Dad's trip to the cemetery
By pixi25
When he feels up to going out, I take him for a wee run in the car and end up going to visit Mums grave in the cemetery jsut up the road from him..its a beautiful place and I love all the old trees
here he is back home again having enjoyed his wee trip out
I went out to weed the garden and took this shot of him inside..or outside? am I inside or outside..weird eh?
Just added this painitng for bear..Its not that good really..did it a longggggg time ago now..:)
25 Sep, 2011
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its mental eh? lol
25 Sep, 2011
its great!
25 Sep, 2011
Very Well kept cemetery - I recently put sempervivums on my Gran's grave. I love the last pic too - very sweet :))))))))))))))))))))
25 Sep, 2011
Yes I had planted a mini rose but it died..was thinking heather or something strong..its one of my fav places to be..always was even when I was a teenager..used to go up there and sit in the Mausoleum ..contemplating life :)))
25 Sep, 2011
It is lovely to see such a beautiful cemetery without any vandalism. I can understand how peaceful your dad must find it. The trees are so majestic.
25 Sep, 2011
my mum planted bulbs on my dad's grave.
25 Sep, 2011
Thanks IS a lovely place..Dad used to walk up there every single he can barely walk around the house so it nice for him to get up and see it. :)
I might plant some blulbs good idea :)
25 Sep, 2011
Its a lovely place Pixi, I can see why you like it. Really nice photo`s..
My mums ashes were spread on her grandma`s grave in the village where she was born, so many of her family have been cremated so we all use that grave to place our flowers and over the years many bulbs have been planted there...
25 Sep, 2011
A beautiful cemetary Pix.
Love your Dad's wee wave!
25 Sep, 2011
Thanks Linc thats nice to commemorate everyone like that :)
Thansk Lulu..I took that last pic form oustdie looking in at him..weird or what lol
25 Sep, 2011
It is beautiful, Pixi...really lovely photos...and I recognise the mausoleum from that painting of your Dad...
Bless him, he looks really happy...he had a lovely day out... :)x
25 Sep, 2011
:))) thanks Karen :) x
25 Sep, 2011
:))) thanks Karen :) x
25 Sep, 2011
:))) x
After my Dad died my Mum, my sister and I sneaked onto the 15th Tee of his Golf Club (an elevated spot which my Dad loved) and we sprinkled his ashes there... 80 year old woman, a blond in the wrong shoes and me, running across fairways and the rough, dodging golfballs and gamekeepers...I know my Dad was watching and chuckling... :)
25 Sep, 2011
I like wandering around old grave yards, reading all the names etc. Am I mad ? I don't care. I like it, and I'm pleased you take your dad there when you can. It must bring him comfort.
25 Sep, 2011
Really nice blog Pixi! That last pic is almost 'spirit' like.... know what I mean?
Your story really cracked me up Karen!!!
Not strange at all Hywel, I hope, bc I like visiting cemeteries as well. Always feels calming and makes me reflect upon life, death and history.
25 Sep, 2011
Lovely blog Pixi, you dad looks like he enjoyed his day out.
A lovely cemetery and a lovely place for your mum to rest. Nice of you to share your personal moments :)
The last picture is great, smiley happy people :)
Cemeteries are peaceful places, although I don't visit regularly - I don't think it strange that you would want to visit them Hywel.
We all have places we like to sit and ponder over life :)
25 Sep, 2011
Aw lol Karen! I bet he was!!!!! Sounds like me too only I used to sneak over the golf course as a short cut on my way home when I lived near Ladybank lol..usually after i'd had a few too ;)
I like old graveyards too Mr Hywel..always have, but this is my favourite one. Not mad..or maybe mad I dont know. :)
Yes looks totally spooky..when I looked at what I'd taken..I was like omg wow! hehe Dad said but i wasnt outside I jsut said there was something wrong with the
hey Scotty! Yeah Dad used to walk up there every single day without fail to talk to it was nice he came out in the car with me. Though I think he was getting annoyed with me keeping getting out of the car to take pics lol. :)
25 Sep, 2011
That is a beautiful place, Pixi. The sunlit photos are really atmospheric. I too like graveyards, particularly the smaller ones. I find them peaceful and even inspiring places.
25 Sep, 2011
Thanks bear..yes i thought the sunlit ones were good..i take pics of it in all seasons looks great covered in snow too. A few year back I thought as I walked through how sad it would be in many years to come..that it will one day be overrun and "left to die" So I did a painitng of how it might look and that was the title of it. so sad lots of cemeteried are left like that. But I do love the really ancient ones..looking at the gravestones etc.
25 Sep, 2011
Love the Cemetary Pix ...The trees the setting, and the serene atmosphere, not surprising your dad likes to spend time there...lovely blog...x
26 Sep, 2011
:))))))) Good news! Package arrived!!!!!! :)))))) all planted too! :))))))))
26 Sep, 2011 you're cooking lol...
26 Sep, 2011
:)))))))))))) yeah steak pie! lolol
Just did the final coat(hopefully) on the schulpture..its sunny so hope it dires out quick before the rain comes back!
26 Sep, 2011
Would love to see the painting which you did. Any chance of uploading it?
26 Sep, 2011
I''ll see if I have a pic on here bear :)
26 Sep, 2011
Pixi, I LOVE it!! It looks like the cover of a gothic tale all dark and brooding, yet beckoning one to follow the trail of moonlight and explore within...Now, clever girl that you are, you just have to write the book!
27 Sep, 2011
Thanks lol..Its based on the Mausoleum in the middle of the cemetery..would be a shame if it was left to die eh?
lol yeha i could write a book..well tell a book need to get someone else to rewrite it for all the grammar etc lol..I am known for my stories haha :)))))
27 Sep, 2011
The pics of the trees do it for me Pixi, I love to see sunlight shafting through the trees. Your Dad looks as if he really enjoyed his day.
Loved your painting a little spooky perhaps, and I wouldn`t like to travel that pathway in the dark.
30 Sep, 2011
:) thanks
30 Sep, 2011
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certainly a lovely place!
i like that last photo with you both smiling.
25 Sep, 2011