Piitencrieff Park Dunfermline (commonly known as 'The Glen')
By pixi25
Thought I’d share some pics with you Goyers! lol
This is Pittencrief park in Dunfermline where I live. Its situated right in the middle of the town.
It was donated, along with libraries etc by Andrew Carnegie.
It’s a lovely place to go, with the hothouses, museum and gardens. There is a pavillion where weddings and various functions are held ( I used to work there in another lifetime lol as a barmaid/waitress back in the days when it was open as a bar/cafe etc)
There are peacocks strutting their stuff here and there and there used to be a tiny zoo with marmoset monkeys and parrots etc but it was closed down a few years back..health and safety! Bah! Damn councils!
Last year I put on an exhibition for all my art class students in the pavillion. It was to have cost 3000 pounds but I did a deal with them lol
They wanted four 8ftx3ft banners designed and painted for their large hall, so I did that for nothing so students could have the venue for 2days! Hmm think I came off badly there but no matter..it was a good 2 days and a few of them sold some paintings, so that was good.
At the end of the photos I will include some pics from the exhibition and pics of the banners. lol thats all!
23 Jun, 2011
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So would I! lol Oh well that one was jsut for my students..sigh.
Though i have paintings hanging in the other room there permenantly. Thye wanted some artowrk for their walls..doubt I will sell anything through that though. :(
23 Jun, 2011
cool park..and in the middle of town too..very interesting place..love the cute little bridge..nice blog thanks for sharing
23 Jun, 2011
Oh Pixi, this brings back memories! As a child, we used to go there for family picnics and school trips.
There used to be a little statue there, called (I think) 'ambition'. I was really hoping as I read down that there would be a picture!
It was of a boy with his arms open and raised. I knew the model when he was a very elderly gentleman...
...is it still there, do you know?
23 Jun, 2011
Hey Skips, you ain't talkin' to me any more!!
Pixi...., I was here, were'nt I!
23 Jun, 2011
Great blog Pixi, it looks a smashing park for a wander, you have posted some brilliant photo`s and the paintings are really good. Thankyou...
23 Jun, 2011
gorgeous pictures - love the painting that follow the photos - the church is very nice!!!!!
23 Jun, 2011
Lovely blog Pixi,and lovely pictures and paintings..:o).Is one of those good looking girls,you,by any chance..on the Fife 2010 pic ?...It looks a lovely place to visit...
23 Jun, 2011
Interesting to see the grounds and paintings which I thought were very good :)
23 Jun, 2011
thanks Guy!
Aw did you really go there Karen?
I know the statue you mean Im not sure its still there now it was called Ambition right enough.,.and you knew the model for it? Cool!
Yes Lulu you were here lol silly me!
Thanks Linc! yes its a nice to place to be in the daytime..but I woudlnt actually go there on my own these days..like most places nowadays there can be gangs of teenagers who make life miserable for people who like to go there. Ok with someone though. Its pretty..I will take pics in Autumn its lovely then!
Thank Paul..that/s Dunfermline Abbey(ish lol) I did an oil painting of that..well ish again lol..hate detail!
Thank you Bloomer! Haha well I am in the first of the exhibition pics next to the banner with a flowery dress on( so not me) usually I am in jeans!
Thanks all for the comments!
Pix x
23 Jun, 2011
Thanks Hywel! lol So many comments..hope I havent missed anyone out!
23 Jun, 2011
Lol Pixi...I only wear dresses on holidays..not in this country so much..too cold! love my jeans and trousers too :o)..a lovely pic of you..and a nice smile :o))
23 Jun, 2011
I only wear dresse if I have to to go out..swell sometimes dress up for Rick but then..well not saying waht in! hahah
Thanks! :)
23 Jun, 2011
love the park its really beautiful, also the abbey and the little bridge. the banners are fantastic well done doing a deal cant wait to see autumn pics bet it is stunning....
24 Jun, 2011
Thanks Caz yes Autumn will be spectacular! :)
24 Jun, 2011
You are right Bloomer, it's too cold for dresses today. Monday 30 degrees.....Sarong time!
25 Jun, 2011
You mean bikinis surely!!
25 Jun, 2011
For you.yes,but a no no for me ,Pixie ! Its taken me long enough to see my garden in flower..don't want them shrivelling up ! Lol...not to mention other things :o))))
26 Jun, 2011
LOL! Oh well when they said heatwave, they meant heatwave with rain! Pissing down here! :(
26 Jun, 2011
You gotta be kidding! Rain, not a cloud in the sky here!
Bikinis Pix, you must be a tad younger!!!!
26 Jun, 2011
Heh I'm saying nothing!
26 Jun, 2011
Looks a lovely park for a wander, Pixi. Love the little bridge (it would be nice to paint?).
27 Jun, 2011
Yes it would Sheila! One of my students is doing a painting of it just now! I would, but I got bit fed of the banners and researching Pittencrieff park..so maybe not for a while! :)
27 Jun, 2011
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Hi Pixi, just love those banners! Would love to have an exhibition somewhere like that! Also love the stream pics.
23 Jun, 2011