Sunshine in my garden
By pixi25
Well Paul was right..Tuesday and the sun shines..Hooray!!!!!!!
Had to take these pics of the garden in the early morning sun.
Still a few things flowering.
Clay gardener is standing tall in front of the shed..he gets his final tweaks today :)
Rick’s rose is still producing buds..a few days sunshine may bring them out
I love Parthenocissus! Looks so nice with the sun on it
Rudbeckia has lots of flowers to open out yet..fingers crosssed the sun stays a few days and they come out
Nicotiana still flowering away..always a long time flowering
Few buds on the white rose that got ruined by the rain
Even the dianthus is still popping out a wee bloom now and then
Snow in summer (dont know the correct name) I’m going to try and fix this old urn today after I work on the Clay gardener
Suki out early this morning..she loves being out in the garden when its sunny
Not quite sure how I got this looks ethereal doesnt it?
And finally the garden in the sunlight..Clay gardener waiting to be finished
28 Sep, 2011
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Good! Go do something productive lol..I need to get away soon and make use of the nice weather!
Just need to clear the table etc ;)
28 Sep, 2011
Glad you've got some nice weather finally. Makes such a difference.
Loving Suki, your urn and of course your gardener!!
28 Sep, 2011
Finished him..about to post pics :)
28 Sep, 2011
Can't wait to see him but GET OUTSIDE and enjoy the weather!!! :)
28 Sep, 2011
Am going back on soon..its still pretty windy tho!
28 Sep, 2011
I think Snow in Summer is called cerastium, Pixi, but I could be wrong! Gosh, just look at your parthenocissus going that lovely red already. Mine gets far too enthusiastic for my liking, although I love it dearly: I have to send my OH up to the eaves at least once a year to cut it back or it gets up onto the roof and into the gutters. What a pretty dianthus - any idea what kind it is?
28 Sep, 2011
thanks :) I have no idea what kind it is..its just tiny :)
28 Sep, 2011
It all looks good in the sunlight - but especially Suki. She's extremely pretty, Pixi. I love the way so many cats keep sneaking into these blogs. Mind you, if it's sunny, there they'll be for sure!
28 Sep, 2011
ABsolutely! She loves out in the garden..hates when its raining!!! Thanks :)
28 Sep, 2011
Good to have nice weather Pixi and be outside, your Suki looks like my Tipsy, so called because of her white tips on feet .
28 Sep, 2011
Aw bless..Suki has just loved today..she is sleeping on the grass lol :) Benn lovely here ..has it been nice where you are?
28 Sep, 2011
Been hot here. Spent a couple of hours outside earlier, but got too warm! Can't believe I've just written that. Mind you, we were in Scotland last November and had a day just like this.
28 Sep, 2011
Your garden is looking lovely Pixi....Clay Gardener is looking....well....Still!!!
Suki looks like a little statue sitting on her perch :)
Some great shots - leave the urn alone, it has character :)
28 Sep, 2011
Nice to see the sunshine :o) Lovely photos, esp the cat !!
28 Sep, 2011
All looking good pix...Glad you finally got some sunshine...:)))
28 Sep, 2011
The sunshine has picked up some of the late flowers in your garden and stretched out the summer season for a little longer - doesn`t it make you feel good. I agree with Scottish leave that urn alone it suits your garden just fine.
28 Sep, 2011
Lovely Pixi - really nice pictures and still doing well - cracking weather hey!
28 Sep, 2011
heh we do get some nice weather up here..not often this year mind.
I had to fix the urn Scottish. and was crumbling away! It still looks old..fixed it :)
Thanks Mr Hywel and Sue..makes a HUGE difference ot the way we feel doesnt it? and Suki loves it. She is still outside..lokking for mice under the shed lol
THanks Paul..yeah! cracking!!!!! I;m roasting even at this time of night! :))))))))))))))) You were right! :)
28 Sep, 2011
Lovely pics of your garden...and yes,as Gattina said,your 'snow in Summer' is Cerastium...I have this too..:o) Clay gardener looks good there, he going to get a proper name...I know you call him Rick 2..but he deserves a name of his own,to match his personality ..:o)
28 Sep, 2011
well he seems to have a name really ..the clay gardener?so Clay? lol
28 Sep, 2011
Nice one,Pixi..:o)
28 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
Didn't realise it was about Clayton for his name?
28 Sep, 2011
We had lovely clear blue skies today too, Pixi! And wasn't it roasting! Mind you, anything above freezing is warm to us way up northers! I love wee Suki! She's getting quite a fan club going, she's the second wee kitty I've seen on here with a beauty spot on her nose!
I second Clayton for a name, very smart, Scottish!
28 Sep, 2011
Great Libet! still hot this morning..hopefully Rick and I will sit by the pond otday and admire...Clayton? oh no..the reminds me of Dallas! argh! lol
he might just be called the Gardener! ;)
Thanks..she is a wee princess..all the cats on here are gorgrous....I LOVE CATS!! :)))))))))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
Glad it all came right Pixi - not meaning to sound gloomy but next week cooler rainy and north winds by end of - but we are being spoilt until Monday :))))))))))))))))))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
That will suit me fine,Paul...get back Saturday,and going out Sunday..nothing on after that for three yet ! Lol.
29 Sep, 2011
29 Sep, 2011
Wel...its hot..but not very sunny here and still a tad was better yesterday.
i was just looking at the second one of looks like she's sitting on a rainbow bridge over the wee stream!
Did you see it?
29 Sep, 2011
Och yes! So she does! Wonder does that mean that you had the pot of gold in your garden?! Lovely day here! I can't believe it...have to do some work outside while it's good, and do the paid work later on when it's dark! Bty, I'd forgotten about Dallas! Eeeek! 'Gardener' it is! Lovely!
29 Sep, 2011
Well there is a wee pot full of gold coloured stones lol..hmm how do I turn it into gold?
well it wasnt all that nice here we sat by the pond but it was windy and not much sun:( Hot tho. Have to work tonight too Libet :)))
29 Sep, 2011
Ok, Clayton was a bad choice....The Gardener! it is then :)
29 Sep, 2011
lol sry Scotty! :)))))))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
Nae bother :)
29 Sep, 2011
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great blog pixi..and inspired me to go and have a scout round mine too now..its such a lovely day for the odd picture..
love clay gardener
28 Sep, 2011