- 5 Mar, 2009
taken in my garden last week. Glad to see them back eating all the nasties!!
Comments on this photo
Awesome photograph. Gone on my favs. :o)
5 Mar, 2009
beautiful close up
5 Mar, 2009
That's a wonderful photo Rachel....well done!
5 Mar, 2009
Wow great photo....
5 Mar, 2009
Is it on a clematis tendril?
5 Mar, 2009
I thought it was on a spring first!
Great shot.
6 Mar, 2009
I'm sure this is where the idea for a spring came from Newfie :)
6 Mar, 2009
Great photo. I haven't seen any for years.
6 Mar, 2009
Stunning Shot :D
6 Mar, 2009
Great photography Rachel, that's an early ladybird.
6 Mar, 2009
Beautiful nice of the Lady Bug to dance on a Tendril for you...
7 Mar, 2009
Amazing shot...good balancing skills, good job they have wings!
7 Mar, 2009
Fantastic close up. Like the twisted branch adds to the picture...
7 Mar, 2009
7 Mar, 2009
Amazing! I've added it to my favourite pictures.
7 Mar, 2009
Ditto Gillian !
7 Mar, 2009
Superb shot
8 Mar, 2009
Great shot. Gone to my favourites too.
8 Mar, 2009
Smashing close up
8 Mar, 2009
wow thats a fantastic photo, on my favourites!!
9 Mar, 2009
great photo. we had loads of ladybirds last year. hope they all come back this year.
10 Mar, 2009
What a wonderful picture! I has to be on my favourites too!
I have seen already a few on my garden this year. It is always nice to see them since it means: spring is on it's way, jippie!
But they never pose for me so gracefully. And of course, i'm a so-so photographer, hahaha..... not as good as you in a million years :-)
11 Mar, 2009
Love the contrast between the corkscrew shape and the shiny smoothness of the back of the ladybird. Lovely! Can't wait to welcome ours!
11 Mar, 2009
WOW that is an awesome close-up on my fav's too
17 Mar, 2009
AMAZING close-up :) it takes patience to make photos like these :)
17 Apr, 2009
o wow! wonderfull:)
30 Jun, 2010
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Good close-up ! :o)
5 Mar, 2009