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Art classes Website


By pixi25


As many of you know, I teach evening art classes at various schools etc round about here.
I have put exhibitions on for them over the years, but as most places charge now, its not do-able!
So to show their work I thought I would make a website for them.
I dont have pics of ALL their work, hopefully they will send me more images to put on.
Some are better than others, but the main thing is they all enjoy it!
Hope you do too :)

here is the site…just copy and paste into your search, then click on Gallery to view artwork. For some reason it takes a wee while to load.

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Wow the work is all very commendable bar none and some are very very good. I thought it would be beginner's basics. Very accomplished. You're a brilliant teacher obviously!!!

20 Mar, 2012


Well some have been coming along for years..some have jsut started. Nned to get more pics!
Thank you :) I try!

20 Mar, 2012


firstly, i like that music :-)) they really are good Pixi you must be an excellent teacher.. my favourite one is the kingfisher on the sign, as a youngster i worked on a farm and at lunch i would have it in the tractor cab and watch a kingfisher sometimes diving there in the river...

20 Mar, 2012


Glad you like the music..its Notturno in Gondola by Rondo Veneziano :)
Well I hope I'm a good teacher! SOme have natural abilities more than others..some struggle a bit.
Ah the Kingfisher one..that lady is good..but....
she just copies other peoples paintings..exactly! Not too keen on them doing that...but that's her thing.
Some have more vivid imaginations and maybe start off looking at some pic..then change it somehow..I like that!
I encourage individuality or working from their own photos. I jsut love it when someone will say ' oh i oculd do this..or that..' I get all enthusiastic and egg them on! lol
WOndder if you can guess jsut by looking at some of the work..who they are! ;)))

20 Mar, 2012


Btw that music wakes me up in the morning..well it kinda puts me back t sleep again lol!

20 Mar, 2012


Lol my granddad painted in oils i have some of his work still, he used to give a load away to friends he said he did it as he loved to paint, i just do pencil work art he used to encourage me :-)

20 Mar, 2012


I ususally work in oils..not done so for about a year at least now. Few acrylics..quicker..but just not the same..I love the smell of turps and linseed!
i try to encourage some of them to try selling work but they jsut laugh at me! :l
Pencil work is great..dont do much of that these days either..maybe I should just slab over the garden and my Dads then I'd have more time! lol :)
Would love to see some of your work :)))))

20 Mar, 2012


Lol i'll have to scan some later and put them on for you :-)
yes you could really smell the turps and linseed in his workshop :-) i miss it in a way...

20 Mar, 2012


We fund the exhibition by selling drinks and home made cakes, it amazed me last year that we made over£500 on the refreshments. We also pay 50p for each hung easily covered the cost of hiring the village hall for the weekend.
I,m one of the enthusiastic strugglers but I really enjoy going to the art group

20 Mar, 2012


That would be great SL! :)
WEll as these classes are council run Pam, I am not allowed to do a ;lot of things! mAYBE THOUGH SOUNDS LIKE A GREAT IDEA :))

20 Mar, 2012


So sorry I can`t take a look Pixi, think my computor is playing up it keeps coming up Oops sorry page is not available.

20 Mar, 2012


I used to go to a council run one, it was lovely she was a brilliant teacher, then she retired and the man who took over was more used to teaching young children, I know using different materials ripped paper etc can be an exciting way to work but tearing up tissue paper and sticking it onto card with glue does nothing for me..... I go to a private art group now and love restrictions....

20 Mar, 2012


Thats great Pam :)
SOrry stroller..cant think why that would happen? :(

20 Mar, 2012


These are smashing Pixi...tell your pupils well done!!

20 Mar, 2012


The Artwork is brillient Pixi. There are a few there I would like on my wall.
Its strange how some artist just dont see how good thier own work is, many of these would sell easly.

20 Mar, 2012


You have wonderful talent - wish you could teach me to draw :))))))

20 Mar, 2012


cant find it pixi, copied and put it in google search but not coming up :o((

20 Mar, 2012


Sanbaz put it in the top bit....where you normally have the www bit. There is a technical name but I dont know it :)

20 Mar, 2012


Thanks all.
Scottish I will :) ~I dont know if any of them are selling as yet WN :)
I could Paul ;)))
Yeah paste it into the search bar san :)

20 Mar, 2012


I can't find it either San, there's a long list of websites Pixi, Which one is it? or should the link take me straight to your home page..ill try again..

Edit. got it :))

22 Mar, 2012


A lot of talent there Pixi, i was going to pick a favourite but there are to many to name, i love the African dancers and the waterfall looks real, like its flowing, now thats clever, so so many beautifull paintings, The Glen, beautifull, so much inspiration there, you are obviously a great teacher Pixi...

22 Mar, 2012


Thanks YD Nice of you to have a look :)
Yes there is much talent in all classes ..Not sure its all done to me though :)

22 Mar, 2012


got on it at last pixi, great to show their work and some good stuff there to, well done to all :o)))

23 Mar, 2012


:)))))))))) thanks San :)

23 Mar, 2012


Just been on the website Pixi, some are really good, you must feel proud of them, my sons wife paints and she is good but mostly her`s is from photo`s and cards, I asked her once if she paints from scratch and was told that she cannot do it and yet I`ve seen her do pencil work and she is biddy good, not being able to draw or paint myself, I just cannot understand that...

23 Mar, 2012


Thats great probably can you know..if you want to you can! I could teach you"

23 Mar, 2012

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