By Snake
United Kingdom
Is there any one who could suggest a evergreen climber for semi shade,other than clematis
7 Mar, 2010
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climbing plants
evergreen climbers
Sorry Snake not at all sure what you are asking given your comment
7 Mar, 2010
In answer to the question at the top of the page....a climbing hydrangea.( the flower is white and quite pretty and lacy).OOOPs just realised it's deciduous. But it does grow in the shade.
7 Mar, 2010
There is an evergreen climbing Hydrangea, Gaia - it's called H. seemannii. The one that's deciduous is H. petiolaris, by the way, so you are right - that's a good suggestion for Snake! :-)))
8 Mar, 2010
Garrya elliptica is not a climber but a 'wall shrub', that does well in semi-shade. It has long grey 'catkins' throughout winter (see photo in My Garden pages, on my homepage).
8 Mar, 2010
Pilostegia viburnoides is evergreen and a climber and likes a bit of shade.
8 Mar, 2010
Thanks Bamboo, have not heard of that one, will have a look. snake
8 Mar, 2010
Thanks for suggesting the wall shrub,Garrya ellipticia. I do really want a climber though. Snake
8 Mar, 2010
Thanks spritzshenry, for the plant advice.
8 Mar, 2010
Gaia01, Thanks for the plant advice,even though its decidous,he he. Thanks Snake
8 Mar, 2010
You're welcome. I have Pileostegia viburnoides, and although it is evergreen and likes shade, I should warn you that it's a slow grower - mine has been in three years, and it is growing, but a bit like a tortoise! LOL.
8 Mar, 2010
Thanks spritzhenry, i think i will give that one a miss,im to impatient. Snake
8 Mar, 2010
You and me both, Snake! LOL.
9 Mar, 2010
Hi Snake...
I have two Pileostegia viburnoides and the one which is more in the sun has grown twice as tall as the other...
I have Garrya elliptica "James Roof"... on my photo pages, same as Volunteer, and also on GoYpedia Evergreen Climbers.
I have put this question on GoYpedia Climbing Plants and nominated it for GoYpedia Evergreen Climbers.
Go to the base of this page to the alphabet and click on E..
Then click on Evergreen Climbers and you'll find a variety of choices there, and you can pick out those which thrive in semi-shade. I hope this helps :o)
10 Mar, 2010
Thanks Terratoonie, for the advise. I also have a pileostegia viburnoides. This hasn`t done as well as expected although in semi shade. Thanks Snake
10 Mar, 2010
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Depending on size of trunks. We removed some of the soil at the base of the trunk so we could cut it down low under the original soil level. As we didn`t want to use chemicals to remove stump ,we covered it over with a bin bag ,replaced soil and after 4 years they have gone.
7 Mar, 2010