I have three camellias one of which rarely flowers this year once again no flowers is there anything I can do - have fed it regualrly with an artificial fertiliser and also compost from my c heap. Thanks Ron Viveash
By Camellia
United Kingdom
clay soil sunny position same as other camellias
18 Mar, 2009
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spring colour plants
Is it possible the non-flowering camellia is not getting as much moisture as the others? Dryness at the root inhibits the formation of flower buds (mine did very badly in the spring after the hot, dry summer of 2006)
18 Mar, 2009
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Camellias prefer some shade, Ron. maybe this is the problem for the non-flowering one? Also, they are acid- lovers... clay soil is not always acid. Are the leaves yellow-ish? If so, give them a dose of sequestrene.
18 Mar, 2009