Moving Suki for Lulu!
By pixi25
tried to take some pics of her playing inside the shoe box but she kept moving jsut as I took the pics..anyway here they are. I took some videos too but all the wrong way around and I dont know how to rotate them! grr..another day…
18 Nov, 2011
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Thansk Paul..yes she is fine now..away out for her morning ablutions at the moment lol ;))))))))))))
19 Nov, 2011
Glad to hear she's OK now - such a cutie!
19 Nov, 2011
LoL, How sweet. Might put a box in Millies rabbit hutch which is her home. It will keep some warmth in over the winter and pad it out with fluffy blankets. I give her a hot water bottle if it gets to -10!
19 Nov, 2011
So pleased she is feeling better. she looks a cutey.
19 Nov, 2011
Cats seem to just love boxes....the smaller the better......perhaps it makes her feel secure after feeling unwell!!!! Cute. :o)
19 Nov, 2011
aww cute suki, they will try and sleep in the strangest of places pixi, casper tries to get in my handbags lol :o))
19 Nov, 2011
Maybe I will feel better if I climb into a box!!! Actually, am feeling much better anyway, did loads of tidying in the garden and pond! (with Millie puss standing on my shoulders! Pity no photo!
19 Nov, 2011
love the action shots Pixi she's adorable....
19 Nov, 2011
Love to see cats playing, ours love bags and boxes, in fact they have to be removed when wrapping presents,lol..
Lovely blog...
19 Nov, 2011
Thanks all :)
Aw poor Milliepuss having to love outside :(((((((
She has always loved wee boxes lol..handbags once lol
That would have made a great pic Lulu:)
Yah wrapping presents...she always comes running to investigate lol
19 Nov, 2011
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hope she's well now Pixi - very sweet :))))))))))))))
19 Nov, 2011