By Kibrisdan
Hi. Could someone please suggest some snail/slug proof plants that i could put in my garden. I would prefer small shrubs, perenials or bulbs if possible. We have recently had a lot of rain in Cyprus and that, combined with the sunshine, have brought the snails out in their millions. I don't want to use any kind of pesticide so have tried relocating the snails but there are just too many. Thank you, in anticipation.....
7 Mar, 2010
Most shrubs should be OK as long as they have woody growth at the base. Slugs like soft lush leaves. Try looking round public gardens to see what grows best.
8 Mar, 2010
Thank you to both of you. I will definately go and get some day lillies and alliums and will look up the other things mentioned. I recently bought quite a few gerbera plants- which was a big mistake! They love them. It's very strange as well, but they love to eat succulents and also the less harmful of the cacti. You are right,Dorjac, they don't seem to bother with my yuccas but I have to say that they are quite partial to my smaller opuntias. I think Cyprus snails must have gums of steel!
8 Mar, 2010
Also, try anything with a white sap like Euphorbia or Oleander. They also won't eat Ruta graveolens or Sage. So try very highly 'flavoured' things. Also, very hairy things like Stachys lanata.
9 Mar, 2010
Thanks, volunteer. You are right about Oleander. They leave well alone! Did a very big snail collection yesterday but have come out this morning to find even more. Have never seen so many in my life. Might also be due to the fact that our hedghog family appear to have left our garden and aren't eating them anymore.
10 Mar, 2010
Hi Kibrisdan...This is not as daft as it sounds, but as you seem to have the room, why not keep a few Chickens, good layers, give them a bit of fenced in space, and collect your snails for them...they adore snails...and will give you terrific eggs in return....:)))
20 Sep, 2011
Thanks for the idea, Crissue. I didn't realise that chickens ate snails! I must admit it is something we are thinking of doing in the future but didn't know that we would be solving our snail problem as well as getting fresh eggs.
22 Sep, 2011
You're very welcome...:))))
22 Sep, 2011
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I can only say what snails seem not to munch in my garden. Corydalis is one. This plant comes in yellow and dreamy blue and will get everywhere very daintily. if it likes your garden. The leaves are very delicate looking. Alliums which taste of onions seem not to be eaten. Day lillies seem to be left alone too. They form large clumps. Blue bells don't seem to go with Cyprus! they get left alone. I am sure some of the plants with tough spiky leaves are left alone by snails. Yucca. Opuntia... nice and spiny. It depends on the aspect of your garden. Wide open to sun or dappled shade. Perhaps this next summer will be as dry as the last one was wet. Then they will all vanish.
8 Mar, 2010