Been busy!
By pixi25
No not in the garden..still raining here! grrr
One of the schools I work at is being knocked down (new one built in its place :( )
They had lots of stuff which was jsut going to be skipped and I had asked about an old oak desk that was in the room I worked in, I was told I could have it, but last week my boss phoned and said someone else had taken it! I was pretty annoyed, but went down to see if there were any other ones. THe only one that i could have was this awful desk which had gouges on it and writing and ink and paint etc. However I thought..I could fix it up, so I have been busy sanding the whole thing down. I had to actually plane the top of it as it was so badly marked, then use a wire brush and finally sand it. THe legs werent as bad.
My arms and shoulders are aching! I’m tired..but finally this afternoon I finished it. Well it still has to get waxed
You can see how bad it was
Making a start using the plane and wire brush
You can see how bad it was compared to the wee stool there. I also got two of those and a chair, but they can wait till I get some Nitromors to strip them..I’m aching!! lol
took this in the mirror to let you see the size of it. I am going to useit for my artclasses ( with a plastic cover on!) and also I could use it as a dining table but I would have to carry everything upstairs lol.but still I like it anyway :)
Even found an old lace tablecloth..not sure where that came from haha So thats what I have been doing while it pours down outside
30 Jun, 2012
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Hi Pixi
Well done. A wonderful renovation job there.
Not surprised your arms are tired.
Good luck with work on the chair and two stools.
30 Jun, 2012
well done Pixi, that looks great :-)
30 Jun, 2012
brill job done there Pixi, it looks great, good enough to eat off of or is it of off?? Lol. Love the cloth too.
30 Jun, 2012
It looks brilliant Pixi, i love it as a dining table and the seating and the tablecloth and the candles :) It all just blends like youv'e had it forever, Beautifull..
30 Jun, 2012
THanks all lol Grandmage! Ive absolutely no idea where that tablecloth came form..i ve had it a few years at the back of the cupboard. lol
Yes St dinner party! Long way for the 3 muskateers to come?
30 Jun, 2012
ty YD :)
30 Jun, 2012
oh :-( real shame!
30 Jun, 2012
Remember by Dear Mam having one of the cloths and even my Grandma.:)
Giving my age away Pixi
But what a fab job you have done.
30 Jun, 2012
jobs a goodun, well done. I pulled 4 chairs off a bonfire pile (before it was lit), put dark varnish on them, decided to give my knackered kitchen table a go and they all looked quite fab.
30 Jun, 2012
You would be more than welcome St ..jsut a long way for you to come no?
Hah ScotKat!
Ty Stevie. I love doing this kind of thing...well I used so much work hands arms and shoulders are all sore and i got hacks in my fingers and splinters under my skin! oh IS worth it in the end.
I renovated an old bureau my Dad had in his garage and an old dressing table.
I dont mind of all the chairs are different..i have 4 jade green painted ones covered in paint not sure whether to strip them down or paint white then distress them? My house is all higgeldy piggeldy anyway lol.
30 Jun, 2012
Wow know wonder your arms etc ache but what a lovely job you've done of it, bet your so proud of yourself, well done.
30 Jun, 2012
yes its a long way pixi but you do live in scotland so it has to be worth it!!!
one of these days!!! 4 jade chairs ~ 4 musketeers?!!!
30 Jun, 2012
It looks like one of the school desks I sat at many many years ago !.
30 Jun, 2012
My goodness, you're determined Pixi...that's a brilliant job on a table that most would have chucked out I think! Sorry you didn't get the one you wanted, but this looks grand now!
30 Jun, 2012
Its fantastic, and what a bonus that it has drawers as well!
Its a lot more substantial than a lot of the stuff you can buy now.
30 Jun, 2012
Lovely work Pixi :))))))))))
30 Jun, 2012
Brilliant job ,well done Pixi it looks great ,Don't know if I could use it for art classes after all that hard work !!!!!!!!!!!
30 Jun, 2012
Thanks all :)
Well 4 it is! ST lol when you coming?
Its a big teachers desk Rogi it looks quite small there couldnt get a pic to show you how long it is. :)
Well about half way through I nearly gave up sore lol but well its all done now :)
Yeah need to line the drawers with paper..its all written on and ink stains etc..not sanding that! haha
Thanks Paul :)))))))
THanks Niver..I will be putting a plastic sheet over it for art classes! lol no way are they gonna get paint on it! studio is looking more like a dining room now..such a change to the walls covered in sketches and paintings lol..ooh well. :)
30 Jun, 2012
Brilliant ... You're very clever :o) You've done a wonderful job and it looks great !
30 Jun, 2012
lol Thanks MR hYwel..not sure if I'm clever of jsut much work! :)
30 Jun, 2012
When you are free! Now how do you think suki would like to meet minty, pru, jazzy, sluggy and will stevie bring Gingernuts or the froggies?
30 Jun, 2012
Omg noooooo! She wouldnt like that at all! lol Though I would! She doesnt like other animals at all. I will need to clean out a space in the shed for..Stevie maybe lol I got sleeping bags! no beds tho..big couch and my bed only. But all welcome!
30 Jun, 2012
LoL Pixi...Sluggy would definitely woof at the clay gardener!
Well done with that looks pristine! It's quite a job...well done!
Poor David's cricket was rained off today...........
30 Jun, 2012
Aw lol..and SUki would jsut hiss at you all!
Thanks :)
Aw..what's he doing instead//helping you?
30 Jun, 2012
We both had hangovers today, we had a late lunch and a kip and then a tuna and salad this eve. Now I am stuffed, pot bellied and feeling very uncomfortable!
Did you watch Murry at Wimbledon this eve!?
30 Jun, 2012
Ach lol..sounds yummy :)
Mw watch tennis? na! I used to play years ago..but I never watch sport at all in any form! I was watching some thriller/horror thing llol
30 Jun, 2012
I used to throw my racket around in a tantrum at school!
30 Jun, 2012
Oh I rmemebr throwing mine over the net! hahah Got lines for that!
30 Jun, 2012
Oh you naughty girls!!
30 Jun, 2012
You cannae beat a bit o' DIY Pixi....great job. I remember years ago I gave that Nitromorse a try on some doors - gave up after a while and ended up sending to dip and strip!!
That looks braw there. Well done.
1 Jul, 2012
Great job Pixi! Looks great!
1 Jul, 2012
lolST! THought you would have known that by now! lol
Thanks ANgie..have done a few restoration jobs over the years..jsut found this harder..must be getting old lol
I used Nitromors on a few things and it was good for most of it but still hard graft to get into corners etc.
How much is dip n strip? Thanks :)
Thanks Lil :)
1 Jul, 2012
;-) I'm shocked!
1 Jul, 2012
yeah yeah lolol!
1 Jul, 2012
1 Jul, 2012
1 Jul, 2012
Well worth it Pixi, just think what it would cost to buy a solid table like that. Well done you :-)
1 Jul, 2012
I couldn't tell you how much dip and strip is nowadays Pixi - it was a few years ago and I think around £20 a door.
1 Jul, 2012
THanks WIlli :) Ah well..I'll think about it lol
2 Jul, 2012
Well done looks great.
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks Linda:))
2 Jul, 2012
You`ve made a darn good job of that desk Pixi, its come up a treat and its a fact you wouldn`t get one as good these days unless you forked out a right packet for it, I feel for your poor hands, mine took a bashing last week helping hubby with the work out the back so a bit bumped and scratched as well, lol...
2 Jul, 2012
You've done really well there. If your arms are still aching, just think how much money you've saved over buying one from an antique centre. That should take the pain away! Oh, did someone mention dinner? lol Jx
2 Jul, 2012
Thanks you are right it would cost a I have to think of that..and really I dont ache so much now..its a pleasure to see. Still have to get some beeswax to finish it off ..think that's what I'll do anyway :)) Yes dinner sometime ..;)
2 Jul, 2012
Sounds good to me...! Jx
3 Jul, 2012
Haggis and neeps? ;)!
3 Jul, 2012
Ummm, might just have the wine. I know, I'm a philistine. Jxx
3 Jul, 2012
4 Jul, 2012
Thanks :) Yeah i always try to make things out of old daughter goes nuts..she has to have everything new! lol
4 Jul, 2012
hahah oh i get that now and again these days from Sarah lol..she hates if i say so tho! lol
5 Jul, 2012
great job pixi it looks new again and loved :o))
5 Jul, 2012
:) Thanks :)
5 Jul, 2012
Wow great job ... Well done pixi
7 Jul, 2012
Thanks..a lot of hard work really!
7 Jul, 2012
I can imagine .... But fantastic end result!
7 Jul, 2012
7 Jul, 2012
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thats brilliant pixi!!! well done you. i think you could have a dinner party on that
30 Jun, 2012