Gardening tip
By rohima
I picked up a tip from a neighbour. She says that she sprays her pots wih WD30 to keep the slugs at bay.They even leave her hosta’s alone. Well it’s worth a try so i have done the same today. Couldn’t keep it to myself. Just had to share it wiyh you all.
3 May, 2010
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I just Googled WD40 and it's true ! It says ' a liberal application around the edge of plant pots will keep slugs at bay' so I'm off to the garage to find our can ... lol
3 May, 2010
An older lady told me at the weekend to use vaseline for hostas too.
3 May, 2010
Yes, I've heard of that too. I have lost some Cosmos and Marigold seedlings to slugs, the pots/trays are covered with a plastic cloche so I've resorted to slug pellets, don't use them in the garden borders though.
3 May, 2010
Slug it. A liquid solution is good to use. You can vary the strength by adding more and more as required. You can water it on paths, soil and plants. If you use it to strong though it will leave white water splash marks on the plants so try it rather week at first.
I believe it is organic.
3 May, 2010
this all sounds promising ,cant decide wether to dig ours out of garage its freezing outside but think i will.....
3 May, 2010
Thanks Rohima. I will try it on the hosta pots.
3 May, 2010
Thanks for sharing your knowledge :o))
I'll try it aswell.
4 May, 2010
Im straight out to try this
4 May, 2010
Has anyone had success with using the WD40? It's been a few months since the idea was posted here.
I visited my friend yesterday and slugs have eaten into all her cabbage crop...she's tried the copper wire and vaseline to no avail. I'd like to pass this tip on to her if I find out anyone has been successful with the WD40.
17 Sep, 2010
I can't remember doing it but I have had no slug damage on my hostas this year. When his hands are very sore and driving him up the wall my husband uses a quick squirt of WD40. He reckons it is better than any pills he couldswallow with no side effects.
17 Sep, 2010
That's fascinating, SG....I'll pass that tip to my hubby...he gets sore and cracked hands in the winter a lot. Ta.
17 Sep, 2010
I don't know about using it on dry cracked skin Wh. I think he would be better using vaseline or a good moisturer every time he gets his hands wet. My husband has arthritis in his hands which give him pain.
17 Sep, 2010
oh....totally misunderstood SG....I've not told him the tip yet, just as well eh? lol I didn't realize it was to relieve arthritis...that is definitely something I've not heard before.
17 Sep, 2010
Apparently it is all the rage in America. He uses it quite lot because he is an electronic engineer and although he has been retired for 20 years his hobby requires his skills. He found out accidently that it helped. His cousin is a retired industrial chemist and he was telling him about it. He was very interested because he had heard of it through American literature.
17 Sep, 2010
i used it on all of my pots and thankfully the slugs stayed away from them. I did have to re spray after a few months tho when the rain must have washed it off.
20 Sep, 2010
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ooooo that sounds like a good idea to me ,i planted cucumber in raised bed last week.. next day all 8 had completely gone and most of my marigolds too,i dont like to use slug pellets or chemicals so hope this works you will have to keep us informed....
3 May, 2010