The Clay Gardener
By pixi25
Well he has had his weatherproof coat now and I tweaked a or two little bits to sort later..but thought I;d let you see my finished ‘Clay gardener’
28 Sep, 2011
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Gosh thats good Pixi although you`ll have to have a chat about him sleeping on the job....
28 Sep, 2011
Lol He might wear sunglasses and a hat..will dress him up later lol
Thanks both
haha Yeah asleep standing up! ;)
28 Sep, 2011
That's incredible. Love it.
28 Sep, 2011
Thanks :)
28 Sep, 2011
so talented to have done that, love the way his shirt folds, he would look good with a hat on, great work Pixi.
28 Sep, 2011
:) thansk..not the way it SHOULD be done but never mind I'm quite happy with it..jsut hopes it stands up to the sever winter ahead! :) and then he will get his hat on! lol
28 Sep, 2011
You MADE him - that's amazing!!!
28 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
That is brilliant long did it take you to make him ? you know the song...the farmer wants a wife..:o))
28 Sep, 2011
LOL ..well on and off for a few months I guess..but only cause the weather has been so bad! thanks :)
28 Sep, 2011
i think its great that you can make something so big in a few months..:o))
28 Sep, 2011
I jsut made a cast of Rick! :)
28 Sep, 2011
Like you
28 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
awesome..brilliant piece of it
28 Sep, 2011
He looks great Pixi...They way you have captured the clothes is amazing - well done you!! :)
28 Sep, 2011
Brilliant !
28 Sep, 2011
He looks absolutely fantastic well done, what a talented lady!!!!!
28 Sep, 2011
Well done've sure pulled it off....:))) x
28 Sep, 2011
Absolutely brilliant Pixi - your one talented lady.
28 Sep, 2011
Agree with everyone else, brilliant Pixi :-)
28 Sep, 2011
Aw thanks blushing now ;)))))
28 Sep, 2011
Pixi, ''not the way it SHOULD be done '' you havent just sprayed your other half in quick drying cement have you?
28 Sep, 2011
Aha! heheh maybe? That would be a good idea! aw but not Rick..some horrid person maybe lolol
28 Sep, 2011
I have a suggestion....... :)
28 Sep, 2011
He looks great, the way you have done all the folds in his jacket..especially the natural looking.Do you have to use something to stop him'cracking up' {not your jokes ha ha) in the winter ?
You should be so proud of the other man in your life..:o)
28 Sep, 2011
lol thanks Bloomer..I put PVA glue in the final coat of cment mix..I may do another coat of PVA once ive tweaked a little bit more..oh and his thimb came off! I dont know where it is..but I'm not too bothered about it.
28 Sep, 2011
You've probably dropped it in Guy's kitchen :)
28 Sep, 2011
28 Sep, 2011
Not saying doing what or where it may have ended up!!! :)
Dinners burning..........noooooooooooooooooooooooooo
28 Sep, 2011
Might be in the sink! SOmeone made dinner?
28 Sep, 2011
Can anyone else smell burning? Pixie, that's just fab! In my last year at college, one of the post grad students made up his whole show with death masks of himself! Your sleepy gardener sooo reminds me of that! Well done! Don't let him get ruined in the winter!
28 Sep, 2011
hehe,,funny there was a guy in my year who did that too!!!! heh
Thanks..hopefully PVA glue will do the trick? I asked at keyline when I went to get cement..they said it should be fine..if not..he canny come inside! lol He cannot be moved now..way to heavy! aha :)))
29 Sep, 2011
Awesome talent Pixi - it is so detailed - you should be very proud of yourself !! Are you painting him or anything ? Could you make me a girl for my garden ;)))))))
29 Sep, 2011
lol Paul :)))))
29 Sep, 2011
29 Sep, 2011
We will send Pixi down instead,Paul...she loves being outside in the garden....:o))
29 Sep, 2011
yes - she could stand there in the corner and can wave at her each morning :)))))))))))))))- if she agrees lol ;))))))))))
29 Sep, 2011
She might as well bring some cement ,and make you one , a shame to let her stand idle,Paul..:o))
29 Sep, 2011
LMAO! you lot! lol
Thanks I'm not painitng him.Iwant him all mossy and lichen lol I know I'll paint some yoghurt on him..that works eh? Lol...Try and make one! you jsut need a not a cat tho cause you'd have to shave it first hehe...;_)))))))))))))))))
I'm not standing oout in all weathers! lol I like mt comforts..and well if its sunshine that would be the idea of us waving to each other, me from corner of your garden to you leaving for work? haha :)))
Ahhhh its good to laugh eh
oh bloomer h'e have to make a cast of me!!!!! I couldnt do it! lolol or himself? idk
29 Sep, 2011
thats realy cool pixi what did you use to make a full body mould . did you get some dentists amalgamate or plaster of paris . get a cow pat and wee in a bucket and mix it up and paint that on for making it green . its a bit smelly but works well . alsocant you getwire in things like the thumb before itsets that stops thingsfalling of . it looks realy cool nice one trixi x x .
30 Sep, 2011
lol Nosey I used mod roc! As I said I cant afford all expensive materials and I had lots of modroc so thats what i sued..then postcrete mix a bit of expanding foam and finally mortar mix and PVA glue hehee..i bet youre think omg what! All th joints had either metal rods of coat hangers..whatever to joing them..then hands and head were done as not bothered baout his thumb..he could have choopped it off while pruning lol sPix ;)
30 Sep, 2011
i think its wicked . tiome will tell if you used the right materials but its got 2 options . it sounds like it will be fine . take care bye for now x x .
30 Sep, 2011
I;m going to give it another coat of PVA hope it lasts the winter! thanks x
30 Sep, 2011
as long as theres know wear for water to pool and bye the looks of it there isnt you shouldnt have aproblem pixi x . your welcome .
30 Sep, 2011
He looks spookily real Pix, like a live Mummy!
I think he needs a fag in his mouth!!
Will you have to protect him from Jack Frost?
30 Sep, 2011
Oops sorry, should have read some of the comments first!!
30 Sep, 2011
lol yeah Protection from Jack! PV should do :)
30 Sep, 2011
Dress him up in PVC!!
30 Sep, 2011
Hahaha! Oooh sexeeee!!!!!!! lol
Maybe a fisherman ywloow pvc jacket and a souwester\! hah or an umbrealla lool!
30 Sep, 2011
I think that would be perfect!
30 Sep, 2011
30 Sep, 2011
Fantastic work ! Well done :o)
13 Mar, 2012
Wow....thanks for putting the link in your most recent blog. I am dumfounded at your talent, Pixi :) He's a really unique sculpture and I can picture him when the he gets all covered in moss....he'll look so good.
Great job.
13 Mar, 2012
Thanks TT
A bit of his head has flaked off..will have to touch that up!
THanks WL HE's not as nice looking as the model! :))
13 Mar, 2012
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You simply blow me away with your talent and creativity Pixi!!!! Well done! I do think he needs a hat though or maybe some sunglasses :))
28 Sep, 2011