Lithodora " Heavenly Blue"
By Jacque

21 Apr, 2009
Purchased this 2day cos i fell in love with the Blue Flower
Comments on this photo
Thanx ScotK :)
21 Apr, 2009
Lovely blue..
21 Apr, 2009
Heavenly is right Jacque.............beautiful blue
21 Apr, 2009
Glad u like it Lynn &Milky Im going to Plant it out 2morrow so il post another Pic of it then :)
21 Apr, 2009
Lovely colour,great photo...
21 Apr, 2009
Thanx Janette :)
21 Apr, 2009
What a beautiful true blue...nice picture, too.
21 Apr, 2009
Brilliant blue, very striking. I can understand why you couldn't walk away and leave it behind!
21 Apr, 2009
Thanx Skippy & Gee :)
22 Apr, 2009
I've had blue Lithodora for several years... lovely :o)
22 Apr, 2009
O thats great 2 hear TT :) does it spread much ? Im planting it out 2day right in front of the Wildlife Bench between more Alpine Plants called Diathus & Dwarf Pink :)
22 Apr, 2009
beautiful colour jacque
22 Apr, 2009
Thanx Eileen u know how i love Blue :)
22 Apr, 2009
Oooh, what a stunning colour.
Nice pic, Jaque.
22 Apr, 2009
Indeed a lovely blue colour Jacque:-)
22 Apr, 2009
Many Thanx Llew & Panther :)
22 Apr, 2009
Stunning Jacque , I will be looking out for one of those :o)
22 Apr, 2009
Hi Amy i 1st saw 1 of these @ that Peterborough Flower Show few wks ago & it was £5 there:/ This cost just £2.85 from the Family Run Nursury just 2mile away that i get my pet food supplies from :)
22 Apr, 2009
Well done you Jacque , we have noticed how the prices go up at shows and specialist days , I usally makes notes of what I like and then look elsewhere :o)
22 Apr, 2009
A beautiful flower and a brilliant shade of blue. A great close up too Jacque. Well done.
22 Apr, 2009
Brilliant blue Jacque...really lovely : )
22 Apr, 2009
What a Fab idea Amy i didnt have a Pen or Paper with me only by site did i reconise this plant ;) Thanx Toto ,Jane&Ray im glad u all like it :D
22 Apr, 2009
Lovely blue
22 Apr, 2009
Thanx Phil :)
22 Apr, 2009
Jacque ~
This blue Lithodora doesn't seem to spread really fast.
Sort of goes rather dead at the base and produces new shoots at the ends.
I've taken a few cuttings from mine and was glad I did, because I lost a lot of the original plant during the ice and snow of February.
22 Apr, 2009
Thanx 4 the Info TT sorry u lost some in the winter :/
23 Apr, 2009
What a picture........what a it.
25 Apr, 2009
Beautiful blue flower.
26 Apr, 2009
Lovely photo. I first saw this about three years ago on Gardeners World and eventually found a plant at the Beth Chatto gardens. It really is an intense blue and one of my favourites. Mine has gone a bit 'woody', so I'm going to take Terratoonie's advice and try rooting a few cuttings.
26 Apr, 2009
agreeing with all the other comments. Great shot also. There's something special about blue flowers. Wondering which camera and lens you used for this macro. Am trying to decide on a macro lens. thanks. Alandra
27 Apr, 2009
Thanx for all the great comments :)
27 Apr, 2009
Fabulous, Jacque. Blue flowers have such intensity. Lovely photo.
27 Apr, 2009
Thanx Elke i love Blue its my fav colour & i think when White is planted beside it makes it look even better :)
27 Apr, 2009
Very beautiful flower! Love the color!
28 Apr, 2009
Thanx Delonix :)
28 Apr, 2009
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This photo is of "Lithodora "Heavenly Blue"" in Jacque's garden
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Stunning shade of blue Jacque:)
21 Apr, 2009