
I still think he's a hybrid! calico squirrel? look at the black, red and grey! They know a quality eating establishment when they find one!! it's the five star chef....
24 Jan, 2009
What a stunning, unique photo FLC. Was this taken with your new lense? :-)
24 Jan, 2009
Bet you are right Lori, looks like all the above, they apparantly decided to kiss and make
Thanks Dawn, still using zoom that's built into the camera for these. I need to get used to using to new one though, waiting for a warm lazy day when I can take plenty of time out to play with it.....:-)
24 Jan, 2009
Great photo, the only way it could be improved is for the subject to be a RED squirrel...!
25 Jan, 2009
And in this country they call them tree rats. So unkind. Really good photo. Thanks for sharing.
25 Jan, 2009
Thanks Fleurdemai and Toto. Glad you liked it !
25 Jan, 2009
Hope you get a warm, lazy afternoon soon to check out your new lense and then we can see more super shots x
25 Jan, 2009
Agree with Toto...our Cyril would be so offended..!
25 Jan, 2009
poor cyril :o(
25 Jan, 2009
Thanks Frog !!!
25 Jan, 2009
Great picture!!
26 Jan, 2009
Thanks Penny and Frog, they're antics make funny photos easy to get.
26 Jan, 2009
Hilarious. He is so pleased with his catch. Little did he know the whole world would
27 Jan, 2009
GT, his expression does seem to say "Oh Crap...., I've been spotted "
27 Jan, 2009
LOL...that is a terrific photo, Flcrazy. and that's the perfect caption, too~
27 Jan, 2009
Beautiful animal shot and just so funny! Maybe we should suggest the Grows On You calendar!
28 Jan, 2009
Thanks Lori and Robert, hate I had to out the poor fellow, but I caught him .
28 Jan, 2009
OMG! Can't get left out of this one! Fantastic shot!! I identified the object right on too as the bottom half of a hamburger bun!! What a great shot and such a threat to the fame of Cyril!!! lolol! Move over Cyril!
29 Jan, 2009
No threat Polly...Cyrils got other things on his mind....busy in his drey with Twiggy ! lol His bachelor celebrity status days are over hes a family on the way !!
29 Jan, 2009
Cyril is now a definite "Family Guy", is he still nest building BB?
29 Jan, 2009
Yes Dawn...only comes out a couple of times a day now....takes monkey nuts into the drey,for Twiggy !
29 Jan, 2009
Ohhhh bless him. He's turned out to be a wonderful husband! So monkey nuts are on the shopping list now then, ha ha.
29 Jan, 2009
Way to go Polly, for guessing it right ! Don't worry, my little bread thief is just filling in for Cyril for a little while, because Cyril's real busy right now with his 'honey do '
29 Jan, 2009
Lovely portrait. Seen the other photos in your gallery -- very very nice.
What camera and lens(es?) do you use?
1 Feb, 2009
Thanks Jeremy for the kind comments, all credit goes to the Canon PowerShot S3IS. Hubby bought me a Canon telephoto zoom lens for Christmas, but I haven't uploaded any photos taken with it yet.
1 Feb, 2009
Really, these digital cameras produce very good results in the hands of a competent photographer. The eyes. You've got to focus on the eyes and you did. Good stuff.
2 Feb, 2009
Cheeky squirrel ;-)
9 Feb, 2009
What a great picture,i love watching them in the garden
10 Feb, 2009
Thanks for the nice comments, they certainly have spiced up my dull winter days !
11 Feb, 2009
Amazing pic :)
28 Feb, 2009
Thanks Lori, I get lucky on rare occasions.
1 Mar, 2009
Hello Mr. Squiz ! He's a beauty !
30 Aug, 2009
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wow excellent photo FL
23 Jan, 2009