Another gardening blog
By pixi25
Dont want to bore you all..but this is my garden this time. Been out in the sunshine moving things, repotting seedlings etc. Been such a lovely day..Spring has definitely sprung! oh dear sved blog to publish and found half the pics are missing..Not doing it again! lol will take more pics in the future anyway! :)
Found this growing at the back of other things, cant remeber what it is now! Its pretty anyway :)
This is a weed I think, found it growing along a wee lane a few years ago and picked a bit for the garden..I like it though :)
REd Robin doing fine
SUki enjoying watching me in the garden. She loves being outside too :)
Repotted some seedlings..think they are Campanula! Deary me I really should take better care of labels lol
THink this is my Geranium which I left out all winter! It has survived! And the other one was from another goyer, but I forget what it is! OMG has senile dimentia set in already?????
I grew this last year and have jsut put it inot the what..I’ve no idea what it is! lol
Moved my Choysia (know that’s not spet right lol) it was nt doing to well beside Red Robing so have moved it over to the right side garden..hope it like i there :)
Moved this rose form beside the birdtable..over to where the CHoysia was will grow nicely up the fence for more seclusion! it has a lovely fregrance too :)
Catkins growing on my Curlywurly tree! lol
Bloosom on one apple tree, the other one has none
Lithodora for Paul, see what it will grow into
18 Mar, 2012
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All of them??????????????????? omg! I see a few are missing but not all...hmm.strange
18 Mar, 2012
(I'm seeing most, but not all of them, Pixi.)
The first pic is chionodoxa and the 3rd last pic looks exactly what my campanula (Canterbury Bells) is looking like just now.
Lots of work done today, then. Your garden is looking good and well supervised by Suki. Isn't it great to be out in the sun?
18 Mar, 2012
I'm not seeing all of them either. But I think the second picture is Delphinium, followed by the blue Periwinkle.(not the correct name but what I know it as). Your puss cat is adorable.
18 Mar, 2012
Thanks OJ..has the CHiondoxa got a common name?
I dont know why some of them havent come up! grrr spent ages doing it too! oh well.
Yeah SUki could have helped! we both like being out in the sun :))))
Ah yes could be..I plated some a couple of years ago..nvere showed might be them at last!
Ooh a Periwinkle! Great..where would I be wihtout all you knowlegable folk!
lol Yeah she's my baby :)))
18 Mar, 2012
i can see the pics and red crosses to pixi, strange, anyway nice to get in the garden isnt it even though a little cool out of the sun, campanulla is last one im sure and perrywinkle with little blue flowers and varigated leaves which is pretty but a thug is left to take over so be carefull with that one pixi :o))
18 Mar, 2012
lol thanks jsut grow wild down in the bottom corner of the garden amongst Ivy and Clematis :)
18 Mar, 2012
Great Pixi - some pics didn't come up love to see them :)))) Love vinca major - have a fair bit and it grows rapidly and spreads !! Been moving a few things too :)) Choisya is fab another nice fav . Cute pic of your cat picture Pixi -!!!!
18 Mar, 2012
great pics Pixi. Suki looking fab as ever, pic 2 is a delphinium mine are coming up to :-)
18 Mar, 2012
Lovely Pics Pixi...some still not showing up. Maybe tomorrow :))
I think the ones in the larger terracotta looking pot are also campanula - Campanula Persicifolia - white or blue flowers usually on taller stems :)
I agree re the delphinium - another fav of the slugs :)
Suki looking very happy watching mummy :)
18 Mar, 2012
Thanks Paul..ah Choisya! lol yeah Suki loves being outside with me :)
Thanks glad they decided to show after 2years!!! :)
I dont know why spme pics arent showing! grrrr oh no not for the slugs..oh dear I BET i LOSE THEM :(
Aye shes my wee lassie :)
18 Mar, 2012
Still can't see all the photos :o( Why is that I wonder ?
I can see Suki :o) She's lovely.
I'm the same with labels ... just hopeless lol. It doesn't bother me really though :o)
19 Mar, 2012
You should be able to see them now i think???????
19 Mar, 2012
I can see them all..
Lots of plant expertise in this blog, I'm scared! Gorgeous garden Pix, a perfect little haven of chill :)))))
19 Mar, 2012
Lol yes I sorted it this morning! lol WEll I'm not the expert hehe.
Thanks Sev..I like it :)))
19 Mar, 2012
My Vinca Major ramble's away quite happy along my back fence I just trim it if it start's to get out of hand , what a lovely cat Suki is,I like the curlywurly tree :-))
19 Mar, 2012
Thanks Mavis :) I dont know the proper name for Curlywurly lol
19 Mar, 2012
Seems like they've all been named Pixi :) I can see all the pics lol, love your cat Suki shes gorgeous, Havent us up north been lucky with the weather this winter/spring, im still in shock hahaha, you have a lovely garden there bursting into life, enjoy..
20 Mar, 2012
Does anyone know what number 8 is??
Thanks YD :)) Yeah weather has been pretty good time of year :))))))
20 Mar, 2012
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I tried to read this blog but I can't see any of the photos, just a red x ... I'll come back to it later on. Maybe GoY will have woken up by then lol ;o))
18 Mar, 2012