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By pixi25
Just some roses and pics from the front garden and rockery plants..dont know all their names though lol
The slugs finally got to the Hosta! Grrrrrrrr
The Astilbe in the front garden
Fuschia and I’m not sure if that’s a weed or wild flower..but I thought it looked pretty so I left it lol
Thyme growing beside the pot at the pond
Some of the rockery plants..most have flowered now and back to jsut foliage.
7 Aug, 2011
More blog posts by pixi25
Previous post: Garden today 3rd Aug
Next post: Garden 9th Aug
Lovely flowers. It is amazing you still have a Peace rose in your garden. I have inherited one when I bought my first house 35 years ago but haven't seen any of them lately.
7 Aug, 2011
It's a beauty, that peace rose...lovely shape and I like the way it has that tinge of pink :))
7 Aug, 2011
You should see it now! THe rain has mutilated it! :(
7 Aug, 2011
Peace is lovely, on many different levels!!
Lurve that fushia!
7 Aug, 2011
Nice pics Pixi...Rain is good to have but lord does it do some damage :o((
Will pm you tomorrow, logging off and going for a long soak lol....x
7 Aug, 2011
thanks Lulu..rain is destroying everything here..had more today! SOON THE GARDEN WILL AHVE NOTHING BUT WEEDS! MAYBE ISHOULD JSUT HAVE A WEED GARDEN!
aw ok Sue sleep well! :)
7 Aug, 2011
weed garden, could be interesting!
7 Aug, 2011
heh yeah! :))))))))))))))))))) Mihgt get arrested tho! lol
7 Aug, 2011
I think that 'weed' by the fuchsia might be Candytuft - it seeds itself, and it's very pretty, so you were lucky! :-)) Aren't slugs a pain. Grrr....
7 Aug, 2011
Lovely assorment and love Nicotina and your roses.
7 Aug, 2011
Oh thanks Spritz! it could be..I sowed hundreds of wild flower seeds in the middle bit of the garden but only have a load of weeds there lol..I like the Candytuft then! :)
Ty 6d! The Nicotina smells gorgeous in the evening esp after all the rain! Good for some things bad for tohers eh? lol :)
8 Aug, 2011
great blog my arty friend..some lovely plants too..really like the Astilbe..excellent post, thanks for sharing
8 Aug, 2011
Thanks Guy,,the Astilbe in the back garden is dying off now..shame they cant last forever eh? :)
8 Aug, 2011
Agree the astilbes should last all year - excellent plants :)))) Loving your garden Pixi. Nice to catch up again !!:)))
8 Aug, 2011
Pity we cant jsut freeze the garden somehoww so the flowers stay in winter lol..hate the bare garden in Winter.
Thanks Paul :))))
8 Aug, 2011
Me too Pixi - I just hate winter full stop - one month a year would be okay but it drags on - soon as I hear first words of snow and frost - arrrghhhh
8 Aug, 2011
Same here! I hate rain too! Grrr
8 Aug, 2011
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Lots of nice flowers in your front garden, some lovely roses
7 Aug, 2011