Strange pm
By pixi25
janeuu said:
I read your profile today and it was so good to me.u know that i am interested to be a friend first.i also believe that coming to you will be a probability of meeting that very love that has been lacking in my entire life. please i will like you to contact me direct to my e-mail address, ( i dont know the posebility of remaing in forum for long time,i will give you a full introduction of my self with my pictures ok. i will be waiting for your mail to my e-mail adsdress( as you know
there is no age,race,colour n religion bar when it comes to true love,
cares precious.
Anyone else get this???
21 Nov, 2011
More blog posts by pixi25
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I guess so! lol
21 Nov, 2011
me too...twice..! I must have something you two haven't ,like 'age ' ?? Lol. Tet has had one too..
21 Nov, 2011
think we All got it lol
21 Nov, 2011
damn I hate infidelity too :D
21 Nov, 2011
LOL! you're funny! :))))))))))))))
21 Nov, 2011
Well,they say the grass is always greener,Paul..:o)a heck of a lot of members to try yet..could be a long haul...
21 Nov, 2011
I had this e-mail this morning and was not best pleased but glad that I wasn't the only one, nutter?
21 Nov, 2011
I'd feel a bit down if I didn't get a PM now :D
21 Nov, 2011
Totaly nuttar!
21 Nov, 2011
I got it twice too, Bloomer! Just flagged it...
21 Nov, 2011
at the moment only once...
21 Nov, 2011
I've had many messages like this over the time I've been here, and this won't be the last.
I just flag them ... poor sods - they don't know the difference between right and wrong. They'll find out the hard way I think :o)))
21 Nov, 2011
I think they come from somewhere around where I am...'Precious' is a very popular name here...
21 Nov, 2011
ooh,a new neighbour,Karen..lucky you . :o)
21 Nov, 2011
Pressshhhhhus! sssssss!
21 Nov, 2011
Lol Pixi.....x
21 Nov, 2011
Is Pressshhhhhus! sssssss! a reference to a scene in Lord of the Rings (love it).
21 Nov, 2011
Haha, Bloomer! Luckily, I know my neighbours are called 'Peace' and 'Joy'! lol!
21 Nov, 2011
They must think we all "came up the Clyde on a bike" as the saying here goes!
21 Nov, 2011
Yes Mossy! Love LOTR!!!!!!!!!! Had sore bottom tho sitting all that time watching them! lol
21 Nov, 2011
'''i dont know the posebility of remaing in forum for long time''' lol, me neither with that spelling!
21 Nov, 2011
21 Nov, 2011
Well I didn't get one!! boo hoo (not) :-)))
21 Nov, 2011
Mine have disappeared since the flagging :)
21 Nov, 2011
I think she knew her blogging would be shortlived, soon as we all got up this morning.!
21 Nov, 2011
:Sheilar..I don't want you to feel unwanted or unloved...shall I send you one ?? LOL :o))))
21 Nov, 2011
Thanks for the offer Bloomer, but if it's all the same, I'll take a rain check!! lol
21 Nov, 2011
Okey dokey,Sheilar..but if you ever change your mind ?? Lol...
21 Nov, 2011
Well that's no fair!!!! I didnae get one - what's wrong wi me? :(
21 Nov, 2011
... the same as what's wrong with me Scottish ... nobody loves us 'cos our name starts with an 'S' :-(
21 Nov, 2011
..and there's me,getting two ! My lucky day,it seems.Eat your heart out girls ,and Stevie! :o))))))
21 Nov, 2011
No need to rub it in Bloomer :))))))))))
Thank goodness I didn't use my proper name - it begins with A!!
21 Nov, 2011
Lol,Scottish...and as you probably know mine starts with ..S .!!..phew..I so nearly missed out :o)))))))))))
21 Nov, 2011
Yep got one exactly the same and flagged it:)
21 Nov, 2011
U all made me laugh thanks as I needed a pick me up. I got one of those PMs too. I posted a blog about it. Seems many of us got one. Imagine have nothing better to do than find a website then spend hours sending out rubbish message to as many as possible!. Utter maddens I think. I wonder how many times they get a response?
22 Nov, 2011
this mornings offering is poorly done!, a small amount of research would have shown its an english speaking site-- have flagged one of them to admin
22 Nov, 2011
had them before pixi, just flag them, poor people looking for a meal ticket to our country, or money off vunrable folk :o((
22 Nov, 2011
yep...sad eh/?
22 Nov, 2011
OH NO!!!!...I've not been on here for a while...been preparing my Wedding trouseau....selling the house etc.....and now I find it's all a con!!!!! Well...the weddings off!!!! I'm off to lick my wounds:-((
2 Dec, 2011
wondered where you'd been Ba-- Its been very quiet here as Flori is busy 'being nutty!' as well--
2 Dec, 2011
lol BA!
2 Dec, 2011
Hi Pam\0/ Flori was to have been my Maid of Honour and Tet and Sticki my flower girls...I was hoping you, Bloomer and Pixi would be my Bridesmaids...but not to be ..sigh:-( I hope to be back on here soon...once I am over my beloved Oumar Precious that is. :-)
2 Dec, 2011
So, have surfaced again ! Hi \o/.Thank goodness my Bridesmaid dress was an 'off the peg' design..and glad I kept the receipt ! :o)..I wondered where you were..last I know,is you asked for my fruit cake recipe..It wasn't that bad ...was it ? :o)))))
2 Dec, 2011
Aw well better luck next time BA lol
Aw I got mine in Asda Bllomer lol in the sale!
2 Dec, 2011
Hope it was a faulty one, you can take it back too...not fit for purpose,is what you need to say:o))
2 Dec, 2011
Aye..I unpicked the zip actually ;)
2 Dec, 2011
Ah,so it's you is it ? ..used to deal with lots of customers like you..only not with clothes :o)..When our store first opened,we had a guy came to return a half empty..or half full ( if you are an optimist) bottle of our own brand of mature Whisky..we asked if there was something wrong,and he said " It gave me a headache " !!!..We almost died laughing,but the cheeky B.....r was given his money back ! store ,new customer goodwill ..I could write a book...:o)
3 Dec, 2011
I think you are treating my heart break in a very callous way you two. I was going to have a magnificent wedding a la Wills and Kate, I was even hiring Pippa's bottom. I would have looked wonderful....ah me...:-(
3 Dec, 2011
LOL Bloomer! what a cheek lol
lol@hiring Pippa's bottom! hehe you lot make me laugh!
3 Dec, 2011
ha ha,Pixi..all in a day's work ! :o).
Sorry Ba..but wouldn't it look a bit big on top of your own ? I'm sure yours would have been just as flattering !
Don't get rid of the dress....there is bound to be another Oumar precious again before long...hang on in there :o)
3 Dec, 2011
Does you good to come on here at times :)
Aye nay doot there will Bloomer!
3 Dec, 2011
all of the time for me,Pixi..Let's see who gets him first..! Lol.
3 Dec, 2011
Too late for me...I've got me to a nunnery...all is lost:-(
3 Dec, 2011
\o/..Hi, sister Ba..and welcome to GoY .:o)) wheeeee.!
3 Dec, 2011
Bless you child!
4 Dec, 2011
I hope I don't pick up any bad habits...groan:-( As a child, I used to live by a Convent (Sacred Heart) and found the Nuns terrifying. They dressed all in black except for what appeared to be a large sailing ship on their heads. You don't see that sort of Nun now, well, any sort of Nun for that matter. I did used to like Sister Wendy though, you know, the art critic, she was lovely:-)
4 Dec, 2011
I had forgotten about that head gear,Ba..a bit tricky going through a narrow door,I should imagine..:o)..oh,and Sister Wendy !..I liked her too..what about Sister Sledge and Whoopee Goldberg ? ...Lol.
4 Dec, 2011
Just reading through the comments ... good to see you're all as mad as ever! ..... Ba ... I regularly see a couple of Nuns in our local supermarket on a Friday ... funny how everyone looks in their trolley to see what they buy ... like they're another species ... lol!
4 Dec, 2011
Funny farm time, are so right about checking their shopping..I have done that ! :o)
4 Dec, 2011
Wafers and wine? . . . . .
4 Dec, 2011
Lol,Shirley..that is very nosy lady ! I didn't get that close to see.:o))
4 Dec, 2011
Years ago, my late husband and I used to go to a tatty auction on Sunday mornings. The auctioneer had a boxed 'lot' and was pulling out items and describing them in order to whet our bidding appetite such as a bracelet...a musical box, a vase etc . After producing various items he pulled out a small plastic doll in a Nun's habit. He looked totally non-plussed...long pause...erm ...a Nun. Everyone fell about...well you had to be there. Hello Shirley\0/ :-)
4 Dec, 2011
Hello Ba ... hope all is well with you and yours? ... We're all ok ... not feeling at all 'Christmassy' at the moment ... but sure we will as the festive season draws ever closer ... :o)
5 Dec, 2011
I've got the turkey etc ordered. I have around twelve for dinner and always forget something and nothing's really hot either...we all enjoy it anyway:-)
5 Dec, 2011
Lol, Ba ... you can always improvise if you've forgotten something ... or just go without! ... Mum has eaten a whole tin of Roses chocs she bought for Christmas ... said they were her birthday chocs from two weeks ago ... you've gotta laugh! ... :o)))
5 Dec, 2011
More important to have family to share it with,Ba or cold ! We are going to our Daughters,so just the four of us,and Thomas,of course..I have ordered the Turkey too..and paid for it..:o)..our contribution to the invite..also making the stuffing, made a Christmas cake,and taking Christmas pudding as well !..Well,they struggle a bit only the same if they came here...They are doing the rest...what rest ? oh,yes..starters and veg ! Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
Lol about mum,Shirley..looks like you will have to get her another tin,and hide it ! I know how she I got one at the weekend..that was me being weak willed,as I said I wasn't buying any naughty stuff this year..but what can you do,when they are on offer ? :o).I wonder if Russell would notice,if I peeled the sticky stuff off,round the lid ? Too right he would ! Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
tell him that you had to make sure they were ok!, you could try putting some sweets out for mum -- maybe biscuits too so she doesnt need to go looking--my gran didn't know if she'd eaten or not thankfully the care home did or she'd have eaten lunch again!
5 Dec, 2011
Too much stuff of the chocolatey type on offer at the moment...bought two tins thick choc biscuits from M&S (think bogof).....all gone:-( Keep making and eating mince pies too...just to get the pastry right! The best one has loads of butter in...cholesterol forgotten;-)
5 Dec, 2011
I've marzipanned the cakes and to use up the leftover bit I made a mincrmeat shortbread and grated the mincemeat -- and then the top with marzipan.... very nice especially the crusty bits on top....I've been having porage for breakfast in the hope it'll help with the cholesterol...:o))
5 Dec, 2011
Forget the Cholesterol for a won't make much difference for a short can feel guilty afterwards !!.just enjoy..and don't forget to take your tablet..if you need them..:o) ..says me,showing off,cos mine has come down ..Lol.
5 Dec, 2011
No tablets though doc wanted me to take them. I use Flora proactive drinks and check sat fat content on stuff. Also eat oatbran and fruit for breakfast and have it with oat milk. I'm down to 6 point something now:-)
5 Dec, 2011
I was just like you I wanted to try and do it myself..but stuck at had to take them in the happy with that...My GP suggested it can also be hereditary,so it isn't always down to us,if it's in our genes,so I felt better about that,and not feeling guilty about what I eat..I still use Flora proactive it definitely helped, ..well done :o).
5 Dec, 2011
We've covered a few subjects here lol...Pixi...hope you don't mind, it helps me get over my great disappointment:-(
6 Dec, 2011
No of course not hahaha..hey there's always Paul! He is single and looking!!!!!! lol
6 Dec, 2011
Don't forget though, would also be playing second fiddle..can you play a guitar ? :o))))
7 Dec, 2011
7 Dec, 2011
Yes I can you think I'm in?:-)
7 Dec, 2011
Definitely cracked it there,Ba..:o))))....Looking forward to a duo forming .. Lol.wheeeeeeee!
7 Dec, 2011
Yeah! Goy band ..get Lulu on drums too!
7 Dec, 2011
Great ! till Lulu gets better,I could be her stand in
,with my steel drums..pan lids and a spoon..:o) Don't think that is what you had in mind,Pixi..but the offer is there,if Ba is stuck..:o))
8 Dec, 2011
8 Dec, 2011
SHE'S BACK!!!!!! :(
8 Dec, 2011
from oomarprecious or whoever it is( as above)....Flagged it but don't like it!!
8 Dec, 2011
Is that what you meant Karen that the horrible PM's back....
8 Dec, 2011
Yes, Pam. Same person, same message...
Profile pic comes up under 'new members'... Dakar, Senegal...had a feeling he/she would be from around here, somewhere... :(
Have flagged it, but not deleting it this time...
8 Dec, 2011
I thought it was thanks Karen, I've deleted it, I thought that they would have been able to put a block on the member as it had been flagged before
8 Dec, 2011
They probably used a different e-mail address this's a pity that we can't put blocks on our own message boards...
8 Dec, 2011
I've got one this time, I felt left out before! I have flagged the pic on the members page
8 Dec, 2011
Ah well, Annella...she does say that there is no bar to true love....and that she is a good girl! ;)
This might seem daft...but I can't find where to flag on the member's page...
8 Dec, 2011
I have received a PM from Janneau today ... flagged and deleted it now ... pointless message! . . . . .
8 Dec, 2011
I flagged it without deleting see how long it would remain. It's just gone - that was quick this time!
8 Dec, 2011
Mine's gone too
8 Dec, 2011
My true love has just pm'd me...perhaps the marriage is on again...Bloomer iron your dress:-) Hands off girls, he's mine:-/
8 Dec, 2011
LOL, Ba! ... :o)))
8 Dec, 2011
I didn't really read it but I thought it was a she......oops
8 Dec, 2011
Sorry to butt in but so did I Pam.....poor BA....or maybe not??!
8 Dec, 2011
Hi Ba Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!
8 Dec, 2011
Whoever it might said, 'I'm a good girl', on the profile this time!!!!
8 Dec, 2011
Not Ba's type then!
8 Dec, 2011
Oh,damn,Ba.. I've just spent ages unpicking all the seams,on my it was an original hand crafted pretty..yellow,with red ,hand embroidered edging..I will have to use them as dusters now..:o)))
8 Dec, 2011
It might still be on Bloomer!! Thank God you are here, people must think I'm insulting a stranger! ;o)) (not that Ba's strange of course)
8 Dec, 2011
We are quite used to each other's weird sense of humour,aren't we Annella ?....Ba will never be a stranger,to us...keeps letting us know she is still around.! her own way..:o)
8 Dec, 2011
Nothing weird about hundreds of comments on a tomato pic is there? x
8 Dec, 2011
of course not! and look what happened last year in that battle of the blogs.......
8 Dec, 2011
Hard to believe that was 12 months ago Pam. I have got Flori's cd out again now ;o))
8 Dec, 2011
Aw,RIP Tom Duck..hope his offspring didn't end up in a basics range sauce bottle. ..! Passata sounds more of a fitting an end for them....I remember them and the blogs very well..we needed a year off,to get back to " normal" ???
8 Dec, 2011
So have I ,Annella..:)
8 Dec, 2011
Ahh (Tom) saucy memories ;o)) xx
8 Dec, 2011
LOL! You're all nuts!....But in a GOOD way! :)))))
8 Dec, 2011
We would be honoured to have you aboard or bored,Karen ! Lol...right..time for a little sanity..going to watch Masterchef..:o)
8 Dec, 2011
Would be honoured to be aboard, Bloomer...but we're a bit ahead of you, timewise, and I have difficulty walking the plank......if you know what I mean! lol! :))))))
8 Dec, 2011
ha ha,Karen..point taken..:o)
9 Dec, 2011
My Precious is a Woman????!!!!!!! Are you sure?????
Oh well....nobody's perfect:-) ( Yes, I know.. plagiarised line) So long as she can keep me in the manner to which I'm not accustomed;-))
9 Dec, 2011
See Bloomer I told you she wouldn't mind!!!
9 Dec, 2011
I've found the cd too, it must be christmas......
Hi Ba-- hope you're not too disappointed.....
9 Dec, 2011
Any port in a storm,Annella ! Lol.
9 Dec, 2011
Anyone would think you all thought I was desperate:-(
I see the nostalgia has kicked in...poor old Karenfrance won't have any idea what you are all on about. I will enlighten you Karen. Last Christmas they were all experimenting with hallucinatory drugs and ended up in a home for the terminally bewildered. Naturally, I had more sense, but kindly visited them on occasion. Rolf Harris was there too:-)
9 Dec, 2011
..and she was so thoughtful,Karen,she even padded our rooms for us ! :o)
9 Dec, 2011
yay Karen can ye guess what eet ees yet?
9 Dec, 2011
Don't you start,Pixi.. ! Lol..although there would be plenty of room for you as well,in our little troubled world Lol:o))
10 Dec, 2011
O lot are suffering the worst cases of Seasonally Affected Disorder that I've ever come across...! I would recommend that you see your therapist immediately, except that I suspect that he hasn't yet recovered from last year's sessions... ;))))))
10 Dec, 2011
Sorry Karen.. It has been changed from SAD,to PAD
now,as it is permanent ! ..You really shouldn't read last year's blog,if you don't either (a) want to be unhinged,
or (b) if you don't like Rolf Harris,or (c ) if you like Tomato's ..Got that ? ..I try not to be clear and lucid at all times Lol:o)))..
10 Dec, 2011
lmao Bloomer!
10 Dec, 2011
Glad about that,Pixi..welcome to Wacky land ! Lol
10 Dec, 2011
It was very worrying when Anella go stuck up the chimney-- she didn't get rescued for ages.....
If you do look at Tom Duck and the others it'll take a while... Goy nearly siezed up!!
10 Dec, 2011
just the thing to pass away a winters afternoon. or two ! Lol.
10 Dec, 2011
or 3..... pretty chilly here Bloomer even more so for Pixi I guess!
10 Dec, 2011
It got up the dizzy heights of 4 degrees here ,Pam..positively balmy...or barmy..whatever...I had a nostalgic hour,earlier..and got as far as the 200th comment on T.ducks offspring..only 292 to go,I think !
Might look when nowt on Telly,which could be anytime soon :o))
10 Dec, 2011
it has turned out quite mild today :)
10 Dec, 2011
I must have a look sometime..... just think nearly 500 comments...
pleased its mild for you Pixi, very bright & cold here yesterday but we're forecast very wet all day today
11 Dec, 2011
Yeah strange how yesterday unfolded..Snow on leaving here then fog then sunshine lol..crazy!
11 Dec, 2011
Ha it's the weather:-) Pond frozen yesterday, not frozen today so must be warmer, but doesn't feel it:-(
11 Dec, 2011
I read Pamg's Sunny Sunday Morning last night, better than a book and almost as long to read....was laughing out loud through most of it:-))) If you need cheering up in this freezing weather I thoroughly recommend it. Even Yorkie had a go. Loved Flori's "'orse with a deceitful end" Where is our Flori lauri? Do you think she's been caught by the 'nutters' again?:-( I might pop across and look:-)
12 Dec, 2011
yep!! let us know what you find Ba-- must have a look at that blog too, I think we need cheering there are some sad things on Goy today
12 Dec, 2011
What? :-(
12 Dec, 2011
I've been looking at the blogs, linc's dads not well and Sheilar's grandson and even poor Gattina being hounded by 'charities' whilst shopping, not very chrismassy...:o((
hope all well with you
12 Dec, 2011
I'm fine thanks Pam:-) I'll look for the blogs when I get time, with any luck, the news will soon be better. I've been planting two bare root roses today....jolly hard work, I wish they wouldn't send them 'til spring:-)
12 Dec, 2011
the ground was frozen here again this morning after all the rain yesterday afternoon as well, your roses should get a good watering I should thing looking at the forecast...
12 Dec, 2011
Recent posts by pixi25
- Garden in Autumn
11 Oct, 2012
- I'm still around!
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- Nails for Bloomer
8 Aug, 2012
- Went to B&Q! Naughty!
7 Aug, 2012
- Some good things some not so good
6 Aug, 2012
- Garden in the wind this morning
29 Jul, 2012
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I had it too Pixi - they want a fair bit of loving ah lol
21 Nov, 2011