Story of the Scones!
By pixi25
Made scones today..forgot they were in the oven and went upstairs to clean the bathroom…they were a little burnt but mmmmmmmmm they tasted great!
You made some yet Mossy?
15 Nov, 2011
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gorgeous Pixi - I love your sense of humour - :D
15 Nov, 2011
look great Pixi, like the little comments/
15 Nov, 2011
15 Nov, 2011
Pixi - you're mad! but we all love you:o)))
15 Nov, 2011
Better when they're a bit crispy round the edges, Pixi!
Is that the jam you made a few weeks ago? :))))))))
15 Nov, 2011
did you lick the crumbs up pixi lol, i love home made scones yummy :o))
15 Nov, 2011
Ha! Pixi you made me laugh ~ talking scones, thats really scary!!
I have tried some of the new mince pies with pine scented sugar on and the christmas pudding with a satsuma in the middle ~ very nice!!!
15 Nov, 2011
I thought you were going to say you burnt them because you were looking at GoY lol
They'd be nice with a cuppa :o)
15 Nov, 2011
Hywel, there's none left now to have with a cuppa - she's ate the lot!!! lol
15 Nov, 2011
i have done that before hywel!! several times!!
think i might make some tomorrow now ~ thanks pixi ~ i wonder if mine will talk!!
15 Nov, 2011
They look great,Pixi..glad you caught them in time...shame on you for cleaning !! Lol.I remember not long after joining,I was so busy playing on here,,the pork chops which were browning first,in a hot oven..set the smoke alarm off ! the kitchen was like a thick fog...chops tasted fine.:o))
15 Nov, 2011
Scone and lovely :))))
I prefer them a wee bit crispy too, although all the scones we have are shop bought!!
15 Nov, 2011
it is a wonder you were allowed back on here bloomer. you dont want to know what i got threatened with when i first came on here!! he was most upset cos i spend more time on here and definitely have more laughs on here!!!
he only relented when someone [karensusan was the first] sent me seeds!!!!
15 Nov, 2011
He didn't know Pixi..he hadn't retired from work then!! I can't get away with anything now...well,only if I'm really
sneaky,and plan ahead ..Lol..not complaining..he likes dusting etc,so I log on ,and just lift my feet up,while he get's the vac out ! doesn't get much better,does it?
15 Nov, 2011
how on earth have you managed that!!??? i will never get that sorted ~ thats what im scared of.
15 Nov, 2011
Think it's just how he is,Sticki..and has always been..I sometimes wonder if he has a bit of OCD...but I'm not going to try and cure him ! will have to get a little plan ..subtly,of might work..or just be bold,and say .".no help,no meals "! Lol.
15 Nov, 2011
my plan has just started ~ i joined the gym!!! so now i have a bit of time out!!! [it has a sauna and a steam room and a jacuzzi]
15 Nov, 2011
hahaha THanks for all your comments..i know i'm mad lol.
Np its not the jam I really was disgusting ..threw it out lol.
Pine scented suger eh? lol whatever nezxt!
Oh I had cuppa too Mr Hywel :)) Having another one now..after eating meat loaf and chips and beans..omg what a diet Ive had today!!!
Think we have all burnt things from being on the computer lol..never thought it would be the cleaning with me tho! haha
Shame on you Angie..make them! Its easy peasy! lol
Even Sarah liked them!!!!!!!
But have to keep some for my babe coming tomorrow :))))))))))))))
15 Nov, 2011
Me too - you've really got things organised. How on earth did you manage to find a man who likes dusting? They are pretty rare.
Those scones aren't burned, they are still edible. You should see what I can do... eg I made my Christmas cake on Saturday and it fell when I was taking it out of the tin and broke in half. I sloshed lots of brandy on it and wrapped it up tight - hope the marzipan will hold it all together eventually!
15 Nov, 2011
ahahah Im sure it will be fine..just dont tell anyone you dropped it!
15 Nov, 2011
oh steragram after all your hard work!!! but they will never know ~ they only chew it up anyway ~ its a bit like bothering to iron some things that only end up totally creased!!!
15 Nov, 2011
I never iron unless absolutely necessary!!!!!!! Ever!
15 Nov, 2011
Good on yer,Sticki..that sounds to be a good start ! :o)
15 Nov, 2011
Love the scone blog really funny!! a man who dusts now that is something I would love to see!! I think OH is allergic to dusters, irons, dishwashers, washing machines, I could go on!! but he loves sport of all kinds so while he watches I play on my pc.....sorted!! and he is very good in the garden lol
15 Nov, 2011
Oh,Pixi,I remember the jam episode !Lol.
15 Nov, 2011
haha it got binned!!!! bleh!
15 Nov, 2011
the jam was funny
i have a mother in law who irons socks and towels!!!
15 Nov, 2011
Well,Steragram..When we first met,I bought him a drink back..think he thought it was a good omen! ...Lol.
sorry to hear about your xmas cake..I bet you said " oh dear" !.i'm sure it will be fine,as Sticki says,it breaks when you eat it ! I made mine on Sunday..luckily they were intact..hope they taste ok..:o)
15 Nov, 2011
Oh jaysus sticki..hate people like that!!!! omg! lol
15 Nov, 2011
My mate still does that as well,Sticki..why ???
15 Nov, 2011
just a thought,Steragram..why not leave it in two halves,and just trim it to shape,and marzipan each one seperate? you can eat one and save one !
15 Nov, 2011
15 Nov, 2011
So do I pixi - you can imagine what it's like here! She used to rub her fingers across the oven top to check it was clean
I had enough at that point and deliberately left it sticky and greasy!!
15 Nov, 2011
You mean she did it at your house,Sticki? that is soo bad !
15 Nov, 2011
Oh yes, my kitchen.
15 Nov, 2011
Should have left the hob,or gas on,Sticki..I would have felt like doing that ! sorry,that seems an awful thing to say....but I couldn't have kept quiet..
15 Nov, 2011
Just read through the comments ... my M-in-law once commented I should dust the leaves on the Rubber plant (remember when they were the 'in' houseplant?) ... that was years ago ... we never really got on after that ... lol!
15 Nov, 2011
What a cheek!!!!!!! Get her telt!!!!! Gawds sake! I wouldnt stand for that! cheeky woman. and shame on yer OH for letting her do it too! Tell him to do his own ironing or better still tell his mother to do it!
15 Nov, 2011
Do you know, there was at time when I wasn't at home or wasn't well or something, well, I hadn't ironed his shirt - you can guess the rest - he took it to his mother to do!
15 Nov, 2011
lazy git! put him out! lol
15 Nov, 2011
I hope I never get to the point,when I would say anything like that to my daughter,although we all do things differently..and I might think her way isn't mine,sometimes..but it's her home,and not my place to comment ..I want to stay friends !..
15 Nov, 2011
exactly! pfft! really shocking stick!
15 Nov, 2011
Oh,dear,Sticki..he would have had to take all his ironing there,after that..!
15 Nov, 2011
i made a mistake there didnt i!!!
i dont think he has a clue how easy he has it.
15 Nov, 2011
pixi you do make me laugh!!
i must be feeling ok today ~ there have been times when its made me cry.
15 Nov, 2011
that's what we are here for, cheer you up....and it's good for us as well .:o))
15 Nov, 2011
thanks bloomer
15 Nov, 2011
Girly talk is chatting over the garden wall...not like Les Dawson,I hope..Lol :o)
15 Nov, 2011
I hope not too!
15 Nov, 2011
Think it's time I said goodnight,Sticki..was going to log off
ages ago..but we just can't resist looking at another comment,can we ? See you tomorrow,more than likely..sweet dreams..(ofJames? ) ! X
15 Nov, 2011
There just might be that one more comment!
Goodnight james, oh sorry I mean bloomer!
15 Nov, 2011
Oh I think he DOES know how easy he has it hen!
I lived with one like that! Mums fault although she was a lvoely woman, But he was also an alcoholic who peed the bed! it was a ngihtmare..and I jsut felt sorry for him really. Best thing I did putting him out..the night that happened I nearly killed him! Someone can push you too far! Normally I am a pretty placid easy going person..takes a lot for me to really lose my temper!
Anyway i'm glad i made you Bloomer said that's what we are here for dear! :))))))))))))
Oh btw Good morning..haha missed all this last night ..had to go watch True Blood! lol
Up early babe is coming to see me mmmmmm :)))))))))))))
16 Nov, 2011
Aha! I missed all this too! I hate to say it but everyone needs an 'Esther' (I'm wondering how to smuggle her into my suitcase when I come back) lol!
Have fun today, Pixi :)))))))))))))))
16 Nov, 2011
I made a dozen scones-- then the'd all gone before I had a chance.....still I got some of the chocolate pecan pie...( without the pecans).yum....I'm hoping to cadge the recipe....
16 Nov, 2011
still hoping for that recipe please pam
OH hardly drinks!!!
16 Nov, 2011
good afternoon,Sticki..doesn't look like you had that dream,after all ! I'm sure you would have said..and there was I hoping James had a crumpled shirt to iron !! Lol.
16 Nov, 2011
Karen,I may be a bit thick,but what is an 'Esther' please?
16 Nov, 2011
I'm guessing Esther Rantzen . . . . . agony aunt?
16 Nov, 2011
That was the only thing I could think of,Shirley...still thick,as I can't see the connection ! duh...
16 Nov, 2011
Well, I guess sometimes we all need to talk through our worries ... Sticki and her M-in-law comments may have started it off? ... Someone will put us straight before too long ... lol!
16 Nov, 2011
I have asked Sticki but the've had a bit of excitement as the eldest daughter had a little boy yesterday.....37 hours it took but alls well!
16 Nov, 2011
37 hours!!! she deserves a medal!!
as well as huge congratulations all round.
well done indeed to your daughter and little boy!!
hi bloomer, well if i did dream about him i havent remembered it!!! :-(
i wondered if an 'esther' was someone who helped in the house cos it was karenfrance/africa who made the comment ~ im sure she gets help in africa??
16 Nov, 2011
not my daughter-- my friends--- the've 7 grandchildren now between them-- the oldest is 5 years old!
16 Nov, 2011
oh sorry, my goodness they will have quite a list of christmas presents to buy!!
16 Nov, 2011
5 girls and now 2 little boys......ooh cue for a song!!
when things calm down a bit i'll sort the recipe with her-- its too nice to forget...:o))
16 Nov, 2011
16 Nov, 2011
You're right, Sticki...Esther does all the washing and ironing and the cleaning...
But, she and I set the world to rights every evening while we're making the dinner too! lol!
17 Nov, 2011
Sounds liek fun Karen :))
17 Nov, 2011
how lovely karen, really nice to have someone who you get on with so well
17 Nov, 2011
I love homemade scones trouble is when i make them can't stop being gready with them and eat them nearly all in a day.
17 Nov, 2011
I'm no good at scones, never have been.And now I'm more or less gluten free its harder than ever. There's a cafe near here where they make good ones but I don't understand how they do it. I will stick with fruit cake! (even when it breaks in half - never thought of marzipanning the parts separately Bloomer - good thinking
17 Nov, 2011
D'you know, it is really nice...Esther's teaching me how to cook African and I'm teaching her some European classics- so far we've done spag bol, coq au vin, curry and shortbread...scones should definitely be next (or maybe we should wait until we can make some jam from the fruit tree in the new garden)! x
17 Nov, 2011
the cafe might tell you the secret if you are a good customer steragram??
sometimes they have special ovens which are part microwave and part normal oven ~ is that how you get fluffy scones with the more crusty outside???
17 Nov, 2011
how fabulous karen, i would love that ~ can you teach us some of the african recipes please?
how about teaching her how to make steak pie?
17 Nov, 2011
Sorry Steragram, we posted at the same time! Christmas cake is very nearly gluten free, I think? When I lived in France, I had to make my own marzipan as well as the cake... I had many disasters! :)
17 Nov, 2011
I am a very good pupil, Sticki! Now that I'm back online I just have to find out what we might identify some of the vegetables as! (to give you a clue - one of them is called a 'garden egg'!) lol!
17 Nov, 2011
how fascinating!! i think you can buy online or it looks as though aubergine may be a substitute but another site called it a mock tomato!!!
17 Nov, 2011
I have a feeling that Indian restaurants might know it as a 'green tomato'...and in France I think it's called a 'tamarillo'. It tastes quite different to aubergine (in fact, I introduced Esther to aubergines...and she was not impressed...much sucking of teeth...)
The green leaves next.......! :)
17 Nov, 2011
im not that impressed with them either!!! not sure i suck my teeth tho!!!
recently had prickly pear ~ i did not like it.
tamarillo rings a bell.
green leaves? savoy cabbage with bacon? or is pork not allowed?
17 Nov, 2011
I find scones easiest with SR flour ( and a dash of baking powder)and eaten the same day, cooked quickly too no more than 15 mins-- often less-- I made some with diced dried apricots ( you know the moist ones) and had apeicot jam on them ....they didn't last long either!
17 Nov, 2011
sagaloo-- its spicy spinach & potatoes-- takes the strong 'spinachyness 'away!
17 Nov, 2011
These leaves are quite small and pointed (a bit like mint - to look at) but they are more like the outside dark leaves of spring cabbage in texture and flavour...and they have to be combined with the garden eggs...delicious!!!
Pork's fine by Esther... she's not Moslem...but, in truth, we all prefer her catfish! ;)))
17 Nov, 2011
Stiki and Pamg - lots of people have told me their secrets but I must give off the wrong rays or something! Nothing seems to make them rise nice and high, though they taste OK. And sitting here Goying I nearly let the Christmas pudding boil dry - caught it just in time! I think I need Esther too.
17 Nov, 2011
i wouldnt mind an esther too ~ then i could be on here more.
17 Nov, 2011
you have made me laugh,Sue..not almost another disaster ?.hope the pudding is ok.! glad you liked the suggestion about your Xmas cakes..did you make a square or a round one.? maybe two halves of a round one would certainly look different! Lol...another little gem for you..if you have a timer,keep it by your side,while you are engrossed on GoY...I have learned the hard way ...doesn't time just fly by ? Lol.
17 Nov, 2011
when you are enjoying yourself time does fly by ~ i agree ~ i have no idea how much time i spend on here ~ must be good!!!
17 Nov, 2011
I really love your sense of humour Pixi. No I haven't made any scones yet, I bought the ingredients from Tesco today (all fat free and hope to make them in the next day or so.
Your mis-adventure with the burnt scones reminds me of a few years ago, when I made a cake in France called a 'Queen of Sheeba'. It contained 10 layers of different sponge, 10 layers of different butter cream (excellent for diet), about 38cms tall and was completely covered with chocolate and coconut cream. My friends arrived as I finished it and as I was in a rush to serve them drinks, I put it in the oven instead of the fridge and I don't know why, but set the oven to 250c. About 20 minutes later, I went to take the cake out of the fridge, but it was not there. After a long search ......and a funny smell, I found it in the oven. My beautiful cake looked like a pancake swimming in butter cream. Can you imagine my face.
17 Nov, 2011
LOL Mossy! Aw what a shame..after all that effort! :)
17 Nov, 2011
oh that is awful mossy, i would have shouted a lot and probably kicked a few things too!!!
how devastating and it sounded so good!
if you ever make it again ~ please put a picture on here!!!
17 Nov, 2011
Oooh! That was a disaster, Mossy! I once came home with some shopping and put it all away...Then I couldn't find my purse after much searching and going back to the shop, I finally found it in the freezer when I went to make dinner that evening....!
18 Nov, 2011
Omg Karen LOL!
18 Nov, 2011
I know...and that was when I was young... ;)
18 Nov, 2011
could have been worse karen ~ at least the money is safe in the freezer ~ think i should put my purse in there too!!
18 Nov, 2011
18 Nov, 2011
Lol! A health farm for the plastic cards! lol! ;))))
18 Nov, 2011
18 Nov, 2011
great invention karen.
18 Nov, 2011
Was going to say something about putting other things into the freezer... :)
18 Nov, 2011
great storyline , i felt like I was actually there (at the WI)
19 Nov, 2011
as the guest speaker?
19 Nov, 2011
what again! not after last time ; )
19 Nov, 2011
surely you wont disappoint your audience?
they listened to every word you said!!
19 Nov, 2011
19 Nov, 2011
Now who's going to edit a book of Goyers Kitchen disasters???
Bloomer the cake was round. It will be OK I think. Yes the pudding survived - I got there just in time. I do have a timer but it doesn't know when the pan is going to boil dry :(((
Karen, yes there isn't much flour in a Christmas cake. I did use gluten free last year but it didn't work very well so its mostly wholemeal this year with some buckwheat to dilute it!
Mossy, your disaster with your Queen of Sheba puts our other disasters in the shade! Did you ever try to make it again? Your guardian angel must have been trying to save you from yourself.
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
That would be a good read,Steragram..:o).I'm sure your cake will be fine ..and the pudding too...more brandy ! :o)
21 Nov, 2011
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I made my Christmas cake and pudding yesterday. I have hidden them so my husband and I don't eat them early. The smell is just wonderful. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
15 Nov, 2011